Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

I wonder, after the first few people are detained because "isolation can['t] be achieved at home", just how many interviewees will give an honest account of their contacts or their home situations. I know I wouldn't.

"... identify all COVID-19 cases and trace all close contacts of each identified case..."

"...after which the Washington DC Department of Health posted job listings for investigators with "Trace Force."

"...Those who sign on will interview those who have tested positive for the virus - collecting "demographic, clinical, social and historical data," while "conducting an assessment to determine whether safe isolation can be achieved at home...."

"...Those who have been in contact with a positive case will be contacted to assess whether they have symptoms and require quarantine, and will 'appropriate escalate' cases when needed..."

HR 6666: Illinois Democrat Introduces $100 Billion Contact Tracing Bill
On complaining about the lock downs (I have been very vocal), there are two specific things that could have both reduced the spread of infection and the death rates significantly. They were the wearing of masks and isolating nursing homes. But the population was told masks don't work. As much as I read about this stuff I didn't figure out the truth for a couple of weeks. And nursing homes? Not only were they not isolated, but some states forced them to accept infected "recovering" patients.
Sure but those are more complaints about government incompetence with the pandemic response. You are referring to much much more than the specific public health recommendations from pandemic research experts.

Along those lines, I recall politicians and pundits telling everyone testing and masks aren't a big deal. But the medical experts weren't saying this. However, the media was treating both perspectives with false equivalency.

As far as nursing homes, it's hard to imagine the pandemic experts overlooked this. Yet, I don't recall reading a lot early on about the need to focus on nursing homes.

Obviously, in retrospect, if every country would have immediately imposed White House-style testing, quarantines and contact tracing for everyone entering nursing homes and related facilities, this alone would have made a dramatic difference in the death toll.
Recent research has also indicated that COVID-19 deaths have been severely undercounted, both in the US and around the world, particularly in the early stages of the pandemic.“

I wonder how numbers are being over-inflated, while also undercounted ?
Recent research has also indicated that COVID-19 deaths have been severely undercounted, both in the US and around the world, particularly in the early stages of the pandemic.“

I wonder how numbers are being over-inflated, while also undercounted ?

The US overinflating numbers and China underreporting numbers? Just spit balling here. i'm not stating that as fact.


China has a population of 1.4 billion.
The US has a population of 331 million.

A quick search states that China has had 4,633 deaths, while the US has had 81,491 deaths.

i could be totally off base on this given that there's many variables, but with my limited knowledge, those numbers don't look right.
The US overinflating numbers and China underreporting numbers? Just spit balling here. i'm not stating that as fact.


China has a population of 1.4 billion.
The US has a population of 331 million.

A quick search states that China has had 4,633 deaths, while the US has had 81,491 deaths.

i could be totally off base on this given that there's many variables, but with my limited knowledge, those numbers don't look right.
As of yesterday, official covid cdc death total is 49,867

The number commonly reported is total covid, influenza and pneumonia deaths.

Pneumonia death total 74,756 and there is a vaccine for that. Go figure.
The police proceeded to violently handcuff and arrest the man, dragging him off while his wife followed sadly behind him to the police car.

The problem is you have a population that has a blind support for law enforcement which is the strong arm of legislators and attorney generals.

Get rid of these jobs, no one needs legislators or ag's, or even a fraction of the cops we have.

It starts by destroying all databases that store our personal information, both online and offline, hunt them down and burn them to the ground, every trace of identification, your entire record keeping system.

Destroy all the genetic records used to ID people, destroy finger print records. And just keep going down the line until you get rid of the ability to trace anyone.

No one carries ID, no pictures of anyone. You're bank account can be done through constantly changing security codes that you create yourself.

Tear out all security cameras, get rid of the camera feature on phones and go back to the good old rotary dial without an answering machine.

The problem is we have too much information available on all of us and that makes it too easy to follow our every move.

