Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

People prey on other people. That’s the simple truth. Laws and enforcement counter this.

There are millions of people in prison for victimless crimes. There are millions and millions of people that are lifetime felons unable to access work, housing, education because they were caught with a bag of weed.

Violent crimes don't need 10,000 pages of legal code and that's exactly what most states have for all sorts of laws that veer far off from keeping people safe.

You are technically a criminal and me probably more so for the use and brewing of your own steroids, of keeping raws on hand. Are you hurting anyone from this action, when I go to my bathroom to inject am I causing anyone harm? Should I be arrested and charged with a 3rd degree felony for doing something in the privacy of my own home?

Having what used to be called Peace Officers to keep bad guys in check does't exist anymore. We now have militarized cops armed like they're going to battle on the streets and yet only 26 cops are shot in the line of duty every year. While over a thousand people are shot by the cops every year. So something is up and it's not good.

When a cop sets up speed traps in a 30mph zone through a stretch of desolate road that has no pedestrians, are they keeping people safe or are they "preying" on citizens.
You’re making a poor case to remove all laws and government. Again, fortunately the planet evolved beyond this. It’s called civilization.

is it perfect? Nothing is ever perfect. Is it better than a gang of armed people dictating things? Yes it sure is.

what you propose fortunately would never be implemented
You’re making a poor case to remove all laws and government. Again, fortunately the planet evolved beyond this. It’s called civilization.

is it perfect? Nothing is ever perfect. Is it better than a gang of armed people dictating things? Yes it sure is.

what you propose fortunately would never be implemented

I'm simply asking for a sane reversal of all victimless crime laws that are designed to fill our for profit prisons and courtrooms across this country. That is in fact the bulk of legal codes for most states.

You can still prosecute murder, rape, assault, theft, robbery, intimidation and stalking, damage to property, you can protect the environment with laws that prevent dumping toxic waste.

However I hope you surely see the "war on drugs" as a crime against humanity. Taking someone and locking them up for doing something against their own body is nonsense. If you can't do that, then why should someone be allowed to stuff their face with fast food and get fat, or jump a skateboard down a 90ft tall ramp, the endless list of things that could be turned into laws to keep people from self harm is something many morons in this country would be happy to tolerate.
You’re making a poor case to remove all laws and government. Again, fortunately the planet evolved beyond this. It’s called civilization.

is it perfect? Nothing is ever perfect. Is it better than a gang of armed people dictating things? Yes it sure is.

what you propose fortunately would never be implemented

Not to single you out personally and I mean no offense.

But your comments are exactly why I have absolutely no use for he jury system in this country. Except if they are informed by the defendant that they have the right to jury nullification or the freedom to interpret the law how they see fit. Neither of which judges and prosecutors want most juries to know about.

Most people don't question authority, this scares the shit out of me, I find it terrifying. This is the kind of thinking that led to a psychopath like Hitler and Stalin coming to power. Where masses of people blindly followed orders whipped up by nationalism that clouds reason.
You’re making a poor case to remove all laws and government. Again, fortunately the planet evolved beyond this. It’s called civilization.

is it perfect? Nothing is ever perfect. Is it better than a gang of armed people dictating things? Yes it sure is.

what you propose fortunately would never be implemented
What we HAVE...IS a gang of armed people dictating things.
By the way, Bill Gates called; your vaccine is ready.
Bill Gates is harmless. It’s hysterical anyone twists things so bad. Speaks to an uncontrollable conspiracy theorist. Twist things to suit some crazy theory.
They make vaccines for the less lethal annual flu.

curious where he states mandatory? I’ve looked at any link or video presented so far and not one shows he’s looking to kill anyone. Not one.

I’d like to look at any video or link that shows he wants legally mandatory vaccines. I’d like to review that
They make vaccines for the less lethal annual flu.

curious where he states mandatory? I’ve looked at any link or video presented so far and not one shows he’s looking to kill anyone. Not one.

I’d like to look at any video or link that shows he wants legally mandatory vaccines. I’d like to review that

It was mandatory for me when I worked in healthcare, I and my colleges suffered side effects. For me it was feeling like shit with a nose that wouldn't quit bleeding for two days. For others, covered with red spotted rash from head to toe.

When these concerns are brought up they tell you to stfu and roll up your sleeve. If you don't, you are terminated on X date.

Healthcare workers are the guinea pigs for any vaccine if they want to keep working. The government mandates compliance if any institution wants reimbursement for medicare.

Personally we'd have a much saner healthcare system if everyone stopped carrying insurance of any kind. It would drive the cost down of healthcare, it would also bankrupt a lot of institutions, but that's a good thing. Same thing with education, get rid of the student loans and force people to pay out of pocket, the cost would plummet and represent the real world we all where insane amounts of money doesn't just magically appear.
No insurance. I agree. Roll out nationalized health care.

Any links to this Bill Gates mandatory inoculations?
I’d like to look at any video or link that shows he wants legally mandatory vaccines. I’d like to review that

Please take 12 minutes to watch and undo the lifetime of statist indoctrination you have received. It isn't your fault that you ended up like this, vast majority of US citizens think exactly the same. It is however paramount that eventually you take off the blinders and have a look around to see how messed up it really is.
Well there goes your whole plan. You have all these ideas that have no practical hope of ever being implemented. Fortunately.

We’ll go national health like the rest of the civilized world soon enough. Right now it’s all about them protecting the income.

next comes the 3% Visa gets every time you charge something. This is the only place on the planet that pays visa such high % extortion
Oh so Bill Gates doesn’t want population control. I see.

many pages on this thread dedicated to describing how he wants to cut the world population. I’ve seen videos and never saw any indication of this. So you say he’s not looking to reduce the global population. Whew
Well there goes your whole plan. You have all these ideas that have no practical hope of ever being implemented. Fortunately.

We’ll go national health like the rest of the civilized world soon enough. Right now it’s all about them protecting the income.

next comes the 3% Visa gets every time you charge something. This is the only place on the planet that pays visa such high % extortion

Nationalized Healthcare is gonna be a tough road in the United States. Different demographics would be a burden on the system and would force others to work tirelessly to support them.

A saner approach would be to get rid of regulations, let the free market decide, get rid of the ability for providers to send patients to bill collectors. Basically pay up front or don't receive services, forcing competition and transparency. Placing the entire burden on institutions to solve their own problems without any legal recourse or ability to lobby the government that no longer has the power to help them.