Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

At the juncture the point of testing, which is to ascertain the spread of any disease, is moot PROVIDING those with symptoms, and thats the overwhelming majority INFECTIOUS COVID-19 folk, remain isolated.

I don't know what that said.
18% fatality rate is not the reality though.
At this juncture the point of testing, which is to ascertain the spread of any infectious disease, is moot PROVIDING those with RESPIRATORY symptoms, which best quantifies the overwhelming majority of INFECTIOUS COVID-19 folk, remain isolated and inform close contacts they feel unwell.

And I'm not categorizing those with "allergies, sniffles, variance in taste or a couple episodes of diarrhea etc " as being unwell bc these folk are MUCH less likely to spread this disease, IF they even have it.

Edited and still not clear :)
At point of emphasis must be made.

While I agree testing for the sake of epidemiological data alone is wasteful and unproductive we must not discard or disregard its original intent, which was to predict whether our hospitals would become overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.

To that end I would strongly encourage members to exercise due diligence by reviewing state/county/city COVID-19 hospital data as doing will better prepare you or a loved one for a visit to your local health care facility should the need arise.

I only mention this as I know a COVID-19 cluster can overwhelm a community hospital VERY fast

Best to all
Still doesn't take into account people who've tested positive for antibodies and those who never got tested because symptoms were so mild.

Outliers abound in ANY pandemic but we have to work with verifiable data not anecdotes. For more info and or explanations about crude fatality rate vs case fatality rate try

Truly asymptomatic disease, however that is quantified, is unlikely to provoke a durable immune response
At point of emphasis must be made.

While I agree testing for the sake of epidemiological data alone is wasteful and unproductive we must not discard or disregard its original intent, which was to predict whether our hospitals would become overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.

To that end I would strongly encourage members to exercise due diligence by reviewing state/county/city COVID-19 hospital data as doing will better prepare you or a loved one for a visit to your local health care facility should the need arise.

I only mention this as I know a COVID-19 cluster can overwhelm a community hospital VERY fast

Best to all

It's not wasteful. It lets us who might have been exposed. And those numbers lower the death % from 16, to one that is more realistic.
If you have loved ones who might by at risk, by all means distance and wear a mask.
Bunch of fucking bullshit. Riddle me this one...How come homeless ppl aren't dying from Covid?
Homeless people live on the street.
It is much more likely to get infected in closed spaces than on the street.

The thing is, if you were infected with it you likely wouldn't even know it because it does absolutely nothing to over 99% of the population.
Total BS.
The death rate is 15-20%
Coronavirus Update (Live): 5,403,979 Cases and 343,975 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
And many of the recovered people will remain fucked up for many years to come.

These are the facts as we know them today, which reveal a crude fatality rate of

For more up to date infomation try

I believe this too but then you hear about healthy people that get it and get fked. So as much as I believe this is not srs I cant wrap my head around why some healthy and younger people seem to get it pretty serious that's one thing that bothers me. This won't stop me from going out and enjoying life but I dont really wanna catch it incase.
Fake Strem Media doesn't mention the millions of recovered patients who remain with serious health issues.

Most countries budgets will be bankrupt for DECADES to come from providing healthcare to millions of ill patients.

Thus there's no money left for stupid things like welfare, welfare for immigrants, BS identity politics, transgender surgeries, and so on.
That's why they don't want you to know about it.

I don't know what that said.
18% fatality rate is not the reality though.
It is 15-25% depends on the country, race, age, access to meds and treatments, etc.
But yes, it is that bad. That's the raw truth.
It's not wasteful. It lets us who might have been exposed. And those numbers lower the death % from 16, to one that is more realistic.
If you have loved ones who might by at risk, by all means distance and wear a mask.

At point of emphasis must be made.

While I agree testing for the sake of epidemiological data alone is wasteful and unproductive we must not discard or disregard its original intent, which was to predict whether our hospitals would become overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.

Best to all

CDC indications for COVID-19 testing which is not the same a epidemiological (AKA surveillance) testing


As simple as dividing Deaths / Cases which had an outcome.

And even so this may fall short, as it implies that "recovered" patients can't die later of the disease.
That's just not true, many have damaged lungs, livers, kidneys, even neurons, and they are very hard to recover.
An inconvenient truth the Fake Stream Media doesn't want you to know about, as the gov't budget will be BANKRUPT for decades to come because they will need to provide care for these sick patients (so there would be no money left for their BS liberal expenses).

From your own source, even they know that simple, crude and highly inaccurate calculation is nonsense.

