Additional streams of income / passive income

True story!

When I was a kid my friend and I collected baseball cards and every year his mother and grandmother would set up a giant garage sale. So my friend Chris and I would sell baseball cards there, we would set them all up on a table and we would ride our scooters around and post signs on phone poles. If we made 20-$30 a day we were doing good back then, and we honestly had a lot of fun doing the baseball card sales.

Well one day this beat up, hunk of shit car pulls up to the house and this old guy gets out with a tin can full of fake baseball cards. He had Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Hank Aaron, Ty Cobb, I mean just every fake fucking superstar you could imagine! He tried selling us these cards and we took the bait on a few of them because we thought he knew better since he was some old guy. I can remember my dad asking me ,”what time did that piece of shit say he’s coming back tomorrow?”

I look back at that old geezer hustler and all I can do is laugh about it, fucking POS!!
True story!

When I was a kid my friend and I collected baseball cards and every year his mother and grandmother would set up a giant garage sale. So my friend Chris and I would sell baseball cards there, we would set them all up on a table and we would ride our scooters around and post signs on phone poles. If we made 20-$30 a day we were doing good back then, and we honestly had a lot of fun doing the baseball card sales.

Well one day this beat up, hunk of shit car pulls up to the house and this old guy gets out with a tin can full of fake baseball cards. He had Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Hank Aaron, Ty Cobb, I mean just every fake fucking superstar you could imagine! He tried selling us these cards and we took the bait on a few of them because we thought he knew better since he was some old guy. I can remember my dad asking me ,”what time did that piece of shit say he’s coming back tomorrow?”

I look back at that old geezer hustler and all I can do is laugh about it, fucking POS!!
We all got one of those stories man. I lived in a farming area. Git a ton if weekend work. Dtiving a tractor since i was 10. Was haullin cane bins for this guy. End of the day he was no where to be seen. Went back a few times and got the run round.
Strange but his house and shed burnt to the ground 6 months later. Fucker only owed three of us kids 20 bucks each.
I shall set my kids up. They have the masks. Every kid has a gun and it is honest pocket money. None of them liked selling gear anyhow.
Dads should look up to you my man

also you can teach the how to pimp = women also are a very good soirce of money if you know how to talk them into it
Just importing counterfeit items into the US is illegal. Possessing them is illegal too but it’s not aggressively prosecuted. Ever been to Chinatown in NYC with the false walls in the storefronts hiding all the counterfeit purses and cologne? Every now and then someone gets arrested for selling counterfeit items but it’s obviously not a big priority for the police. So companies like eBay Amazon ect have policies regarding selling counterfeit items
In my city the Feds raid an area for that yearly. Lots of people get arrested.
We all got one of those stories man. I lived in a farming area. Git a ton if weekend work. Dtiving a tractor since i was 10. Was haullin cane bins for this guy. End of the day he was no where to be seen. Went back a few times and got the run round.
Strange but his house and shed burnt to the ground 6 months later. Fucker only owed three of us kids 20 bucks each.
Karma is a bitch
I flip cars as a main passion and side hustle, always have. I also antique, build vehicles, handyman, consult w random businesses for $ ir in trade (i.e. i havent paid a dental, legal, chiro or accounting bill in years or ever).Fuckingay I do it all. People arent lazy or unwilling to "go get a job" they dont wanna work for shit wages w money thats as phony as can be. I hire people in my jobs at $40-60/hr and its worth it everytime. Theres no shortages of people when you pay that.
I flip cars as a main passion and side hustle, always have. I also antique, build vehicles, handyman, consult w random businesses for $ ir in trade (i.e. i havent paid a dental, legal, chiro or accounting bill in years or ever).Fuckingay I do it all. People arent lazy or unwilling to "go get a job" they dont wanna work for shit wages w money thats as phony as can be. I hire people in my jobs at $40-60/hr and its worth it everytime. Theres no shortages of people when you pay that.
Liked that read. Real go getter man congrats.
I’m considering becoming a commercial mushroom grower as a side business. I have a unique property in a unique environment that would be ideal for many species already. I think quite a bit is done in greenhouses and indoors but I can do all 3 here and I’ve always been interested in them plus love farming/cultivating so I figure it’s a good fit potentially. Currently in researching phase.
I’m considering becoming a commercial mushroom grower as a side business. I have a unique property in a unique environment that would be ideal for many species already. I think quite a bit is done in greenhouses and indoors but I can do all 3 here and I’ve always been interested in them plus love farming/cultivating so I figure it’s a good fit potentially. Currently in researching phase.
Country club shrooms.
Just saying. Id buy them.
True story!

