There are such studies. They show a bimodal shape due to age-related differences inherent to age-related changes to binding profile (e.g., SHBG affinity) & body fat (increasing with age).Yes, it's individual. But aren't there typical doses recorded in studies? On average, there should be a dose the majority of men can use and don't need AIs.
If you are talking about mood swings, I don't worry about them at all. I have good self-control and can handle mood swings.
"Only dealing with (essentially) two hormonal roller coasters, one on the way up (starting) and one on the way down (ending)."
What do you mean by "on the way down"? When saturation is achieved, don't testosterone levels stabilize (not increasing nor decreasing) and stay stable?
EDIT: Yeah, I got what you mean. No, I'm not planning an end to the testosterone supplementation. I'm planning to start a TRT dosage, then increase the dose to a cycle-level. When I finish my cycle, I'm not planning to do any PCT. Instead, I would like to remain on TRT.
So, when I do cycle, I use cycle doses, and when I'm off-cycle, I will be using TRT dose.
And I will start using cycle doses only if upper level (super physiological) testosterone levels aren't enough and I think I need more. But being on 150-200 mg T, which is a TRT dose or a very low cycle dose, is something I want to continue indefinitely.
The way I vision it is that once I will start the supplementation, the testosterone level will start increasing, then it will stop increasing when saturation is achieved, and will stay stable and static as long as I don't change the dose.
That is to say, these individual factors (binding hormone profile & b.f.%) dictate to a substantial degree the individualism of aromatization by dose.
I'm not motivated to provide them since you do seem like an annoying fuckwit that's trying to argue for its own sake.