Somewhere along the line we developed this silly notion that we can't function unless we dig up dirt on everyone around us, that everyone is a potential criminal, background checks and piss in a cup please.
Hmmmm. And let reasonable people make the right decision for themselves and those around them. Because people are inherently altruistic and fair and reasonable. That sounds like everyone. Doesn’t it? Who needs cops and laws with fine folks like this everywhere ???
Hmmmm. And let reasonable people make the right decision for themselves and those around them. Because people are inherently altruistic and fair and reasonable. That sounds like everyone. Doesn’t it? Who needs cops and laws with fine folks like this everywhere ???
While I agree with this, it appears your beliefs that only those in official roles are to be trusted, as if they are inherently altruistic, fair and reasonable. I’m not trying to start crap with you, but it seems you have a leaning toward authority figures being altruistic and knowing what’s best for us and that society/people as a whole do NOT.
I’m completely being sarcastic in that post. Because people are not smart, altruistic, nor capable of making decisions that are beyond their own short-term benefits. I have very little faith in my common man, sorry to say. Especially humans that wind up with some control or power over others (wealthy people).

people can’t self-govern without laws and so there has to be a process to make laws and since individuals grab for themselves, the only way to deal with this is with voted representatives
Sure but those are more complaints about government incompetence with the pandemic response. You are referring to much much more than the specific public health recommendations from pandemic research experts.

Along those lines, I recall politicians and pundits telling everyone testing and masks aren't a big deal. But the medical experts weren't saying this. However, the media was treating both perspectives with false equivalency.

As far as nursing homes, it's hard to imagine the pandemic experts overlooked this. Yet, I don't recall reading a lot early on about the need to focus on nursing homes.

Obviously, in retrospect, if every country would have immediately imposed White House-style testing, quarantines and contact tracing for everyone entering nursing homes and related facilities, this alone would have made a dramatic difference in the death toll.

I use the word government as a catch all for anyone contributing to or influencing coercive measures against the public. It encompasses employees of government or government funded organizations, including virtually all epidemiologists not working directly for pharmaceutical companies. I've already posted on the incompetence of Neil Ferguson, the epidemiologist who developed the dooms day model used to predict the absurd infection and death rates of the virus with or without the lockdowns. Even without the code review, we know now his models were way off.

On the wearing of masks, the message wasn't that masks weren't a big deal, it was pushed in the media with direct quotes from experts that masks don't work. The CDC, WHO and US Surgeon General are all on record as advising against their use, not just saying they were not a big deal. I can't give you links to their sites where it says that, because they don't keep online records of past recommendations. But here's some here-say from CNBC and USA Today.

And this isn't a case of what we know now, because past COVID outbreaks included much study on the effectiveness of masks; how much better they were than washing hands or attempts at isolation. There's absolutely no doubt this significantly increased the rate of infection. I don't believe this was a conspiracy so much as an attempt to preserve for medical use what was perceived as a shortage of masks. But there is little doubt the experts knew they were deceiving the public.

Epidemiologists, at least the ones quoted by government and the media, said nothing about the need to protect nursing homes. Even Sweden got that wrong. But as with masks, it isn't hindsight that makes them look incompetent. They knew from past outbreaks and numerous studies that corona as well as influenza viruses affect the old far more than anyone else.

In fact, the failure to protect nursing homes from influenza is the single largest contributor to that virus's death rate as well. Yet the experts seem to be all in with flu vaccines known to be much less effective with the old.

There are plenty of other things the experts at the CDC and WHO did that resulted in increased infections. For example, the WHO specifically recommended against flight restrictions from infected areas. This may have been a political decision, but it came from the organization employing many experts. The CDC used its influence to monopolize the distribution of test kits which turned out to be defective and in some cases contaminated with live COVID virus. Again, it may have been a political decision, but it was from an organization employing many experts. The experts in both organizations failed to speak out against their employers.
I’m completely being sarcastic in that post. Because people are not smart, altruistic, nor capable of making decisions that are beyond their own short-term benefits. I have very little faith in my common man, sorry to say. Especially humans that wind up with some control or power over others (wealthy people).

people can’t self-govern without laws and so there has to be a process to make laws and since individuals grab for themselves, the only way to deal with this is with voted representatives

I couldn't hold such an opinion of my peers and remain happy. I believe most people, even now, are honest and reasonably generous toward others. The massive amount of charity coming from middle class America alone suggests that is the case.

