Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

It’s connected to politics because it’s apolitical shift in power.... we are officially a “global government” and the next thing is (already $7,000,000,000,000 new debt in the last 30 days) devalue the dollar so the “they” can save us with a cashless society “traceable and trackable” digital currency.
You dont need any studies or data points to see the obvious ...

It’s worth mentioning facebooks new currently “Libra” I’ve been reading about the “Libra” perhaps that’s the one the government gets behind. Since its always about money and power, they want to know what and where you spend you’re money. that information is literally priceless to corporations and the government. “Where a man heart is here also is his money”
Michigan’s own Governor Whitmer had done the exact same thing. Putting the most vulnerable Michigan population at risk and certainly personally signing some of their death certificates when on April 15th she signed executive order 2020-50 mandating that all Michigan nursing homes and other long-term care facilities accept COVID-19 patients from nearby hospitals.
Who is Bill Gates?
Definitely worth a quick look.

There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates' rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.
As per BG

"......rising tuitions at Universities has significantly limited access .... and is a trade off society is making because of very very high medical costs and a lack of willingness to say, is spending a million dollars for the last three months of life for that patient (or if you will ,of value). Would it be better to not lay off those ten teachers and make that trade off for medical costs ... but thats called the DEATH PANEL".......

Thoughts ??
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As per BG

"......rising tuitions at Universities has significantly limited access .... and is a trade off society is making because of very very high medical costs and a lack of willingness to say, is spending a million dollars for the last three months of life for that patient. Would it be better to not lay off those ten teachers and make that trade off for medical costs ... but thats called the DEATH PANEL".......

Thoughts ??

Rising tuition costs are the result of a university bubble created by massive student debt that's now saddling a financially uneducated populace (with university degrees, no less). I wouldn't call cutting 10 teachers, especially tenured ones, a trade off. I would call it a good start.

As far as death panels go, I think it's a tragedy the government is so entrenched and in bed with insurance and pharmaceutical corporations that the power to make those decisions has been removed from the patient. It's truly a backward system when people worry about losing their insurance instead of insurance companies worrying about keeping their customers.

But working with the system we have, I doubt one more boondoggle is going to make much of a difference. Keep those patients alive as long as possible or as long as they want. Send me the bill. I'm good for it..
is spending a million dollars for the last three months of life for that patient (or if you will ,of value)

Thoughts ?
hell no. Comfort and care at the back end only. If death is absolute, the financial burden should be on the family if more is required. Now if we are talking about Leroy that's 13 and needs expensive caner treatments? Treat the mother fucker if he can live and be productive. This is health insurance we are talking about, not death insurance.
Happens to the mentally disabled or mentally retarded. The group homes cycle clients through the meat grinder of health care and the MD, occupational therapists, physical therapists all make huge bank on someone that isn’t even aware of their own existence, much less that they’re at the end of it.

Oh but let’s get a new wheelchair for him while he’s on hospice. It’s a powered wheelchair, and he still can’t operate it, but it looks good next to all his other wheelchairs. All $200,000 of them over the years.

It is so profoundly wasteful.
Happens to the mentally disabled or mentally retarded. The group homes cycle clients through the meat grinder of health care and the MD, occupational therapists, physical therapists all make huge bank on someone that isn’t even aware of their own existence, much less that they’re at the end of it.

Oh but let’s get a new wheelchair for him while he’s on hospice. It’s a powered wheelchair, and he still can’t operate it, but it looks good next to all his other wheelchairs. All $200,000 of them over the years.

It is so profoundly wasteful.
Timmy is not happy with you, Mitch.
Not too sure I'd agree with your sentiment. So you're saying someone with a debilitating disorder deserves what exactly? And btw, hospice is an entirely different medical system component than what you're referencing, but I would expect you to know this considering your Corona knowledge. You seem so connected and in touch with the medical system, lol.

So Mitch, what do you suggest these "disabled and retarded" folk get?
Having worked in hospitals for around 25 years before I called it quits it was a huge waste of money to use extreme measures to keep people going. We used these old peoples bodies to drain every last cent we could. We'd stick them in the ICU, we'd perform chest compressions on them until they had no life left and even if there was nothing left we go ahead and stick them on the vent and keep them going for a few more days to extract a few more dollars. Granted I worked in the lab, but I watched this garbage go on day after day.

Modern healthcare is 100% bullshit, it's an incredibly sick twisted way to spend your last days alive. When I told my coworkers that when it comes time for me to die I want to walk out into the woods or desert where it's quite away from man and his noisy machines and sit down or lay down and drift off into death with only my own thoughts, they didn't understand, it's like they've forgotten what it's like to be apart of nature.

I still think that every person should have the right to take their own life in a pain free manner when we are close to death. It's obscene that we have this for animals, but we don't have this for higher conscious beings like ourselves.

There are no death panels, what we have are people that don't understand that it's better to back off and die peacefully than to chase after a few days, weeks, months of misery.
Having worked in hospitals for around 25 years before I called it quits it was a huge waste of money to use extreme measures to keep people going. We used these old peoples bodies to drain every last cent we could. We'd stick them in the ICU, we'd perform chest compressions on them until they had no life left and even if there was nothing left we go ahead and stick them on the vent and keep them going for a few more days to extract a few more dollars. Granted I worked in the lab, but I watched this garbage go on day after day.

