Altered Genetics (New Source)

Lol see what you did. Now you've sent me some bussiness. Nah honestly fellas I sold a few vials and I had a friend talk some sense into me. All it takes is one member to not respond well to the oil I use and I would be slaughtered. I'm here to just be a bro and be part of the Community and I can't do that if I source. Now I am more then happy to give yall the info that yall need to make yall a batch. ( only trusted long time members though).
Wait, let's get back to Odie's Fina, and him sending me some of it...:D

Look AG, I really hope your gear is fire and sterile and you're an honest bro looking to make a few bucks and be ethical along the way. Problem is that you're an Internet drug dealer. Many have come before you (as you well know from reading all those threads) and, without exception, every source eventually goes bad. Some do it quickly and with lots of noise, some die slowly under the weight of their own inadequacies. The group of gents currently trying to run you off have all seen this enough that they already know what will happen. Shit, even you can't deny that the odds are hugely against you. You will eventually fuck up and burn people, whether because the roof falls in, your kid gets sick, a tranny rep hijacks your thread, who knows?

More likely you'll get a bad batch of raws and that will be the end of you. Hopefully that batch of raws is not a contraceptive with a similar melting point to, say, prop (true story), and you don't fuck up a bunch of your customers. I realize it would be a shock to have your raw supplier fuck you. They're all honest as the day as long and their QC sheet they sent you guarantees 99.2% purity. But it might happen, you never know.

So the point is this. Why should be let you set up shop we we know for a fact you'll eventually go the way of the dodo? And burn a fair number of people along the way. Yes, maybe you'll sell some decent gear prior thereto, but is that worth the price the guys that get burned will have to pay? Experience and the vocal meso folk in this thread say no.

And some of the guys just like fucking with you to see how you will handle the barrage. Grace under pressure speaks volumes.

Good luck.

You my friend, I really like you, I feel like in the real world we would get along.

I can't lie it did upset set me when I felt as if people where still questioning me after I put it on God and my family, that actually kinda stung, because I put that before me each and every day, not everyone has a family and kids that depend on them and not everyone believes, but please atleast respect the people that choose too.

I agree with you 100% as a source and a user. All sources get bad batches at some point or another and I will be no exception it's bound to happen with time.

I know once it happens I will certainly get bashed, but I'll say this I will make it right! Given the opportunity, whether it's cash refund or a different batch with extras for the inconvenience. I will always take the first step of LM every batch, if the bloods come back sub par they will be compensated.

I know I know, to most this is just source talk, but seriously as a man that's my promise and my word.People can choose who they want to, but I will make that promise.

Whether you know it or not LIghtspan you brought me up a little with your level of respect. To you I'm thankful srs.
You my friend, I really like you, I feel like in the real world we would get along.

I can't lie it did upset set me when I felt as if people where still questioning me after I put it on God and my family, that actually kinda stung, because I put that before me each and every day, not everyone has a family and kids that depend on them and not everyone believes, but please atleast respect the people that choose too.

I agree with you 100% as a source and a user. All sources get bad batches at some point or another and I will be no exception it's bound to happen with time.

I know once it happens I will certainly get bashed, but I'll say this I will make it right! Given the opportunity, whether it's cash refund or a different batch with extras for the inconvenience. I will always take the first step of LM every batch, if the bloods come back sub par they will be compensated.

I know I know, to most this is just source talk, but seriously as a man that's my promise and my word.People can choose who they want to, but I will make that promise.

Whether you know it or not LIghtspan you brought me up a little with your level of respect. To you I'm thankful srs.

We shall see. I know your kind. Your not just gonna leave cause we bullied you. I hope you stand true to what you just posted here. Be prepaired to compensate members though cause your selling untested products that you have no clue of how bloods will come back on
We shall see. I know your kind. Your not just gonna leave cause we bullied you. I hope you stand true to what you just posted here. Be perpaired to compensate members though cause your selling untested products that you have no clue of how bloods will come back on

Thank you for being respectful first and foremost. Yes you're absolutely right they are untested, and bloods are all I have. I think 7x is pretty good goal, and if it's 5x that's not acceptable to me, because as I fellow user I wouldn't want that result.

But in closing, yes I will hold true to my promise, again I'm not talking as a source, I really mean that.
I actually understand all of the disrespect, trolling and wanting to protect meso, but some things a man just aren't willing to jeopardize. Everyone has a different moral code and that's fine, but my family and God are two things I wouldn't lie on. Now there is a place for the scrutiny, fun and games but not when it comes to those seriously. that's your trump card? So you have put your honesty on God and your family, and that's supposed to mean we are no longer allowed to question your honesty? How about this, I don't believe you or anything you have to say. Is that straightforward enough for you? You are not the first source to reference God and certainly won't be the last.
I was never comparing ugl tren to fina, but more so the fact that he calls me out and yet sells "small batches" to others. I.e sourcing.

When you lurk and read read read as suggested by the members here you learn a lot.

Here's some of the things I know from reading. I know odiem = got burnt by astro, got burnt by hammer twice has beef with phurious and who got banned and posted some pic that shows he doesn't even lift. I know he and his girl broke up and got back together.

I know tile guy had gyno surgery. I know flounder accepted free gear three times. I know astro scammed. I think the consensus was mike strong out out bunk.

