Advice on best cycle for lean muscle gains


New Member
I'm new to this forum but not to training. I decided to start this thread to get advice on the best cycle for gaining lean muscle and shredding my body. Also any suggestions for PCT as well? I'm also in search of a good site and supplier. My last cycle I was on was test and deca and I fell in love. I only did 200 rest and 100 deca each week for 2 months and my gains were huge. It's been 3 months now and I'm ready to get back on it again but this time I want to really shred my body.
You could do test e/EQ. Diet is going to be most important.

Most definitely my diet consist of baked boneless skinless chickn, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and asparagus. Also protein and I allow one cheat meal a week but it really not a cheat meal because it is somewhat healthy. May I ask what site would be best for me to get test e and eq?
my opinion would be test staked with anavar

for pct i used both clomid and nolvadex together for my pct (just saying) but i say just google it cause theres a lot of info out there and i searched the same questions your asking and found a lot of information.
my opinion would be test staked with anavar

for pct i used both clomid and nolvadex together for my pct (just saying) but i say just google it cause theres a lot of info out there and i searched the same questions your asking and found a lot of information.

TIVE read about that combination and I do like it did you notice any sides? Also I've done so much research online for a good source to buy from and I've found so many websites. I just want to make sure I'm buying from a legit company that uses high quality. I'm happy I was able to find this forum. Also when exactly did you start your PCT in the process and how much would you recommend that I take week and for how long.
I'm new to this forum but not to training. I decided to start this thread to get advice on the best cycle for gaining lean muscle and shredding my body. Also any suggestions for PCT as well? I'm also in search of a good site and supplier. My last cycle I was on was test and deca and I fell in love. I only did 200 rest and 100 deca each week for 2 months and my gains were huge. It's been 3 months now and I'm ready to get back on it again but this time I want to really shred my body.

Ok man I'll help you out because I respect your service but let me give you a quick but very important summary of the site.

Firstly don't ask where to get steroids from. People will get mad because there are threads with reviews on labs and there products and they'll say your being lazy. Members are not supposed to tell you where to buy from so if you get a private message with someone telling you to buy from them DO NOT. Now if you ask in a thread if lab xyz is any good then members can give advice. It's a little complicated. Just try your hardest to learn how the forum works.
Once I finally order my cycle I will most definitely keep you all posted and post my before and after shots. Hopefully I can find a good source and order this week.
Ok man I'll help you out because I respect your service but let me give you a quick but very important summary of the site.

Firstly don't ask where to get steroids from. People will get mad because there are threads with reviews on labs and there products and they'll say your being lazy. Members are not supposed to tell you where to buy from so if you get a private message with someone telling you to buy from them DO NOT. Now if you ask in a thread if lab xyz is any good then members can give advice. It's a little complicated. Just try your hardest to learn how the forum works.

Yeah I obviously suck at this right now lol. I'm catching on so far. The research I have done so far, I do like Pharmacom. I'm just reading on which of their product line would be best in what I'm trying to achieve.
TIVE read about that combination and I do like it did you notice any sides? Also I've done so much research online for a good source to buy from and I've found so many websites. I just want to make sure I'm buying from a legit company that uses high quality. I'm happy I was able to find this forum. Also when exactly did you start your PCT in the process and how much would you recommend that I take week and for how long.

For pct it is 100% dependent on multiple factors like the products your using, and how long your using them.

You had told me before you did a pct but what exactly did you use?

Not trying to offend you bro but before you start your next cycle you really need to do extensive research on pct and each steroid and there sides because if you start now the sides you suffer will be bad.
For pct it is 100% dependent on multiple factors like the products your using, and how long your using them.

You had told me before you did a pct but what exactly did you use?

Not trying to offend you bro but before you start your next cycle you really need to do extensive research on pct and each steroid and there sides because if you start now the sides you suffer will be bad.

I was on test and deca for 2 months. Each week I did 200 for test and 100 for deca after I started my PCT and used andnolvadex for a month. I had no sides at all and everything seemed great as well as blood work. Yeah you are most definitely right about doing research. That's why I'm trying to figure out from you all experience what would be the best combination as well as amount of time to use and how much to use. I want to make sure I do everything the right way. One thing I don't do at all is drink. I truly thank you for helping me.
It's really hard to give you the exact answers that you want until we know what products you want to take.

Can you narrow your products your looking at and maybe we could give you examples of a cycle?
It's really hard to give you the exact answers that you want until we know what products you want to take.

Can you narrow your products your looking at and maybe we could give you examples of a cycle?

I was thinking of either Test and Tren or Test and Anavar. Now which Test would be best and would you say that those combinations are great for lean gains and shredding?

What are your thoughts on my first cycle of Test and Deca?
For example, the most common begginer cycle/stack would be:

Test E. 500mg week 1-12
Dbol. 20-50mg. Week 1-4

Then you'd need an AI for on cycle to counter the estrogen so you don't get gyno.

Then for pct you'd run nolva and clomid but when you take it depends. For example in this cycle you have test E. Test E takes a while to get in and out of your system so you wouldn't actually start your pct until a few weeks after cycle when it's fully out.

That's just an example and there are so many variables when the products changed.
I was thinking of either Test and Tren or Test and Anavar. Now which Test would be best and would you say that those combinations are great for lean gains and shredding?

What are your thoughts on my first cycle of Test and Deca?

Don't go with anavar man, it's way way overpriced for the effects it gives and anavar is the most faked steroid on the market.

Nothing compares to tren in terms of gains. The type of tren and test you take only depends on how often you want to inject. They are the same compound it's just one requires less injecting but takes a little longer to start working.

As far as your test and deca go it seems the doses were kinda low but I mean hey if you liked that then you'll love normal doses. I can't comment on deca doses because I haven't taken it.
For example, the most common begginer cycle/stack would be:

Test E. 500mg week 1-12
Dbol. 20-50mg. Week 1-4

Then you'd need an AI for on cycle to counter the estrogen so you don't get gyno.

Then for pct you'd run nolva and clomid but when you take it depends. For example in this cycle you have test E. Test E takes a while to get in and out of your system so you wouldn't actually start your pct until a few weeks after cycle when it's fully out.

That's just an example and there are so many variables when the products changed.

That's actually really nice. I will start on that. I'm going to read more on Dbol. Thank you so much. I can't wait to post my results.
Don't go with anavar man, it's way way overpriced for the effects it gives and anavar is the most faked steroid on the market.

Nothing compares to tren in terms of gains. The type of tren and test you take only depends on how often you want to inject. They are the same compound it's just one requires less injecting but takes a little longer to start working.

As far as your test and deca go it seems the doses were kinda low but I mean hey if you liked that then you'll love normal doses. I can't comment on deca doses because I haven't taken it.

I am very curious to see how goo Tren is but the sides are kind of holding me back. Deca is really good but I would like to be more Lean and I've head of people taking deca, test, and Tren together but I don't see how effect that can be.
That's actually really nice. I will start on that. I'm going to read more on Dbol. Thank you so much. I can't wait to post my results.

No problem, just don't rush into anything and make sure you have everything you need before you start. I'd ask one last time before you start to make sure you didn't leave anything out too.