anavar and clomid pct ???????


New Member
I've decided to give this a try. I did my last injection of 250 cyp and 300 deca2 weeks ago. I started 50mg of clomid and 25 mg of anavar twice a day. The logic being that anavar isn't very testosterone suppressive. Perhaps I can hold on to my gains while natural T recovers and I diet and ramp up cardio for fat loss. Any thoughts???????
The whole point of pct is to let your body recover. Adding var is defeating that purpose.

Just run with the pct, keep your diet right and don't push yourself too hard in the gym and you should keep a decent amount of your gains.
I've decided to give this a try. I did my last injection of 250 cyp and 300 deca2 weeks ago. I started 50mg of clomid and 25 mg of anavar twice a day. The logic being that anavar isn't very testosterone suppressive. Perhaps I can hold on to my gains while natural T recovers and I diet and ramp up cardio for fat loss. Any thoughts???????

I did the same thing with dbol kept all my gains!!!!


Do some basic reading.
You guys are busting my balls and I get that. It sounds absolutely ridiculous and counterptoductive. But has anyone tried it? I've read in several studies oxandrolone wasn't suppressive to T levels at all after 8 weeks of 25mg ed dosing. I know non suppression and recovery from an already supressed state are two very different things but I felt it mught be worth a shot. All the tricks I learned throughout my wrestling career were all trial and error, that's all.
You guys are busting my balls and I get that. It sounds absolutely ridiculous and counterptoductive. But has anyone tried it? I've read in several studies oxandrolone wasn't suppressive to T levels at all after 8 weeks of 25mg ed dosing. I know non suppression and recovery from an already supressed state are two very different things but I felt it mught be worth a shot. All the tricks I learned throughout my wrestling career were all trial and error, that's all.

Post the studies saying Anavar isn't suppressive at 25mg ED.

“All anabolic/androgenic steroids when taken in doses sufficient to promote muscle gain are expected to suppress endogenous testosterone production. Oxandrolone is no exception. In the above-cited study on HIV+ males, twelve weeks of 20 mg or 40 mg per day caused an approximate 45% reduction in serum testosterone levels. The group taking 80 mg noticed a 66% decrease in testosterone. Similar trends of decrease were noticed in LH production, with the 20 mg and 40 mg doses causing a 25-30% reduction, and the 80 mg group noticing a decline of more than 50%. Additionally, studies on boys with constitutionally delayed puberty have demonstrated significant suppression of endogenous LH and testosterone with as little as 2.5 mg per day.410

Excerpt From: Llewellyn, William. “Anabolics.” iBooks.
The advice was to educate yourself but you missed it through the sarcasm. If you think T production can be restored while on a TESTOSTERONE SUPPRESSIVE compound you have a lot to learn.
I felt the sarcasm and knew what you meant. I've read otherwise as far as suppression goes from respected sources. I suppose I should have posed a question instead. If an anabolic compound does not suppress test production, would it be beneficial to use with clomid in a pct plan?
I felt the sarcasm and knew what you meant. I've read otherwise as far as suppression goes from respected sources. I suppose I should have posed a question instead. If an anabolic compound does not suppress test production, would it be beneficial to use with clomid in a pct plan?

You're operating under a false assumption. ALL ANABOLIC STEROIDS suppress testosterone production to varying degrees depending on the dose and duration.
You guys are busting my balls and I get that. It sounds absolutely ridiculous and counterptoductive. But has anyone tried it? I've read in several studies oxandrolone wasn't suppressive to T levels at all after 8 weeks of 25mg ed dosing. I know non suppression and recovery from an already supressed state are two very different things but I felt it mught be worth a shot. All the tricks I learned throughout my wrestling career were all trial and error, that's all.
look buddy just stay on like me.I'm 43 and don't give a fuck if my balls shrink as long as I can still get it up.I am on cycle nonstop that's the only way is it safe it can be us it.good for a young man, no viles. if you are gonna be a ifbb pro. its what you gotta do. but honestly I'm sure others have tried you're method Arnold the great thought he was doing something similar doing dbol only then he would go back to test injections, but if you care about you're balls and want kids someday or don't want to mess up you're indocren,
system you should either not do steroids or study real good and learn proper pct. unless you will end up like me natural test 189 and do test tell you die. that's not nothing I'm looking forward to
I've read in several studies oxandrolone wasn't suppressive to T levels at all after 8 weeks of 25mg ed dosing.
I've read otherwise as far as suppression goes from respected sources.
Why are you so reluctant to post the "several studies" and/or "respected source" that says anavar is not suppressive "at all" with 25mg/day for 8 weeks?
You're operating under a false assumption. ALL ANABOLIC STEROIDS suppress testosterone production to varying degrees depending on the dose and duration.

Sorry I have a question here. I know proviron has anit-estrogen effect, and to some degree, it could negate the need for a traditional anti-estrogen. So does it also suppress testosterone production? Couldn't it be helpful in a PCT?