Of course, we still need laws, but do we need thousands of pages of laws in every city and state in the country? Do we really need a massive political apparatus at both federal and state levels dictating how we should live our lives? Does that apparatus serve the people or wealthy individuals seeking power?
I’m completely being sarcastic in that post. Because people are not smart, altruistic, nor capable of making decisions that are beyond their own short-term benefits. I have very little faith in my common man, sorry to say. Especially humans that wind up with some control or power over others (wealthy people).

people can’t self-govern without laws and so there has to be a process to make laws and since individuals grab for themselves, the only way to deal with this is with voted representatives

You need a simple law.

Keep your hands off me and my property.

So yes you do need "a" law to keep people in line, but you don't need to send legislators to legislate more laws and regulations. You don't need to obtain JD in law school to figure this out.

With this one simple rule it was very easy. The owner of the waffle house gets to decide who and who can't come into his establishment.

No cops, legislators or AG's need at all for this transaction to take place.

And if you can't trust your fellow man, then you need to find a new tribe that you can trust. I agree there are people that are rotten, but you don't have to do business with them. I know a sleaze bag after a few minutes.

So we have the basics taken care of with one simple law of don't touch. That covers murder, rape, assault, robbery, trespassing, damaging property that doesn't belong to you. Theses are real crimes involving real victims, not the fictitious state as a victim or the tacit or implicit idea that you obey 10,000 pages of legal code because your overlords know what's best to keep society safe.

And if you have ever been around a politician, legislator, you'd know most of them are morons and that's putting it mildly, these people haven't a philosophical bone in their body, completely incapable of thinking outside of the box.
You either have laws and an ability to enforce them, or you have lawlessness when the weak and disadvantaged are prey

fortunately this crazy dystopian reality being described will never happen. Clearer minds prevail

The problem is with the slowdown of traffic the cops gotta move into virgin territories to stir up shit. That's middle class neighborhoods. Normally they stay near the poor section of town and relentlessly push for an interaction because these people are easy pickings, but cops aren't meeting their ticket quotas and since every cop has to bring in X amount of revenue each month to get a good performance report and a raise at the end of the year, they're going where they smell money.

It's pretty simple, the legislator contacts the AG, they cook up some laws that are bound to be broken by everyone, they put it on the books asap and cops go to town bringing in millions of dollars.

And we have millions of idiot Americans screaming that this country is Free like a bunch of dumbasses.
You either have laws and an ability to enforce them, or you have lawlessness when the weak and disadvantaged are prey

fortunately this crazy dystopian reality being described will never happen. Clearer minds prevail

It's very simple. You find structures and systems of dominance, hierarchy and authority and ask them to demonstrate their legitimacy. Challenge them and recognize that they are not self justified, that they have a burden of proof.

Wherever you find a system of domination and authority you demand that they justify themselves. If they can't then they have no right to authority.

It's really just social contract theory and it's based on consent through inaction. Just by your mere birth onto this pile of dirt we call the United States, it is understood that you agree to be governed by the elites and you are subject to unlimited requests by these elites, including the right for you to surrender your life and property to their cause(which is staying in power).

Now most of us know a contract is an action, you agree through written or verbal agreement, but neither took place in this case.
People prey on other people. That’s the simple truth. Laws and enforcement counter this.
People prey on other people. That’s the simple truth. Laws and enforcement counter this.
-Sounds like you live in a Demonrat-controlled city.
In my community most people gather, grow, and raise at least a portion of their food. They share their abundance, lend each other tools if needed, and help each other as much as possible.
Most don't even lock their doors.