Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

I would love to see who would try to time me at my gym lol. When shit opens up for me, I’m going to be hitting the gym hard, FUCKING nobody had better get in my way, especially some frigin average Joe- nevermind somebody saying some shit to me about social distancing. If you are in my way I’m going to blow right by you! I will play with their rules as far as gloves, even a mask but I will not be there to just take up space like most of the assholes n the place. That was the hard, now for the soft: I will just be glad to be back lol.
Hopefully most of the worthless assholes won’t return.
Hopefully most of the worthless assholes won’t return.

It could go two ways. Maybe this weeded out a lot of members or maybe everyone is so tired of sitting on their asses that now there will be more members than ever. That sure would suck as the gyms here can only be at 25% capacity.
It could go two ways. Maybe this weeded out a lot of members or maybe everyone is so tired of sitting on their asses that now there will be more members than ever. That sure would suck as the gyms here can only be at 25% capacity.
I think a lot of people made and bought their own home stuff and are realizing there’s now little to no need for a gym. I hope the worthless ones who only occupy space decide not to come back.
Guess we will see. I am seeing more people out walking and jogging now more than ever. I had a full blown gym for years at the house and sold it all about a year ago because I never used it. Working out at home just isn't anywhere close to going to a commercial gym. I need eye candy to get that extra rep or two. I am a tren junkie and require an assortment of pussy walking around while I train. Brings out the animal/beast. Fuck, I miss the gym.
That's how I read it.
Brother, if you took that as me bad mouthing MB, you need to brush up on reading. That was a slam against Sworder for being stupid enough to challenge the owner of the board and arrogantly step up like he did. If MB banned a guy over smarting off to Scally, he’s definitely not going to put up with a shit like Sworder who tells him, “I can see right through you” and then tried to rub it in his face that MB wouldn’t ban him.
Brother, if you took that as me bad mouthing MB, you need to brush up on reading. That was a slam against Sworder for being stupid enough to challenge the owner of the board and arrogantly step up like he did. If MB banned a guy over smarting off to Scally, he’s definitely not going to put up with a shit like Sworder who tells him, “I can see right through you” and then tried to rub it in his face that MB wouldn’t ban him.
Saying he had the balls to mouth off to Millard, sounds like you respect him for it. Then saying he got banned for challenging @Millard Baker sounded to me like a dig at him, that he didn't deserve the ban. Text can be tricky because you can't hear the person's tone. Anyhow, that's how it sounded to me
Seems like an honest guy.

"I made a mistake in judgment in thinking those discussions would go to global health (and "charities") ... that money never appeared," Gates said

Saying he had the balls to mouth off to Millard, sounds like you respect him for it. Then saying he got banned for challenging @millard
What he did and said was totally ballsy and stupid. To step up to the owner of the board with such arrogance either shows a lot of testicular fortitude or a lack of oxygen to his brain. To say it seems I had respect for him doing so is outright ignorant and blatantly looking to twist things since there is absolutely nothing to support that. You read way too far into things.

However, I see in my post where it could be misconstrued that MB bans anyone who has the balls to step up to him. That was not my intention and I’m sure if @Millard Baker sees an issue with what I said, he will either correct me or ban me.
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Nah, the gyms are going to be crowded as fuck, and if seeing the stupid fucks with altitude training masks on wasn't bad enough now we are gonna see the Covid masks in there.

What you'll be dealing with now are germaphobe fucks who can't wipe off equipment good enough and they re going to hold everyone up. On top of that, you're gonna get a bunch of assholes playing wipe down patrol and watching every move you make. Tempers will flare on my end anyways
Kudos to the governors at least reopening gyms. MS governor is still beating around the bush about gyms, salons, and barbers. He just opened restaurants at 50 percent capacity, gyms will probably follow suit eventually but who knows since we have a lot of positive cases recently.

So sick of this crap!!! Reopen and give people the freedom to choose!