Modern healthcare is 100% bullshit, it's an incredibly sick twisted way to spend your last days alive. When I told my coworkers that when it comes time for me to die I want to walk out into the woods or desert where it's quite away from man and his noisy machines and sit down or lay down and drift off into death with only my own thoughts, they didn't understand, it's like they've forgotten what it's like to be apart of nature.

I still think that every person should have the right to take their own life in a pain free manner when we are close to death. It's obscene that we have this for animals, but we don't have this for higher conscious beings like ourselves.

There are no death panels, what we have are people that don't understand that it's better to back off and die peacefully than to chase after a few days, weeks, months of misery.
You’d be surprised though at how some people are so afraid of dying that they will endure these things to try and prolong the inevitable. That being said, more times than not it’s the living who prolong the misery of their loved ones.
Rising tuition costs are the result of a university bubble created by massive student debt that's now saddling a financially uneducated populace (with university degrees, no less). I wouldn't call cutting 10 teachers, especially tenured ones, a trade off. I would call it a good start.

As far as death panels go, I think it's a tragedy the government is so entrenched and in bed with insurance and pharmaceutical corporations that the power to make those decisions has been removed from the patient. It's truly a backward system when people worry about losing their insurance instead of insurance companies worrying about keeping their customers.

But working with the system we have, I doubt one more boondoggle is going to make much of a difference. Keep those patients alive as long as possible or as long as they want. Send me the bill. I'm good for it..

Rising costs for tuition is because the University model is a dinosaur, a gate keeper to obtaining a piece of paper that shows the world that you fully buy into the system and you will easily be controlled by your future employer, because you have massive student loan debt.

We live in the information age, this info is basically free, anyone can buy any of these textbooks online for practically nothing, study all of the chapters, answer all of the questions and test out. You don't need to sit in a lecture hall listening to the professor that shows up 15 minutes late everyday and gives the same exact lecture and final exam that he's given for the past 30 years, I learned this myself when I hooked up with fraternities that kept all the tests questions to every exam you could take.

It's simple, you take the best instructors in the country, you have them put their lectures online, you have them create an open source textbook for that course. You put together a committee of these experts in their fields to revamp the course work and improve it as tiem goes on.

Next you create testing centers where motivated students can be tested for a modest charge for full credit.

The online model as it exists right now is purely profit motivated, it's grossly inefficient and tends to be limited by the same constraints that traditional universities have, in that it's the same old lectures given by instructors that don't really give a shit, I mean many of these tenured professors are straight up motherfuckers, sadistic and hateful.
Timmy is not happy with you, Mitch.
Not too sure I'd agree with your sentiment. So you're saying someone with a debilitating disorder deserves what exactly? And btw, hospice is an entirely different medical system component than what you're referencing, but I would expect you to know this considering your Corona knowledge. You seem so connected and in touch with the medical system, lol.

So Mitch, what do you suggest these "disabled and retarded" folk get?

The medical industry uses them to game profit from public funding and insurance companies, purchases equipment and medicines they neither want or need just because the rules allow for it. I've spent enough time in nursing homes to see how endemic it is there. To some extent it happens with everyone who doesn't pay attention, but it's outrageously obvious with patients unable to follow what's happening around them.
You’d be surprised though at how some people are so afraid of dying that they will endure these things to try and prolong the inevitable. That being said, more times than not it’s the living who prolong the misery of their loved ones.

Many people who haven't seen death over and over like I have are scared of it. I've sat in on a lot autopsies to assist. I've seen hundreds and hundreds of people die in front of my eyes.

Death doesn't scare me at all, what scares me is someone calling an ambulance, sending me to a hospital to die in an environment that is cold and sterile where nurses can be heard in the hallways chewing out each other and people are bitching all day long with the smell of shit wafting through the halls.

Same thing for nursing homes as well, these are death camps. I admit I keep a several methods of suicide on hand at all times, a drawer dedicated for such a thing. If I get sick and it's time to go I want to be prepared, I will not go through the traditional medical system or even hospice, all of them have protocols to drag out misery.

There is a problem coming in that the boomers are a huge population that expect the best healthcare and with it comes a price that can't be paid. I got friend of the family that is a diabetic that never took care of his obesity and lost his legs, his prosthetic are $200,000, paid for by the taxpayers and he expects to have this shit. Now multiply that times all these other people that expect full service. This will turn future generations into slaves paying huge taxes to cater to a generation that probably should accept that you can't always get what you want in life.
it's outrageously obvious with patients unable to follow what's happening around them
I guess I'll ask you because Mitch will not reply with anything else other than emotional discharge. What do you suggest as a way to care for these people? I'd hate to think that I could pay into the insurance pool for decades and be left in a corner to rot if I happened to have a stroke and need constant care. Imo, that's a perfectly fine scenario considering the facts that have been stated. Now, you haven't paid for insurance after your parents were off the hook for the bill? Have fun in the corner.

I'm not reckless with spending but I do endorse supporting those in need who have participated in the systems financially
I guess I'll ask you because Mitch will not reply with anything else other than emotional discharge. What do you suggest as a way to care for these people? I'd hate to think that I could pay into the insurance pool for decades and be left in a corner to rot if I happened to have a stroke and need constant care. Imo, that's a perfectly fine scenario considering the facts that have been stated. Now, you haven't paid for insurance after your parents were off the hook for the bill? Have fun in the corner.

I'm not reckless with spending but I do endorse supporting those in need who have participated in the systems financially

I doubt there is an answer given how things operate these days. It's not that they are being mistreated; it's that they are used as proxies for what is essentially a scam.