Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

The destruction in the dollar likely made them less rich in absolute terms. After all, production slowed to a trickle while consumption accelerated dramatically (not counting oil). But relative to everyone else, they gained quite a bit more than 15%.

US billionaire wealth skyrockets to over $3 TRILLION during pandemic

Over the last two months unemployment in the United States has risen to levels not seen since the Great Depression. However, US billionaires got even richer during the same period of coronavirus pandemic.

A new report by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and the Institute for Policy Studies showed their fortunes soared by $434 billion or 15 percent during the nation’s lockdown between mid-March and mid-May. The billionaires’ combined net worth rose from $2.948 trillion to $3.382 trillion.

The top five US billionaires—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison—saw their wealth grow by a total of $75.5 billion, or 19 percent. Together they captured 21 percent of the total wealth growth of all 600-plus billionaires in the last two months.


full article
Let this bullshit kill whoever it's gonna get already and let's move on! God damn I'm so sick of hearing abt "social distancing"

Guess what assholes? Separating yourself from everything possible makes you more likely to get fucked up!

Everyone treating everyone like they have motherfucking AIDS lately. Recordings in stores reminding me of "social distancing" and bullshit highway signs telling me "go home".

Fuck all this mess, this world is full of pussies!

DD the risk of severe disease or even death are considerably higher in those with underlying medical conditions. In fact "advanced age" is the only risk factor that exceeds that posed by IDDM!

I hate these rules like everyone else in America but they do serve a purpose in limiting the community spread of this disease

My suggestion, the importance of which has been deemphasized my the media ---- stay away from ANYONE who is SICK (cough, congestion, SOB, fever etc)

- keep your distance

- wear a mask upon entering a crowded area

- it never hurts to wash ones hands a couple times a day

- yet "cleansing" of non-communal surfaces are of limited benefit based upon existing evidence, unless someone in your household is unwell or sick.

And should you or anyone else develop respiratory symptoms of COVID-19, please get tested and fully comply with your state/county health department directives.

Finally try to understand from an infectious disease perspective, HIV and COVID-19 have next to nothing in common.

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I fuckin sick of all of it! I know this is stupid to say but I'm about to the point where I'm like "infect me or IDGAF"!!!!!
The thing is, if you were infected with it you likely wouldn't even know it because it does absolutely nothing to over 99% of the population.
The thing is, if you were infected with it you likely wouldn't even know it because it does absolutely nothing to over 99% of the population.

These are the facts as we know them today, which reveal a crude fatality rate of

For more up to date infomation try


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The thing is, if you were infected with it you likely wouldn't even know it because it does absolutely nothing to over 99% of the population.
I believe this too but then you hear about healthy people that get it and get fked. So as much as I believe this is not srs I cant wrap my head around why some healthy and younger people seem to get it pretty serious that's one thing that bothers me. This won't stop me from going out and enjoying life but I dont really wanna catch it incase.
These are the facts as we know them today, which reveal a crude fatality rate of

For more up to date infomation try

Still doesn't take into account people who've tested positive for antibodies and those who never got tested because symptoms were so mild.
DD the risk of severe disease or even death are considerably higher in those with underlying medical conditions. In fact "advanced age" is the only risk factor that exceeds that posed by IDDM!

I hate these rules like everyone else in America but they do serve a purpose in limiting the community spread of this disease

My suggestion, the importance of which has been deemphasized my the media ---- stay away from ANYONE who is SICK (cough, congestion, SOB, fever etc)

- keep your distance

- wear a mask upon entering a crowded area

- it never hurts to wash ones hands a couple times a day

- yet "cleansing" of non-communal surfaces are of limited benefit based upon existing evidence, unless someone in your household is unwell or sick.

And should you or anyone else develop respiratory symptoms of COVID-19, please get tested and fully comply with your state/county health department directives.

Finally try to understand from an infectious disease perspective, HIV and COVID-19 have next to nothing in common.


Do you see a way to balance the rights of free citizens and preventing deaths in high risk population?

Unfortunately I was unable to convert the graph into a readable format.

To obtain the crude fatality rate divide the number of closed cases by the number of deaths. =18%

And while the crude rate OVERESTIMATES the case fatality rate, the latter will not be KNOWN until after this pandemic is over.

This information is available at OR if you prefer a more diverse venue try --- Both sites are reliable, evidence based and up to date IME.

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At least two-thirds of states across the country are sharing the addresses of people who have tested positive for coronavirus with first responders, and at least 10 states are going so far as to share patients' identities as well.

“The information could actually have a chilling effect that keeps those already distrustful of the government from taking the COVID-19 test and possibly accelerate the spread of the disease,” the Tennessee Black Caucus said in a statement.

At least two-thirds of states across the country are sharing the addresses of people who have tested positive for coronavirus with first responders, and at least 10 states are going so far as to share patients' identities as well.

“The information could actually have a chilling effect that keeps those already distrustful of the government from taking the COVID-19 test and possibly accelerate the spread of the disease,” the Tennessee Black Caucus said in a statement.

At this juncture the point of testing, which is to ascertain the spread of any infectious disease, is moot PROVIDING those with RESPIRATORY symptoms, which best quantifies the overwhelming majority of INFECTIOUS COVID-19 folk, remain isolated and inform close contacts they feel unwell.

And I'm not categorizing those with "allergies, sniffles, variance in taste or a couple episodes of diarrhea etc " as being unwell bc these folk are MUCH less likely to spread this disease, IF they even have it.
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