MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Does anyone without a “New Member” tag wanna comment here..? No..? Interesting.

Let’s not forget the exorbitant amount of alt accounts he was found to be using to shill his own products.

Go lurk the first 5 pages of this thread.
I’d wager a few of these shrill accounts of bs are yours ya salty bitch.
LOL!! That’s exactly what he did too, he misspelled shill as shrill to make it seem like he didn’t know what a shill was!

Caught ya Axle!
Sure did caught a guy at work arguing with someone who brews gear in his mom’s basement and bashes other people’s gear because he can’t cut it himself here.
Understood..I thought this was all about allegations of fake/shrill accounts. It seems there is some history there that I’m not aware of.

I’m not affiliated or connected with this source in any way, nor am I defending anyone. All I was trying to say is I’m not a shrill and have used this source on several occasions now and was very impressed. I use 2-3 sources on here regularly so I’m not partial to one over the other, they each have advantages and disadvantages, and all varying levels of risk.

I agree OPSEC is of utmost importance which is why I would really hope any source in that supposed predicament would take extraordinary steps and have proper security measures in place to protect and prevent comprise. OPSEC is always a concern with any source that has others involved in business, I cannot speak to any of that, I don’t know the history, this source can, and perhaps should. All I was trying to emphasize is that I am not a “shrill”. I don’t care who gets gear from whom or where but to say it’s solely business practices/ethics doesn’t know business world in general. But that’s what’s nice, we all get to make our own decisions despite differing opinions.

I can ONLY speak to MY experience with source.

it's shill dude

He knows. He’s trying to give the impression that he’s so far from a shill that he doesn’t even know the word and has to look it up. He even made sure to say as much. Yet even though he looked it up he misspelled it, which is odd. He also spends the great majority of his posts defending this source and espousing the idea that he’s not a shill, which is also odd.

This whole source is fucking clown shoes, as is anyone that opts to associate with them.

Caught you bitch. @Axle Labs

@Millard can we get these accounts appropriately tagged as axel’s alt accounts ?
Yes, it’s a very strong smell. Almost like peppermint.

Looking forward to the testing results!
If this is the case I’ve definitely emailed you regarding the smell of your test c from an older batch. I am still injecting it and it smells exactly like you’re describing. You assured me it’s not. I want to believe you because it’s great gear. If you know an earlier batch from when you split with your old partner contains this you should probably be transparent about it. And for the record I just compared the smell with another source and theirs does not have this odor in the slightest.
Does anyone without a “New Member” tag wanna comment here..? No..? Interesting.

Let’s not forget the exorbitant amount of alt accounts he was found to be using to shill his own products.
I get that you think you're better and know more about gear and sources than all the new members cause this is obviously the only way to learn. There are many ego driven people in this scene and I can tell you are one of them. Lurk on dude Lurk on

Pinnacle Elements is an untrustworthy source of info
The harm reduction is to be on the user and how they use the gear. The gear has not been shown to be toxic that he is selling. It's nice you want to be concerned for people but you might want to bark up a different tree.

Pinnacle Elements is an untrustworthy source of info
Your definiton of "harm reduction" is skewed. Contaminated gear isnt harm reduction.
Here we go with this shit again please name a perfect source I can go and buy from without a single testing issue, complaint or shipping problem. Dude owned up to it and handled it well imo how do we know original source didn’t do something to cross contaminate the shit he sent in. Y’all just bored looking to stir up shit I can name multiple vendors I’ve tried that’s either had underdosed issues, lost packages or even been ignored for a refund on a seized item.
I am the original source that sent the sample in. You can read my post history all through my time here in meso.. tell me 1 thing that would even suggest that I would want to sabotage any source?? I even sent in a second sample from a separate vial (using my hard earned cash) just to make sure that I didn't somehow screw it up the first time.. So tell m
e please why would you even suggest that without even knowing the first thing about me.. brother! I'm definantly ot here to argue just defend my name about the legitimacy of the testing I did.. if people like axle cool use him.. I used some of his gear yesterday. But please don't try and drag me through the mud.
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I am the original source that sent the sample in. You can read my post history all through my time here in meso.. tell me 1 thing that would even suggest that I would want to sabotage any source?? I even sent in a second sample from a separate vial (using my hard earned cash) just to make sure that I didn't somehow screw it up the first time.. So tell m
e please why would you even suggest that without even knowing the first thing about me.. brother! I'm definantly ot here to argue just defend my name about the legitimacy of the testing I did.. if people like axle cool use him.. I used some of his gear yesterday. But please don't try and drag me through the mud.
Idk what you want to hear nobody called ya a liar, many possible outcomes of what happened I haven’t seen any other test from other users from that batch showing the same results , if I missed something feel free to tag me. Anything I’ve sent is has came back correct and when it doesn’t I’ll be the first to post and question it. I’m not the one who keeps stiring up the issue. As far as I’m aware it was handled and not swept under the rug unless I’m missing something. If the stuff you sent in was idk how his was different, don’t know if it was something at the testing site. Never once said sabotage
Your definiton of "harm reduction" is skewed. Contaminated gear isnt harm reduction.
Nah I think I am on point. Like I said his gear isn't toxic. No one has found tren in test vials or anything like that. There was one person that found test (which at least 95% of us use as a base) in a vial of NPP and only one so its hard to even say how that could have happened. part of harm reduction is to get what you are putting in your body tested first and not fully rely on the source. That should go for any source not just Axle. But I guess since I have a new member tag than I am below your knowledge level. If you gave me container that said caution pure heroin and I went and overdosed would that be my fault or yours?
Nah I think I am on point. Like I said his gear isn't toxic. No one has found tren in test vials or anything like that. There was one person that found test (which at least 95% of us use as a base) in a vial of NPP and only one so its hard to even say how that could have happened. part of harm reduction is to get what you are putting in your body tested first and not fully rely on the source. That should go for any source not just Axle. But I guess since I have a new member tag than I am below your knowledge level. If you gave me container that said caution pure heroin and I went and overdosed would that be my fault or yours?
Dude joined when I did just yaps a lot I’m guessing similar to this.
Nah I think I am on point. Like I said his gear isn't toxic. No one has found tren in test vials or anything like that. There was one person that found test (which at least 95% of us use as a base) in a vial of NPP and only one so its hard to even say how that could have happened. part of harm reduction is to get what you are putting in your body tested first and not fully rely on the source. That should go for any source not just Axle. But I guess since I have a new member tag than I am below your knowledge level. If you gave me container that said caution pure heroin and I went and overdosed would that be my fault or yours?
Jesus, for fuck sake. I'm not even going to further waste my time responding to this non sense.
Nah I think I am on point. Like I said his gear isn't toxic. No one has found tren in test vials or anything like that. There was one person that found test (which at least 95% of us use as a base) in a vial of NPP and only one so its hard to even say how that could have happened. part of harm reduction is to get what you are putting in your body tested first and not fully rely on the source. That should go for any source not just Axle. But I guess since I have a new member tag than I am below your knowledge level. If you gave me container that said caution pure heroin and I went and overdosed would that be my fault or yours?
This time it was Test in the NPP. The last time it was EQ in the Tren. And it was confirmed by his “alleged” ex partner that other compounds were also cross contaminated. That’s nothing to just shrug off. It’s a pattern with this brewer. At the very least it shows that he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing but I guess it’s okay because you aren’t going to OD:)o_O
Lot of new members with low post counts jumping in... just a bit odd is all
Say one thing outta the way about the source and some of these guys act you you fucked their little sister or something... dam!! I mean axle is a big boy he can defend himself guys.. why do some of you guys jump to his honor so fast?