MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

So axel and 808 are one in the same it seems. I’m assuming all the gear is still good quality? Or should I toss my shit?
So you think the Tren is affecting my total test levels?
Honestly, no idea, its just been something I have always been curious about.

Tren messes with IGF readings (in a good way), messed with estrogen readings (if not doing the ultra sensitive test), what else can it mess with?

This will be highly individual, Accutane for example, wreaks havoc on my hormonal system and how I process certain compounds. Yet, bodybuilders everywhere run it without this problem that I seem to have.

EQ lowers E2 for some, not for others.

If you do test a vial, and everything is good to go, please consider testing your own levels off the tren afterwards. Or maybe even replicating with a different brand at some point. Would be great to have an example to reference.
Honestly, no idea, its just been something I have always been curious about.

Tren messes with IGF readings (in a good way), messed with estrogen readings (if not doing the ultra sensitive test), what else can it mess with?

This will be highly individual, Accutane for example, wreaks havoc on my hormonal system and how I process certain compounds. Yet, bodybuilders everywhere run it without this problem that I seem to have.

EQ lowers E2 for some, not for others.

If you do test a vial, and everything is good to go, please consider testing your own levels off the tren afterwards. Or maybe even replicating with a different brand at some point. Would be great to have an example to reference.
I’ve tested my levels several times while on Tren in the past and it has never affected total test. But yea as soon as janoshik gets back with me, I’m sending a vial of this test off for sure. Unfortunately I do not have an unopened vial of his Tren or I would do the same with it.
When i inquired about testing, jano said he only needs a full 1ml perfume tester bottle of the oil to do the test.
Guess that could leave speculation to tampering but you could do that with a full bottle and just re crimp the cap.
@madmanSpade Was this done through LabCorp or Quest? IIRC there were 2 members on here last year and/or earlier this year who had really low readings for their T (I want to say it was LabCorp), retested a week later, and it was fine. That test alone wouldn't be expensive and less work than sending it for testing. However, I would encourage you to do both.
Hey axle any truth to you also being 808labs? Either way I've never had a problem with your gear. Fuck the noise, fuck politics. I like good gear
Yes we actually posted a response in the thread but it got immediately removed by the mods where we admitted we were 808. In fact, we never denied it. We applied with a new name to SST and got accepted so we sold our product there. Not much more to it. People loved our gear so that’s what matters to us. I hope SST members enjoyed it for the time we were there!

And I agree, good gear and good customer service is what we provide. That’s all we were doing. Thanks for the love and support, we appreciate you guys.
Anyone running axles primo?
I am running Primo E 200mg along with Test E 300mg a week and 30mg Var a day. Primo gives some PIP sometimes for me but only if I load it with the test and pin, Since I have been doing them separate I have way less pip. Getting bloodwork done on may 1st to see where my levels are,
808 , axle , juice ape , whatever, who cares. Just bring the quality and we should all be pleased. The name and logo on a vial is irrelevant if the gear is high quality and safe to use.
@madmanSpade Was this done through LabCorp or Quest? IIRC there were 2 members on here last year and/or earlier this year who had really low readings for their T (I want to say it was LabCorp), retested a week later, and it was fine. That test alone wouldn't be expensive and less work than sending it for testing. However, I would encourage you to do both.
It was through Ulta labs
808 , axle , juice ape , whatever, who cares. Just bring the quality and we should all be pleased. The name and logo on a vial is irrelevant if the gear is high quality and safe to use.
Agreed. I always tell people "beware of fancy packaging and holograms" verified test results and consistent word of mouth are what i look for, I could give two shits about a hologram and pointless medical jargon
Sending some stuff in for testing should have results hopefully in the next couple weeks or less. Everything's been on point so far so lets hope testing confirms it!
Delayed review

Placed 3rd order a couple days before 4/8 and recently 4/8, every order has been quick turnaround and I've been using axle since January and I love the product.

So far I've used test tren hgh hcg and modafinil