Axis doesnt restart

Triptorelin treatment will be at low dosage, because at high dosage does opposite effect on hypofisis...2000UI??? It sounds a you think 500 x 20days wont be effective??? I have on hands AI as well...yep, testo labs during the hcg treatment are necessary to do a diagnosis...
Yes you are exactly right about the triptorelin.

No, 2000 iu will be good. It's not a lot for your intended purpose. For a Regular person doing a cycle to keep maintaining testicular function 500iu is enough. Your situation is a little different and a higher dose should be used.
Just a thought here, but maybe try throwing in some D-Aspartic Acid. It won't hurt to try it, and it can only help. Wont be as strong as nolva/clomid, but I feel it has a place in PCT for every cycle in conjunction with the usual pharma drugs.
I wish I could mantain estro low, because if the estro/andro imbalance get worse, then my acne get I start at 1 mg every 2 days (cant split pills...1pill is 1mg) and then move on to 1 mg ed...dont want to increase estro...those mofo!
Just a thought here, but maybe try throwing in some D-Aspartic Acid. It won't hurt to try it, and it can only help. Wont be as strong as nolva/clomid, but I feel it has a place in PCT for every cycle in conjunction with the usual pharma drugs.
thx guy...dont know if it could work in my case...but could be an option!
9th day of HCG and still none morning wood! (maybe just one 3 days ago)...libido is the same...situation seems to be unchanged...12 days left untill the end of the hcg cycle...then, I gonna wait for few days and start with Gonadorelin for about 20 more days! Ill let you know something new!
guys I need a suggestion...Im on my 11th day of hcg (I should do 20 days of hcg and 20 more days of gonadorelin) acne is worsening as hell and its fucking up my head...cant stand to see myself like this on the mirror...especially because I was improving before starting hcg...and it makes me feeling bad...
what do u suggest to do? to go ahead with this second pct and to not give a fuck to my ance...or to stop hcg and allow acne to get better??? Im at 60mg ed of accutane and it is not able to fight sounds very strange!
please, tell me what you would do if you were me.
guys I need a suggestion...Im on my 11th day of hcg (I should do 20 days of hcg and 20 more days of gonadorelin) acne is worsening as hell and its fucking up my head...cant stand to see myself like this on the mirror...especially because I was improving before starting hcg...and it makes me feeling bad...
what do u suggest to do? to go ahead with this second pct and to not give a fuck to my ance...or to stop hcg and allow acne to get better??? Im at 60mg ed of accutane and it is not able to fight sounds very strange!
please, tell me what you would do if you were me.

What shampoo/body wash do you use?
What shampoo/body wash do you use?
cleanance! its a shower shampoo for acne treatment...Im using it since Dec 2014...but my acne doesnt give a fuck! I cant accept that Im in this condition for just one damn little cycle! I see people here and there doing long cycle with lot of stuff, without any medical awareness and proper aas use...and they dont have a single fucking side, no ance, no sides...most of 'em dont do pct neither and their axis restart by its self...they do 2gr of testo ew and dont have any red spot on the skin...I would can say tha same about me...but I cant...
what's cracking fellas?! I did 20 days of hcg at 1000UI x day (first 10 days I had a new acne break out, but last 10 days accutane worked well and controlled it)...did blood work on my 20th day and my testo was in the standard range (lowest values, but normal...260ng/dL) fact libido and mornign Woods have come Im on my 7th day of gonadorelin, considering that I need a drug that stimulates directly hypofysis to produce LH and FSH...and clomid didnt work for me, due to its indirectly action on pytituary gland...I wanna take kryptocur (gonadorelin) for about 30 days and see what happens...I assume that its not a nuts issue...lets see if it concerns hypofysis or hypotalamus......
Acne seems going better...I think if I did 2000UI of hcg I would have got more I was right to take just 1000 x day plus 1mg of adex ed for 20 total, during gonadorelin, Im at 0.5 mg every 2 days!
what's cracking fellas?! I did 20 days of hcg at 1000UI x day (first 10 days I had a new acne break out, but last 10 days accutane worked well and controlled it)...did blood work on my 20th day and my testo was in the standard range (lowest values, but normal...260ng/dL) fact libido and mornign Woods have come Im on my 7th day of gonadorelin, considering that I need a drug that stimulates directly hypofysis to produce LH and FSH...and clomid didnt work for me, due to its indirectly action on pytituary gland...I wanna take kryptocur (gonadorelin) for about 30 days and see what happens...I assume that its not a nuts issue...lets see if it concerns hypofysis or hypotalamus......
Acne seems going better...I think if I did 2000UI of hcg I would have got more I was right to take just 1000 x day plus 1mg of adex ed for 20 total, during gonadorelin, Im at 0.5 mg every 2 days!

Sounds like youre going to be an expert after all of this, hopefully youll stick around to help out other guys that got stuck in your situation. Sounds like its finally working out for you, keep it up.
Hi bro...did you just do one pct (nolva/clomid)??? if yes and it didnt work, must try with power protocol of hcg (20 days) and then 40 more days of gonadorelyn (kryptocur) is GNRH and stimulates directly your hypofisis to release LH...and FSH too...I did bloodwork last week after 40 days of kryptocur and my hypofisis has restarted like before I ran testo is still low because my situation is way strange (I have hypogonadism that doesn't concern with steroids) but if yours is just a normal case I think the protocol above will work great at 100%...give it a try!
I am still trying just use clomid and tamox. My doc sad hgc it's bad option for me, so I wait for it may be later. Get well man !
you can try to use clomid, if its the first attempt, according to the fact it activates hypophysis indirectly, by a negative feedback due to estrogens inhibition, so it can work and cannot...especially in few weeks as a normal pct is supposed to be...but if it wont work, you should try something that acts directly on your pituitary gland, like doubts it works great...unless you have some issues on your hypophysis, but I dont think so...