I'm sure you've heard of the thin blue line that cops adhere to. It's a gang with impunity to kill.
As for the dude had it coming. Like I said imagine cops coming into your neighborhood fucking with you every single day, relentlessly fucking with you. The stop and frisk era where black and browns were forced against a wall sometimes several times a day to be patted down. If that shit wouldn't infuriate you then you're a calmer man than me.
So you do this for decades, fuck with a people, you treat them differently. Not based on race, but on class, where the rich man drives down the street without a care and the poor man walking down the street is targeted like a sheep surrounded by wolves. Eventually you fight back, but of course cops don't tolerate any disrespect, nothing is more dangerous than a cop that is getting the slightest hint of disobedience and if you go so far as to bruise his ego, you could find yourself in cuffs or worse.
The days of peace officer is over, there are no more Andy Griffiths, they have been militarized to view all of us as enemies, to shoot and kill mostly those that are on the lower rung of society, but they're running out of victims and now coming for the middle class as more prisons need to be built and shareholders need those profits.
I've been fuck kicked by cops before.
Like I said, I'm middle of the road on most things, making "absolute" statements are typically incorrect.
As for targeting lower class...
You ever have sleep for dinner lol?
Truet me, I grew up poor as fuck.
But I had every intention of doing better for myself and so did my family.
So I didnt walk around with my pants down and hood up.
I walked around with my pants up.. my old Value village (second hand store) Jean's clean with a belt on.
I cleaned my shoes that were hand me downs from my brother (fuxking clown shoes motherfucker lol)
Because I knew I needed work and respect within my community, no ones going to give me a job or let me Reno something if I walk, talk, dress and act like a fucking thug.
I never got hassled, despite the fact that I chip on my shoulder and was ready to throw hands at all time. (Fuck me, I was a retarded kid lol... that attitude helped contribute a few scars and a decent bit of ugliness to my face lol)
You have to know what's coming if you act like the guy in the video.
and he doesnt grt to complain.
I remember, my older brother got released from the local precinct once, face was fucking mashed.
A crew of cops bashed his face off a dumpster for a half an hour.
Our mom wanted to get a loan and press charges.
My bro said
"Naw, had it coming, I called them a bunch of pigs, then I said.... I smell bacon I smell pork, run little piggy, I got a fork and flipped them off"
He gets it lol, you say that kind of shit to anyone, get in anyones face who isnt a bitch... you're going to get smashed lol.
As for the "lower class" being targeted.. I think you're 75% right.
Not always.
I grew up in a poor orthodox Jew area, for a while.
Fuckers were poor as fuck.
The community was clean
You felt safe no matter where you went.
Didnt matter that everyone lived in shaq's or community housing.
Cops never bugged anyone.
If I walked around in sweat pants down my ass..
My Mom (single parent)
Would have fucked me up so badly, I wouldnt have been able to walk lol