MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I believe I gave you too much credit when I said reading wasn't your strong suit, my apologies! I wasn't aware they allowed mentally retarded folk around computers nowadays. I hope and pray the legal guardians that care for you, since your parents abandoned a slobbering abomination, will be more careful allowing you around a PC.
This has to be the most desperate, "I know you are, but what am i", response I've ever seen.LMAO don't bust a blood vessel in your butthole while roid-raging. Your butthurt levels are already at critical mass. Lol
Fairly common? Idk about that, isnt stan still same email as he has on page 1 of his thread from 2021? but this guy lost access to two emails in the span of a couple of months and had to get his own server to stop it..
I know critical thinking is a lost art so allow me to explain:

- He was in business with a source and now he competes with that source.
- Sources having to change emails is not that uncommon.
- Axle may have had a higher frequency than other sources BUT , first bullet solves for the disparity.
Fairly common? Idk about that, isnt stan still same email as he has on page 1 of his thread from 2021? but this guy lost access to two emails in the span of a couple of months and had to get his own server to stop it..
Yes, you have stated what happened. I could also get a source’s protonmail email suspended. In fact, anyone could. But I won’t because I’m not a douche.
Yes, you have stated what happened. I could also get a source’s protonmail email suspended. In fact, anyone could. But I won’t because I’m not a douche.
We appreciate the non-doucheness! Unless of course it's one of them there fancy flavored douches. . .then . . well . .just saying.
Not yet, we’re going to send it off along with the S23 early next week though.

This is not true. Did you see our new email? We respond very quickly. Just a reminder, our new email is:

Email us and you’ll be sorted very quickly.
My bad- he is correct and I’ll delete my original post/ it was only the email issue. Dude is legit.
Ok- he did not send everything that was ordered then he ghosted me, he won’t respond to the emails anymore- that is sad , due to the fact his gear is fire. What he did send is legit and I would have even switched from SP to Axle even with higher prices. But since he can’t even email me back to explain why 125 bucks worth of items were missing.
He has fixed the issue / dude is legit
Looks like he was on a shit ton of gear before that.

557 is on the low end now, but not worth 4 question marks.
557 on 400mg of gear is extremely low, from personal experience, and from clients. 200mg of Test p/w alone will put me within or potentially above 1k, for reference.

But yes, what @Killze022 said is also relevant, injection frequency and last pin.

Curious about this, @madmanSpade.