MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Bloods ran on axle’s test cyp 300mg . 500mg weekly
Hey, that isn’t that high for 500/week. I guess it all varies from person to person but mine was in the 2500 range on 500mg. 1500 is usually that someone would get for 250mg/week. I don’t think it’s the product but maybe just how you respond to it. How long have you been on that dose? Have you considered upping your test since you don’t get sides? Maybe trying an AI and/or adding some proviron or masteron? Do you use anything else like HCG that could be raising your e2?
Hey, that isn’t that high for 500/week. I guess it all varies from person to person but mine was in the 2500 range on 500mg. 1500 is usually that someone would get for 250mg/week. I don’t think it’s the product but maybe just how you respond to it. How long have you been on that dose? Have you considered upping your test since you don’t get sides? Maybe trying an AI and/or adding some proviron or masteron? Do you use anything else like HCG that could be raising your e2?
lol you’re the same guy thst said you know everything you need to know about gear in another thread !!!!

If you knew even the slightest, you’d know that is a test that caps out at 1500. It could be 3000 or 4000. You’re a smart one and know everything pal, keep at it.
Hey, that isn’t that high for 500/week. I guess it all varies from person to person but mine was in the 2500 range on 500mg. 1500 is usually that someone would get for 250mg/week. I don’t think it’s the product but maybe just how you respond to it. How long have you been on that dose? Have you considered upping your test since you don’t get sides? Maybe trying an AI and/or adding some proviron or masteron? Do you use anything else like HCG that could be raising your e2?
That’s just how the test is. It doesn’t give a specific number over 1500. It could be 4000 but it’ll say “>1500”
You can taste the Guiacol in the deca 400 if you put a drop on your tongue. I was actually wondering what it was. Has a minty taste. I commented about it on a previous thread. That being said it hasnt affected my bloodwork or injection sites at all. Shits doing what its suppose to. injects smooth. I wont lie I will be a little sad when I run out.
My tt was 2089 ft 680 off 300 mg test c from Axle i was doing m-w-f injection for total of 300 mg week only thing is my estrogen was 70 pg/ml so I've started .5 arimidex weekly I'll take estrogen test in a couple weeks to reasses everything but i didn't really have any high estrogen symptoms accept some leg acne on upper thighs/butt any input or comments appreciated tia
With all the errors piling up everyone seems to be going a little easy on Axle. Seems like a hard avoid because something is fucked with this dude's brewing...

Maybe lay off the hard drugs during brew sessions or take your adderall if you're some ADHD fuck cause this looks pretty stupid on your part.
I know it’s been downplayed here big time. Meso is getting soft and he was referring to the npp that has the 30+ mg of test cyp in it…
I never understood how that was just swept under the rug….
How does blind testing show it was cross contaminated but Axles testing shows perfect results from the same batch ? Seems like BS
I never understood how that was just swept under the rug….
How does blind testing show it was cross contaminated but Axles testing shows perfect results from the same batch ? Seems like BS
I mean the most logical answer is that there was maybe multiple batches brewed that were lumped together under one batch. So the jano test showed one result, and the blind test showed a slightly different result (I'm just speculating)

With that said though, to my understanding Axle has made everyone that was involved whole, and has brewed and tested the new batch, as well as the raws (I believe). Mistakes do happen and people should be held accountable, sure, but again, I believe these issues have already been resolved? More blind testing for the sake of accountability and making sure the gear is properly dosed is always a good thing as well, and people are of course encouraged to send in samples for testing (and they do receive store credit for testing the product)

I'll also say that my multiple experiences with Axle have been very pleasant. Beyond the fast T/A, The Test e, mast e, tren A, var 50mg, and tirzepatide are solid, and I'm happy with the quality of the gear and the results obtained, and I'll stick with Axle for the foreseeable future, and would reccomend him to others.

Disclaimer: this isn't a shill post. I have no affiliation to Axle, nor am I compensated for my opinion. I just like his product.
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I never understood how that was just swept under the rug….
Because this place has become softer than Drake wrapped in a fleece blanket. Guys will have a pack land, look at the vials and see that they have the correct words written on them, and immediately give a glowing review. Expectations are low enough that even a Chinese vendor who literally said they used a promo to sell poorly filtered gear to get rid of it is met with a collective ‘meh’ from the members here.
I mean the most logical answer is that there was maybe multiple batches brewed that were lumped together under one batch. So the jano test showed one result, and the blind test showed a slightly different result (I'm just speculating)

With that said though, to my understanding Axle has made everyone that was involved whole, and has brewed and tested the new batch, as well as the raws (I believe). Mistakes do happen and people should be held accountable, sure, but again, I believe these issues have already been resolved? More blind testing for the sake of accountability and making sure the gear is properly dosed is always a good thing as well, and people are of course encouraged to send in samples for testing (and they do receive store credit for testing the product)

I'll also say that my multiple experiences with Axle have been very pleasant. Beyond the fast T/A, The Test e, mast e, tren A, var 50mg, and tirzepatide are solid, and I'm happy with the quality of the gear and the results obtained, and I'll stick with Axle for the foreseeable future, and would reccomend him to others.

Disclaimer: this isn't a shill post. I have no affiliation to Axle, nor am I compensated for my opinion. I just like his product.
I’ve also had good experiences with axle. I’m not saying he’s a bad dude or anything but it does make me question things.

I remember when everything went down with juice ape… shortly after they imploded a member posted blind testing with cross contamination in their Tren. Then all the shit that happened with muscle candy…. when they rebranded on SST, they admitted pretty quickly that they were juice ape and that they found “several” cross contaminated batches… but all of juice apes testing that he posted was on point… and then they came out and said that axle is their old brewer… all of that is he said/she said and axle denies any involvement with them whatsoever but now here we are months later and cross contaminated batches are popping up with him…. looks to me like he never addressed that issue..

All of that makes me believe his testing shouldn’t be trusted at all.
I’ve also had good experiences with axle. I’m not saying he’s a bad dude or anything but it does make me question things.

I remember when everything went down with juice ape… shortly after they imploded a member posted blind testing with cross contamination in their Tren. Then all the shit that happened with muscle candy…. when they rebranded on SST, they admitted pretty quickly that they were juice ape and that they found “several” cross contaminated batches… but all of juice apes testing that he posted was on point… and then they came out and said that axle is their old brewer… all of that is he said/she said and axle denies any involvement with them whatsoever but now here we are months later and cross contaminated batches are popping up with him…. looks to me like he never addressed that issue..

All of that makes me believe his testing shouldn’t be trusted at all.
Yeah - at the very least there are some hard questions and every time something pops up Axle just acts like he has no idea... so he either truly has no idea and his operation is fucked or he knows exactly what caused it and his operation is fucked...
lol you’re the same guy thst said you know everything you need to know about gear in another thread !!!!

If you knew even the slightest, you’d know that is a test that caps out at 1500. It could be 3000 or 4000. You’re a smart one and know everything pal, keep at it.
Never said that. Try reading next time.
Here we go with this shit again please name a perfect source I can go and buy from without a single testing issue, complaint or shipping problem. Dude owned up to it and handled it well imo how do we know original source didn’t do something to cross contaminate the shit he sent in. Y’all just bored looking to stir up shit I can name multiple vendors I’ve tried that’s either had underdosed issues, lost packages or even been ignored for a refund on a seized item.