Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

Yes! I’m equally tired of this bullshit pandemic state of fear that the federal gov has put the entire planet through
if you want to boil your blood some more check out this video below.

Law enforcement who are suppose to be held up to the highest standards and praised by most Americans as securing their freedoms and safety? what a fucking joke. I am done with this government and all its officials. they all need to be held accountable for their actions.

Accountability is the key to fixing the problem. However doesn't exist. LE has one of the most powerful lobbies in the country, they have total impunity as long as they follow policy.
Every department has liability insurance so they don't worry about getting sued. Cops are rarely prosecuted, it's always a justifiable homicide.

Take this recent video as an example of Houstons finest. The man is having a mental episode of some sort, he's on his knees holding a piece of rebar, granted rebar is dangerous, but the man is on his knees and not likely to strike from that distance. What do the cops do, well they tase him, shoot him with a bean bag round and when that doesn't work they fill him with about 15 rounds from 5 cops while he was laying on the ground. Another spectacular job from our hero's.

But nobody dies from measles or whooping cough.

why even have a vaccine for it. Somebody who gets vaccinated for measles can actually spread it 2 weeks from ehen they got it.

what if the covid vaccine does the same thing, or you actually get covid from the vaccine?
Worldwide, there are an estimated 24.1 million cases of pertussis and about 160,700 deaths per year, according to a recent publicationExternal modeling these data.

I don't know of studies looking at measles death underreporting in the United States before the measles vaccine. What we can look at, though, is measles reporting in the most recent large US outbreak, which occurred in 1989-1992 (and was the instigator for the second MMR vaccine recommendation). There were 57,859 cases of measles during this time, and 127 deaths, working out to almost exactly 2 deaths per 1000 cases of measles.
Seriously, How Deadly Is Measles?

Scientist Whose Doomsday Models Sparked Global Lockdown Resigns After Breaking Quarantine To Bang Married Lover


Man I’d be embarrassed if I was married and my wife had an affair with that fugly pencil fact I’m embarrassed for this chick who I don’t even know. Of course I’m not such a POS that that dude would look appealing for a woman in comparison to me lol
Man I’d be embarrassed if I was married and my wife had an affair with that fugly pencil fact I’m embarrassed for this chick who I don’t even know. Of course I’m not such a POS that that dude would look appealing for a woman in comparison to me lol
During these desperate times I might fuck him to for implementing social distancing measures. Hate fuck him hard that is.
Governor announced yesterday that gyms will reopen on the 18th here in TX but with a lot of restrictions. No locker rooms/showers, Must operate at 25% capacity, must wear gloves that cover the whole hand, social distancing of 6' and everything must be disinfected of course as well. Silly but at this point there is not much I wouldn't do to get back to normal.
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Governor announced yesterday that gyms will reopen on the 18th here in TX but with a lot of restrictions. No locker rooms/showers, Must operate at 25% capacity, must wear gloves that cover the whole hand, social distancing of 6' and everything must be disinfected of course as well. Silly but at this point there is not much I wouldn't do to get back to normal.
Surprised they’re not making you wear masks too. And the sanitizer spray isn’t sufficient - they have to make you wear gloves? This is beyond stupid.
Surprised they’re not making you wear masks too. And the sanitizer spray isn’t sufficient - they have to make you wear gloves? This is beyond stupid.

The Governor came out a few weeks ago and said they can’t “make” you wear mask but highly suggested that we wear them. Only place I wear one is Costco and that’s because they won’t let you in otherwise.

What do you mean sanitizer spray isn’t sufficient? If I wipe something down with Lysol it’s sanitized. I will probably bring my own Clorox wipes as I hit the jackpot and stocked up a while back.

The glove thing is a nuisance but I have comfortable work gloves I’ll wear. Hope people don’t think they can wear surgical gloves. Those things will trash easily and have your hands sweating.
What do you mean sanitizer spray isn’t sufficient? If I wipe something down with Lysol it’s sanitized. I will probably bring my own Clorox wipes as I hit the jackpot and stocked up a while back.
What I’m saying is the gyms already have sanitizer spray for people to wipe down after they’re done (of course some assholes don’t), so that should be sufficient instead of making people wear gloves. And I fully expect to see people wearing latex or nitrile gloves lol.
Governor announced yesterday that gyms will reopen on the 18th here in TX but with a lot of restrictions. No locker rooms/showers, Must operate at 25% capacity, must wear gloves that cover the whole hand, social distancing of 6' of course as well. Silly but at this point there is not much I wouldn't do to get back to normal.

Since it's TX it would be best to have people stand out in the sunlight for 5 minutes with their hands exposed to UV light palms up and palms down. UV light is the best disinfectant for viruses outside of heat.

The best approach would be having outdoor gym like Venice beach. I've long wanted to be a member to a gym that had a roof, but could move all the weights outside on nice days, especially during the winter. It's so much better workingout in the sunlight and I wouldn't have to contend with hot gyms during the winter when dumbasses turn the heater up.
Crazy we just woke up one day and everything changed. I'm so fed up with this bs I cant believe how far it has gone holy fk.

Like if there was actually a war outside I understand fk the gym and everything we once knew wed be in survival mode and that's just life. But trapping us inside and changing the way we knew life over NOTHING I just cant understand.
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VA Gyms can reopen on the 15th, but similar restrictions as in TX will likely be in place. I plan to work out at home until all that crap is lifted. I will, however, make sure my gym restarts my membership dues since they were forced to suspend them.
Atleast your gyms are opening slowly already. Here in ontario they havent opened anything up and they just re extended the lockdown to may 19. And even owner of goodlife said if we open by july.... it will be under these same measures. I'm even hearing rumours of 3 minutes per machine. That would be ridiculous my warm up is 3 mins.
Atleast your gyms are opening slowly already. Here in ontario they havent opened anything up and they just re extended the lockdown to may 19. And even owner of goodlife said if we open by july.... it will be under these same measures. I'm even hearing rumours of 3 minutes per machine. That would be ridiculous my warm up is 3 mins.
That’s ridiculous
Atleast your gyms are opening slowly already. Here in ontario they havent opened anything up and they just re extended the lockdown to may 19. And even owner of goodlife said if we open by july.... it will be under these same measures. I'm even hearing rumours of 3 minutes per machine. That would be ridiculous my warm up is 3 mins.
I would love to see who would try to time me at my gym lol. When shit opens up for me, I’m going to be hitting the gym hard, FUCKING nobody had better get in my way, especially some frigin average Joe- nevermind somebody saying some shit to me about social distancing. If you are in my way I’m going to blow right by you! I will play with their rules as far as gloves, even a mask but I will not be there to just take up space like most of the assholes n the place. That was the hard, now for the soft: I will just be glad to be back lol.
Atleast your gyms are opening slowly already. Here in ontario they havent opened anything up and they just re extended the lockdown to may 19. And even owner of goodlife said if we open by july.... it will be under these same measures. I'm even hearing rumours of 3 minutes per machine. That would be ridiculous my warm up is 3 mins.

Fuck that

I need 2 machines at a time
How the fuck can I superset?


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