It's all here. I know there was a thread about manwhore. I'm very into gear so I read it all.


Once again, it's not about a join date, I stated from the beginning I have lurked for a long time.

You haven't lurked all this time without saying shit. You have another screen name here, for sure..

You my friend, I really like you, I feel like in the real world we would get along.

I can't lie it did upset set me when I felt as if people where still questioning me after I put it on God and my family, that actually kinda stung, because I put that before me each and every day, not everyone has a family and kids that depend on them and not everyone believes, but please atleast respect the people that choose too.

I agree with you 100% as a source and a user. All sources get bad batches at some point or another and I will be no exception it's bound to happen with time.

I know once it happens I will certainly get bashed, but I'll say this I will make it right! Given the opportunity, whether it's cash refund or a different batch with extras for the inconvenience. I will always take the first step of LM every batch, if the bloods come back sub par they will be compensated.

I know I know, to most this is just source talk, but seriously as a man that's my promise and my word.People can choose who they want to, but I will make that promise.

Whether you know it or not LIghtspan you brought me up a little with your level of respect. To you I'm thankful srs.

This ^^ is some pretty ghey shit, dude.. "srs" that's your trump card? So you have put your honesty on God and your family, and that's supposed to mean we are no longer allowed to question your honesty? How about this, I don't believe you or anything you have to say. Is that straightforward enough for you? You are not the first source to reference God and certainly won't be the last.

I'm willing to answer your questions, but please don't belittle my faith system or family.

You haven't lurked all this time without saying shit. You have another screen name here, for sure..

This ^^ is some pretty ghey shit, dude.. "srs"

No more arguing from me. I'm not gay, if people choose to be that way that's between them and theirs.

I was simply showing my respect to him. that's your trump card? So you have put your honesty on God and your family, and that's supposed to mean we are no longer allowed to question your honesty? How about this, I don't believe you or anything you have to say. Is that straightforward enough for you? You are not the first source to reference God and certainly won't be the last.

This. Last guy throwing God and family around (name starts with a Mike, ends with something that rhymes with "wrong," pun intended) screwed a lot of people. Understand that confers no credibility whatsoever. In fact, it detracts from any credibility you may have, little as that may be.

Let me ask you this: what about compounds that cannot be verified via bloodwork? For example, I'm a mast junkie. Love the shit. I know good mast, I know shit mast. How will you handle bunk mast? There's tons of it around. Real, properly dosed mast e is harder to find than Bigfoot. So how will you deal with compounds that cannot be verified with bloodwork? Cause your raw supplier also knows those compounds can't be verified via bloodwork, and that you don't have an hplc/ms in your garage. While he also has a family and believes in Buddha, he will fuck you in a heartbeat if he can get away with it.

And please humor me and don't say "all the other ugls have the same issue." We know that. We're not talking about them, we are talking about you.
I'm willing to answer your questions, but please don't belittle my faith system or family.

Wait so your a bible thumping drug dealer? Am I missing something? Your the problem not the solution if that's the case, you may need to go to bible study on Wednesdays instead of just Sunday's...just saying this maybe the most outlandish thing I've actually heard on Meso thus far!
Wait so your a bible thumping drug dealer? Am I missing something? Your the problem not the solution if that's the case, you may need to go to bible study on Wednesdays instead of just Sunday's...just saying this maybe the most outlandish thing I've actually heard on Meso thus far!

Nah, MS used to post and say he had to "go to church, will answer PMs and emails later." I shit you not. I lol'd.
Nah, MS used to post and say he had to "go to church, will answer PMs and emails later." I shit you not. I lol'd.

Wow...just wow! Wait I gotta head to church to do the right thing in life, but as soon as I get home I'm gonna brew up some steroids and send your packs out!! Lmao I just don't get it man!!
I'm sorry I brought faith into it because People seem to think it means nothing These days, and that bothers me.

Mast can be Labmaxed as a start. In the past I've actually had mast that was really test prop, and I never sold that batch because of it. I'd rather have no inventory of it than to sell it as something it's not. I hope this answers your question.
Yup MS would talk about God and morals, all the while smiling while our members were grabbing their ankles. This is not our first rodeo with sources using God for their benefit.
I'm sorry I brought faith into it because People seem to think it means nothing These days, and that bothers me.

Mast can be Labmaxed as a start. In the past I've actually had mast that was really test prop, and I never sold that batch because of it. I'd rather have no inventory of it than to sell it as something it's not. I hope this answers your question.

Look here it's not about faith, it's about being a hypocrite. You throwing religion into "Illegal Steroid" sales is like the crack dealer spouting off some versus from the bible then saying God bless you before he sells you a rock!!! Then goes to church on Sunday to repent. Your a hypocrite.......
Can we talk as grow men?

Yes it is illegal, it is against the government, it isn't violation of God and having faith in God.

Okay I can't talk about religion anymore. I know my faith and God knows it that's all I care about.
I'm sorry I brought faith into it because People seem to think it means nothing These days, and that bothers me.
Don't make generalizations about people you do not know. Many members here are believers, myself included. But a source using God to verify they're an honest drug dealer is comical. If you are looking to blame someone for the lack of excitement about your supposed honesty, then please review the MS thread. That's where you will find your answer.