I mean the most logical answer is that there was maybe multiple batches brewed that were lumped together under one batch. So the jano test showed one result, and the blind test showed a slightly different result (I'm just speculating)
With that said though, to my understanding Axle has made everyone that was involved whole, and has brewed and tested the new batch, as well as the raws (I believe). Mistakes do happen and people should be held accountable, sure, but again, I believe these issues have already been resolved? More blind testing for the sake of accountability and making sure the gear is properly dosed is always a good thing as well, and people are of course encouraged to send in samples for testing (and they do receive store credit for testing the product)
I'll also say that my multiple experiences with Axle have been very pleasant. Beyond the fast T/A, The Test e, mast e, tren A, var 50mg, and tirzepatide are solid, and I'm happy with the quality of the gear and the results obtained, and I'll stick with Axle for the foreseeable future, and would reccomend him to others.
Disclaimer: this isn't a shill post. I have no affiliation to Axle, nor am I compensated for my opinion. I just like his product.