Coronavirus Death Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

And by the way I was wrong they calculated 1.4% death rate not 1.7%.

To obtain the crude fatality rate divide the number of closed cases by the number of deaths. =18%

And while the crude rate OVERESTIMATES the case fatality rate, the latter will not be KNOWN until after this pandemic is over


I guess you missed my follow up post.
The CASE fatality rate will not be KNOWN until this pandemic is over, and anything else is based upon computer model projections.

Another point worth emphasizing for comparison purposes, the KNOW. Case Fatality Rate of N1H1 has approximated 0.1%

Which means COVID-19 is a highly transmissible and nasty virus, that is best avoided.

I think the biggest problem with this is that this is gonna be a forced vaccination issue for a lot of workers.

I don't trust our government, big pharma, our military, our police state, don't trust our bioengineers, our overlords that would like to turn off certain gene expressions to turn us into unquestioning sheep.

This shit has to be shutdown now, mankind needs to hit the reset button and come back to sanity. These assholes running this country are making a lot of assumptions that we're all in this together and I gotta say I'm not onboard with these social engineers, I'm kind of thinking it's about time we send these people to the glue factory before they fuck up the human race in a way we can't fix.
Per Worldometer as of May 1st

NYC has a CMR of .28%

This will be updated by them on June 1st. That percentage will remain about the same.

@Dr JIM where specifically does this 18% CMR exist in America because the source of info you shared with us (we've already been following worldometer for a minute now, seems to be basically the best aggregate source of covid info out there) says something completely different.

As simple as their math to determine CMR is different than yours, or?
Per Worldometer as of May 1st

NYC has a CMR of .28%

This will be updated by them on June 1st. That percentage will remain about the same.

@Dr JIM where specifically does this 18% CMR exist in America because the source of info you shared with us (we've already been following worldometer for a minute now, seems to be basically the best aggregate source of covid info out there) says something completely different.

As simple as their math to determine CMR is different than yours, or?
Correction to my post. NY state, not NYC at .28%

My apologies
They do state that the CMR of NYC (yes, the city and not the state) is .09% under the age of 65

1 in 1166 have died under the age of 65 in NYC, and 89% of them have documented preexisting conditions. So in NYC just over 100 people have died outside of the risk group.

They also go on to say CMR is not an acceptable stat to use during an ongoing epidemic. My guess is because you can push CMR in either direction with relative ease. You want doom and gloom? We can make the CMR skyrocket. You want bars, beaches and movie theaters open? We can make CMR look non existent.

Isolate the old, sick and afraid. The rest of us are fine and will continue to be fine. It's a shame that a sliver of people is effected so heavily but it is what it is. I think isolating them can be done effectively and also done in a manner that doesn't dehumanize them.
They do state that the CMR of NYC (yes, the city and not the state) is .09% under the age of 65

1 in 1166 have died under the age of 65 in NYC, and 89% of them have documented preexisting conditions. So in NYC just over 100 people have died outside of the risk group.

They also go on to say CMR is not an acceptable stat to use during an ongoing epidemic. My guess is because you can push CMR in either direction with relative ease. You want doom and gloom? We can make the CMR skyrocket. You want bars, beaches and movie theaters open? We can make CMR look non existent.

Isolate the old, sick and afraid. The rest of us are fine and will continue to be fine. It's a shame that a sliver of people is effected so heavily but it is what it is. I think isolating them can be done effectively and also done in a manner that doesn't dehumanize them.
The isolation and economic damage is going to kill and maim multitudes more than covid ever did.

(Did that guy really slam a pie in Bill Gates' face? No wonder he hates the public.)
Isolate the old, sick and afraid. The rest of us are fine and will continue to be fine. It's a shame that a sliver of people is effected so heavily but it is what it is. I think isolating them can be done effectively and also done in a manner that doesn't dehumanize them.
and for the record I still do believe in using ppe, social distancing, generous levels of cleaning on a regular basis, etc. It is still something that can be deadly and should be treated as such when needed.

I'll bet big time that church was burned down by a member of their own congregation. We've seen this sort of thing over and over, especially in the south where IQs are a couple of SD's off the mark. Same thing with Mosques and pig parts or Synagogues and swastikas, the religious love to play the victim card, so I never trust what I see until all the facts come out a few months later and we all learn it was some bozo in the church that carried it out for publicity, insurance or a go-fund-me that rakes in hundreds of thousands. There's no greater con-artists than those shucking religion, expect maybe those shucking government.