Any Brother Freemasons getting after it with me up in here?


One of my other paths to self-improvement outside of the gym is Freemasonry. I’m a Master Mason of the F & AM school and 32nd Degree Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret SJD Scottish Rite Mason. It is my other love when it comes to becoming a better man. I love it just as much or more than lifting. I know it will always be there even I were to get hurt so bad I couldn’t lift anymore. If it wasn’t for Freemasonry, I’d probably be divorced, depressed, and never attempting to subdue my passions and seeking to improving myself.

I’m not one of those Brothers that hides this fact about myself because I encourage people to research it and look past conspiracy theories and cult accusations to see how it maybe something that could help a good man wanting to become a better man.

That said, I rarely run across any Brother Masons on the forums. I would think there would be more traveling men that might seek out others in this sphere, but I haven’t found that to be the case. I just wanted to take my time to introduce myself as a proud Mason and see if there were any others here with me.

If not, are any of y'all involved in any other types of self-improvement journeys besides listing to help become better people? If so, what are the types of things you are involved in and how big of an impact has it had on your life? Maybe we can all pick up another habit or practice from each other to become better men if we share a little bit.
back in the day freemasons were likr the progenitor and arm of the roman catholic church and it was pretty much all jews playing with rich naive goy toys now its that same thing but like theres less actual power involved but somehow more pedophilic right??? or what is it cool and good now
All I know is y'all happen to be heavily involved in the history of the Oak Iskand Treasure vault. Hopefully the Liguina brothers will solve this mystery.
We can’t tell you unless you tell us what the real story is with the Freemasons
I’m always leery of a group that keeps secrets. I’ll admit not knowing much but when I was a kid my dad told me to be careful about groups like masons that don’t reveal everything about their structure and composition.
back in the day freemasons were likr the progenitor and arm of the roman catholic church and it was pretty much all jews playing with rich naive goy toys now its that same thing but like theres less actual power involved but somehow more pedophilic right??? or what is it cool and good now
Lmao. Definitely way less pedo stuff happening….but I think you have some establishments getting intertwined that don’t belong together. The Catholic Church hates Freemasons for one. Also, I’ve never met a Jew in lodge, although they are most certainly welcome to petition for membership. Any religion is accepted as long as you believe in a higher deity.
We can’t tell you unless you tell us what the real story is with the Freemasons
We are just good men helping other good men to become better men. There is a history, but nothing you can’t find on google. Sorry if that’s a let down.
All I know is y'all happen to be heavily involved in the history of the Oak Iskand Treasure vault. Hopefully the Liguina brothers will solve this mystery.
That went over my head. I will investigate further.
I’m always leery of a group that keeps secrets. I’ll admit not knowing much but when I was a kid my dad told me to be careful about groups like masons that don’t reveal everything about their structure and composition.
Structure isn’t secret, but. I’m not sure what you mean by composition though. Care to elaborate?
We are just good men helping other good men to become better men. There is a history, but nothing you can’t find on google. Sorry if that’s a let down.
How about worshiping Lucifer?
Why don’t you elaborate on that?
I was kind of hoping for this to open up talk about things people do for self-improvement other than just the gym. There’s really nothing conspiratorial about Masonry.
Who the efff here worships lucifer? They are good people right? I haven't heard any genocide done in the name of Lucifer yet or am I missing something lol
Who the efff here worships lucifer? They are good people right? I haven't heard any genocide done in the name of Lucifer yet or am I missing something lol
But in the name of Catholicism and Islam ?
Yet the will of God in the 10 commandments said not to murder !
Is that not strange?
Like if they where not acting according to the will of God.
Who would think such think possible right?
Well thats because they are fooling people and weaponizing religion !
They are Lucifer worshipers esoterically.
But preach in the name of God exoterically!
Same goes for the Illuminati(Lucifier being the illuminator the light bringer) Masons ,Jesuits and so on.
Of course you only find out once you are deeply invested and highest ranking member.
Similar to xenu in scientology
Who the efff here worships lucifer? They are good people right? I haven't heard any genocide done in the name of Lucifer yet or am I missing something lol
Guy is reaching deep with everything he’s saying that I can’t tell if he really believes it or if he’s just trying to get a rise out of me. Either way, it’s so far away from the truth and opposite the direction of where I was trying to go with the conversation it doesn’t dignify further response, because 1) it’s disrespectful and 2) he has no clue what he’s talking about.

Conspiracy theories can be interesting, sometimes fun, and oftentimes true, but can be very damaging when you don’t know the ins or outs of something the conspiracy theory is concerning. Pete is by no means damaging such a great organization, because we 100% believe in brotherly love and helping each other with loving hearts. I’m not here to reveal our “secrets” or argue with the ignorant, but I will say this. At my level, no Mason is above or below me. My vote is as good as any other Master Mason’s vote. We don’t worship Lucifer, but we do search for light in making us better men. Searching for light is where this silly misconception about Lucifer comes from, by the way. There’s good and bad light.

This whole post just gave me a headache. I was just trying to see if I had any brothers on here and what are some other things y’all do for self-improvement besides working out. It definitely morphed though.