MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Here we go with this shit again please name a perfect source I can go and buy from without a single testing issue, complaint or shipping problem. Dude owned up to it and handled it well imo how do we know original source didn’t do something to cross contaminate the shit he sent in. Y’all just bored looking to stir up shit I can name multiple vendors I’ve tried that’s either had underdosed issues, lost packages or even been ignored for a refund on a seized item.
How did he own up to it lol by sending replacements to people to shut them up about it.
The person who originally found out about the cross contamination was an SST member who blind tested it… then the source confirmed that there were other batches that they found were also cross contaminated. And all of that would’ve been water under the bridge anyway until someone found more cross contamination with axle

And sure that’s great that he sent them replacements but it doesn’t actually fix the issue. This seems to have been an issue with this brewer
How did he own up to it lol by sending replacements to people to shut them up about it.
The person who originally found out about the cross contamination was an SST member who blind tested it… then the source confirmed that there were other batches that they found were also cross contaminated. And all of that would’ve been water under the bridge anyway until someone found more cross contamination with axle

And sure that’s great that he sent them replacements but it doesn’t actually fix the issue. This seems to have been an issue with this brewer
He tested the batch… he tested the raws, refunded the product. He asked thorough questions and didn’t just shut it out and bury it wtf you want him to do shut down shop? It’s the only instance of the incident and if I recall no batch showed other than the member who reported it. I guess I’ll go back and start bashing all these vendors and tag you.
How did he own up to it lol by sending replacements to people to shut them up about it.
The person who originally found out about the cross contamination was an SST member who blind tested it… then the source confirmed that there were other batches that they found were also cross contaminated. And all of that would’ve been water under the bridge anyway until someone found more cross contamination with axle

And sure that’s great that he sent them replacements but it doesn’t actually fix the issue. This seems to have been an issue with this brewer
SST members are so trustworthy
He tested the batch… he tested the raws, refunded the product. He asked thorough questions and didn’t just shut it out and bury it wtf you want him to do shut down shop? It’s the only instance of the incident and if I recall no batch showed other than the member who reported it. I guess I’ll go back and start bashing all these vendors and tag you.
His testing doesn’t mean shit if it can’t be trusted. He posted results before the blind testing and they were perfect. Maybe I’m misremembering but didn’t another member post blind testing of the NPP and theirs was underdosed? From the same batch ?? What’s even the point of having batch numbers if they’re not all the same result

How common is cross contamination anyway since it’s no big deal lol I was just pointing out that this has been a problem for this brewer
His testing doesn’t mean shit if it can’t be trusted. He posted results before the blind testing and they were perfect. Maybe I’m misremembering but didn’t another member post blind testing of the NPP and theirs was underdosed? From the same batch ?? What’s even the point of having batch numbers if they’re not all the same result
So if I got something underdosed from a well known supplier on here they can’t be trusted I really don’t wanna name them but I have results, the issue was resolved I received a new order and a full refund. But your saying untrustworthy, someone who a lot of people uses on here. If that’s the theory here I should blast that source with the results and call them out even though it was corrected. Go on little man your to small to argue here.
How anyone has been buying from this guy is beyond me. I remember when he started this intro, we tore him apart for his track record.

None of this stuff is surprising.

Untrustworthy source. Buyer beware.
So if I got something underdosed from a well known supplier on here they can’t be trusted I really don’t wanna name them but I have results, the issue was resolved I received a new order and a full refund. But your saying untrustworthy, someone who a lot of people uses on here. If that’s the theory here I should blast that source with the results and call them out even though it was corrected. Go on little man your to small to argue here.
Lmao that’s called a strawman fallacy.
We aren’t talking about your issues with another source.
Hey, that isn’t that high for 500/week. I guess it all varies from person to person but mine was in the 2500 range on 500mg. 1500 is usually that someone would get for 250mg/week. I don’t think it’s the product but maybe just how you respond to it. How long have you been on that dose? Have you considered upping your test since you don’t get sides? Maybe trying an AI and/or adding some proviron or masteron? Do you use anything else like HCG that could be raising your e2?
Bloods ran on axle’s test cyp 300mg . 500mg weekly
Standard labs only report >1500ng/dl. You have to pay extra if you want the labs to show a precise number greater than that. All his labs show is that it’s higher than 1500.

Could be 2000 could be 3000 could be 1600, no way to know
lol yeah right. I can get better quality product & more importantly- peace of mind by buying Chinese raws from QSC and brewing my own.
So why come into this thread and bash the source and his customers that are obviously below you and your standards? Kinda just seems like you're just Trolling. To each his own, and I don't think many guys on this thread will take your advise honestly.
It’s not a flex and dis on Axel. I get better peace of mind & confidence in a product from Chinese PED than I do from him lol.

Once again-
Axel is an untrustworthy source
Being untrustworthy is your opinion to me he fixed the issue, my products have tested fine and my results are on target with any rx stuff I’ve had or other sources. So your opinion is you arguing water isn’t wet when I just took a swim. You just really sound salty nobody wants you as a source, have you tried to come on here before and been ripped to pieces and just go around trolling other guys dicks you didn’t suck?
So why come into this thread and bash the source and his customers that are obviously below you and your standards? Kinda just seems like you're just Trolling. To each his own, and I don't think many guys on this thread will take your advise honestly.
My dude, this is a harm reduction forum. Not a source forum. In the interest of warning others/harm reduction, everyone should know-

Axel is an untrustworthy source
My dude, this is a harm reduction forum. Not a source forum. In the interest of warning others/harm reduction, everyone should know-

Axel is an untrustworthy source
And also a forum to discuss the issue, leave positive feedback and discuss experiences with gear they haven’t tried yet others have. You and your spam account is about the only thing anti axle here. So when you troll other shall your opinion means nothing to me I trust a random opened coke bottle on a subway more.
My dude, this is a harm reduction forum. Not a source forum. In the interest of warning others/harm reduction, everyone should know-

Axel is an untrustworthy source
The harm reduction is to be on the user and how they use the gear. The gear has not been shown to be toxic that he is selling. It's nice you want to be concerned for people but you might want to bark up a different tree.

Pinnacle Elements is an untrustworthy source of info
The harm reduction is to be on the user and how they use the gear. The gear has not been shown to be toxic that he is selling. It's nice you want to be concerned for people but you might want to bark up a different tree.

Pinnacle Elements is an untrustworthy source of info
Does anyone without a “New Member” tag wanna comment here..? No..? Interesting.

Let’s not forget the exorbitant amount of alt accounts he was found to be using to shill his own products.

Go lurk the first 5 pages of this thread.