Axis doesnt restart


New Member
got my blood work after 6 weeks of proper pct and lh fsh and testo total came out under the standard range...before I did my first cycle Ive always had low testo (under standard values for age (26 years old) ) but lh and fsh were in the normal range, at the minimal values, but still in range...during my cycle I got blood work and lh and fsh were they are 0,80 and the range begins from my hypofisis has restarted but not as it is supposed to pct ended 4 weeks ago and I did blood work 2 weeks ago...
You need more time imo. Wait for the most knowledgable members to chip in.

the HTPA axis does not magically turn on and off after a pct. You need time.
My hormone levels were low just before my cycle, testo below the range but at least lh and fsh at low points of the normal range...As symptoms I just feel a low libido and thats it! Strenghtness is the same than I was on cycle, maybe little bit less, but nothing on accutane right now, so it could be the cause of low libido! I feel like my axis, that was just strange and sore during my life, has some difficulties to restart at 100% without, at least for now, any strange symptoms or it is used to work at low rpm!!! Dont think my axis could be normal after a power pct protocol neither! I did 6 weeks of clomid 100 100 75 75 50 50
Try a 100mcg shot of Triptorelin, and every day nightly shot of DSIP.

I'm a big advocate of peptides but I've never actually tried Triptorlein but have read good studies on it and I'm impressed. It stimulates both FSH and LH hormones. DSIP has many benefits and stimulates release of luteinizing hormone (LH), I've personally ran this peptide a few times but for the sleeping benefits.
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I think you had some bunk PCT products?

What was your protocol, what was your cycle and when did you end it and when did you begin PCT?

Cycle: 500 test e + 200 deca x12 weeks
10 days of hcg...then...
100/100/75/75/50/50 clomid
40/40/20/20 nolva
Last test pin was 25 dec 2014... Started nolva and clomid 22 days later...
I kept all muscle gain, same strenghtness durin workin out, but after 2 weeks after the end of pct I started feeling a sensible loss of the moment it is the only symptom! And erectile dinsfuction as well... I increased accutane dosage 2 weeks ago and lot of cases report show the relation between isotretinoin and sexual and hormon issue! Maybe that is the problem...
The real problem for now is the low sex s driving me crazy and depressed...never felt a feeling like that before! And I dont have morning woods neither! During pct I had both morning erection and normal libido...after pct the situation started to worsen...and it happened in the same time I increased accutane dosage...
I hate deca for that reason. I usually try and stop deca for most if they choose to run it at least 6 weeks before starting PCT.

I really believe it should be avoided by younger users.

Maybe NPP on your next one.

I read on pubmed that accutane is related to sex hormon and pitituary hormon suppression, so maybe it could be the cause...who knows...btw, I just had before my first cycle a strange HPTA, with patholgical low testo and normal, but very low
LH and looked like hypogonadotropic endo told me my body was wont to work at low rpm without any symptoms and so he didnt prescribed me any testo treatment...Thats why, imho, my axis is having troubles to restart...because it was already strange...I think It could always have problems after every cycle I will do in my life, due to its strange nature...btw, now I have shitty symptoms (erectile dysfunction and 0 sex drive, so serious problems with my girl) and dont know if it is caused by my cycle or by could be both
I would like to see your labs pre-cycle if you have them.

Want Dr. Scaly to look at them and see if he agrees.

I would like to see your labs pre-cycle if you have them.

Want Dr. Scaly to look at them and see if he agrees.

I can post my pre cycle labs in few days, because Im not in town and dont have it on hands...btw, my testo was under the minimal standard value, so was pathological, but LH and FSH were in range, low but still in range!!! During cycle LH and FSH were 0 and testo was very high, obviously! During my life I didnt have any symptoms due to my hormonal clinical overview, but now I fucking feel like shit...and the real issue is that I dont want to fuck and dont think about I have a shitty relationship with my girlfriend! And
im always nervous and angry all the time!