When I was a kid my friend and I collected baseball cards and every year his mother and grandmother would set up a giant garage sale. So my friend Chris and I would sell baseball cards there, we would set them all up on a table and we would ride our scooters around and post signs on phone poles. If we made 20-$30 a day we were doing good back then, and we honestly had a lot of fun doing the baseball card sales.

Well one day this beat up, hunk of shit car pulls up to the house and this old guy gets out with a tin can full of fake baseball cards. He had Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Hank Aaron, Ty Cobb, I mean just every fake fucking superstar you could imagine! He tried selling us these cards and we took the bait on a few of them because we thought he knew better since he was some old guy. I can remember my dad asking me ,”what time did that piece of shit say he’s coming back tomorrow?”

I look back at that old geezer hustler and all I can do is laugh about it, fucking POS!!
True story!

When I was a kid my friend and I collected baseball cards and every year his mother and grandmother would set up a giant garage sale. So my friend Chris and I would sell baseball cards there, we would set them all up on a table and we would ride our scooters around and post signs on phone poles. If we made 20-$30 a day we were doing good back then, and we honestly had a lot of fun doing the baseball card sales.

Well one day this beat up, hunk of shit car pulls up to the house and this old guy gets out with a tin can full of fake baseball cards. He had Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Hank Aaron, Ty Cobb, I mean just every fake fucking superstar you could imagine! He tried selling us these cards and we took the bait on a few of them because we thought he knew better since he was some old guy. I can remember my dad asking me ,”what time did that piece of shit say he’s coming back tomorrow?”

I look back at that old geezer hustler and all I can do is laugh about it, fucking POS!!
I follow the news and world events and try to guess what a hot selling item will be. Then i find it cheap online and drop ship it. I use ebay to sell and

I don't make a lot of money doing this, but it's passive/easy income.

I also buy shit on black Friday and sell it online too
I’m considering becoming a commercial mushroom grower as a side business. I have a unique property in a unique environment that would be ideal for many species already. I think quite a bit is done in greenhouses and indoors but I can do all 3 here and I’ve always been interested in them plus love farming/cultivating so I figure it’s a good fit potentially. Currently in researching phase.
Mushrooms are fun. I think it's a good business. I've been growing them as a hobby off and on over the years. I've thought about scaling things up a bit and trying to sell them to local restaurants as a side hustle but I haven't gotten serious about it(yet).
I've got a couple of mobile apps that bring in passive revenue through display ads. Additionally, I manage a couple of sites/blogs where I earn commissions from affiliate sales and displayed ads. On top of that, I have a couple of SaaS applications that bring in some income here and there. As a software developer, these started off as hobby projects but evolved into valuable ventures that people actually use. It's not life-changing money, but my income has essentially doubled passively :)
I've got a couple of mobile apps that bring in passive revenue through display ads. Additionally, I manage a couple of sites/blogs where I earn commissions from affiliate sales and displayed ads. On top of that, I have a couple of SaaS applications that bring in some income here and there. As a software developer, these started off as hobby projects but evolved into valuable ventures that people actually use. It's not life-changing money, but my income has essentially doubled passively :)
My personality doesn't allow me to be productive in that kind of environment but I always thought it looked like a cool job for people who can do it.