MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

This time it was Test in the NPP. The last time it was EQ in the Tren. And it was confirmed by his “alleged” ex partner that other compounds were also cross contaminated. That’s nothing to just shrug off. It’s a pattern with this brewer. At the very least it shows that he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing but I guess it’s okay because you aren’t going to OD:)o_O
There was only the NPP ever. His var, tren, test-e, test-c.. anything else tested by others has tested correctly.

I think you're getting confused by MC's shit-tier testing who claims to have a PHD chemist brewing his 40% underdosed/overdosed (who knows what it'll be) gear.
I think it would be beneficial to understand that behind a screen a member here could be anybody. In my 10 plus years on meso I’ve come to realize that the lines between a member and a source are blurred. Sources use board members in reshipper roles, as cash receivers, and as reps. That’s not even mentioning alt accounts of the sources themselves. Try not to take offense to questions of motives when you’re green lighting a source.

I like axels products. But I have noticed what maybe viewed as shortcuts being taken. Caps not properly closed, under filled caps, haphazard fill levels on vials. These are not damning by any means but it may point to lab procedures that could lead to the contamination issues in question. Also I recall seeing a test with dosage discrepancies that was from a batch that when tested by axle was spot on. That points in my opinion to the product being a different batch being masqueraded as a good testing batch.

This source was thrown off another board for having alt accounts promoting good experiences. I’m not saying that’s happening here but thinking that it’s not a possibility is an odd stance to take. The multiple rebrands is concerning as well. Also not addressing these issues head on and coming in with a sale isn’t a good indicator imo.
I think it would be beneficial to understand that behind a screen a member here could be anybody. In my 10 plus years on meso I’ve come to realize that the lines between a member and a source are blurred. Sources use board members in reshipper roles, as cash receivers, and as reps. That’s not even mentioning alt accounts of the sources themselves. Try not to take offense to questions of motives when you’re green lighting a source.

I like axels products. But I have noticed what maybe viewed as shortcuts being taken. Caps not properly closed, under filled caps, haphazard fill levels on vials. These are not damning by any means but it may point to lab procedures that could lead to the contamination issues in question. Also I recall seeing a test with dosage discrepancies that was from a batch that when tested by axle was spot on. That points in my opinion to the product being a different batch being masqueraded as a good testing batch.

This source was thrown off another board for having alt accounts promoting good experiences. I’m not saying that’s happening here but thinking that it’s not a possibility is an odd stance to take. The multiple rebrands is concerning as well. Also not addressing these issues head on and coming in with a sale isn’t a good indicator imo.
I’ve addressed the comments so many times since being a source here - the answers as well as my responses are available in the threads. But I’ll say it again to refresh:

We let go of our SST marketing person a long time ago - where the issues stemmed from. He still claims he didn’t do any of the accused things by the SST mods. Regardless we didn’t want to risk continuing using him so he was let go. Beyond that, if there’s any further speculation there isn’t much more for us to say / do. It’s hilarious that it’s the same few members claiming any positive account is fake We’re selling our tested gear, and running at/slightly above the volume we’d like so clearly people like the gear.

But no need to use us if there’s any doubt, plenty of good sources out there!

(I had commented about this sale last week)

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I’ve addressed the comments so many times since being a source here - the answers as well as my responses are available in the threads. But I’ll say it again to refresh:

We let go of our SST marketing person a long time ago - where the issues stemmed from. He still claims he didn’t do any of the accused things by the SST mods. Regardless we didn’t want to risk continuing using him so he was let go. Beyond that, if there’s any further speculation there isn’t much more for us to say / do. It’s hilarious that it’s the same few members claiming any positive account is fake We’re selling our tested gear, and running at/slightly above the volume we’d like so clearly people like the gear.

But no need to use us if there’s any doubt, plenty of good sources out there!

(I had commented about this sale last week)

I know you had addressed the shill accounts. I was more referring to the contamination issue. I was going through the 808 thread on sst and saw that you classify a batch number from the raws used and not a specific brew. Is that still your policy?
Caught you bitch. @Axle Labs

@Millard can we get these accounts appropriately tagged as axel’s alt accounts ?
Vendor alt accounts are prohibited. If I find any evidence to support it, the alt accounts will be banned.

As far as shill accounts are concerned, it is the community's responsible to identify and call these out with the goal of discouraging such behavior.

There are some definitional issues regarding 'what is a shill.'

Someone who simply shares a positive experience (even if it's with a source you do not like) is not necessarily a shill. Someone who simply shares an opinion with which you disagree is not necessarily a shill.

My own personal definition is that if you spend more than 5 posts defending or praising a source, I will consider you a shill. This is easy to determine by examining post history.

If you don't want to be considered a shill, just stop before you reach that point. Otherwise you exist on the forum to contribute to the business interests of the vendor.

Alternatively, I would prefer to see you post elsewhere (outside the Steroid Underground subforum) and contribute to the harm reduction and educational interests of the community.
I know you had addressed the shill accounts. I was more referring to the contamination issue. I was going through the 808 thread on sst and saw that you classify a batch number from the raws used and not a specific brew. Is that still your policy?
The NPP was shelved, not re offered till we re tested the raws as well as new brew. We refunded / replaced anyone with NPP 200. We have multiple brew lines which are cleared between brewing each compound now as well.

Let me know what else you’d like to see or what you’d do in addition on our end.
Vendor alt accounts are prohibited. If I find any evidence to support it, the alt accounts will be banned.

As far as shill accounts are concerned, it is the community's responsible to identify and call these out with the goal of discouraging such behavior.

There are some definitional issues regarding 'what is a shill.'

Someone who simply shares a positive experience (even if it's with a source you do not like) is not necessarily a shill. Someone who simply shares an opinion with which you disagree is not necessarily a shill.

My own personal definition is that if you spend more than 5 posts defending or praising a source, I will consider you a shill. This is easy to determine by examining post history.

If you don't want to be considered a shill, just stop before you reach that point. Otherwise you exist on the forum to contribute to the business interests of the vendor.

Alternatively, I would prefer to see you post elsewhere (outside the Steroid Underground subforum) and contribute to the harm reduction and educational interests of the community.
Thanks Millard.
I’ve addressed the comments so many times since being a source here - the answers as well as my responses are available in the threads. But I’ll say it again to refresh:

We let go of our SST marketing person a long time ago - where the issues stemmed from. He still claims he didn’t do any of the accused things by the SST mods. Regardless we didn’t want to risk continuing using him so he was let go. Beyond that, if there’s any further speculation there isn’t much more for us to say / do. It’s hilarious that it’s the same few members claiming any positive account is fake We’re selling our tested gear, and running at/slightly above the volume we’d like so clearly people like the gear.

But no need to use us if there’s any doubt, plenty of good sources out there!

(I had commented about this sale last week)

LOL Now it was an SST "Marketing person"

And you're still denying it
There was only the NPP ever. His var, tren, test-e, test-c.. anything else tested by others has tested correctly.

I think you're getting confused by MC's shit-tier testing who claims to have a PHD chemist brewing his 40% underdosed/overdosed (who knows what it'll be) gear.
Yeah I guess it’s just a coincidence that he was accused of working with them and now the cross contamination is happening with him. The NPP was the only one that Axle had to take the blame for. That was a big thing on SST and Axle never took the fall for it because he just rebranded and denied ever being a part of that operation.

I mean really you’re talking about “who knows what it’ll be” gear while defending a source who cross contaminates his shit lol tbh I’d rather have underdosed/overdosed gear than a whole different compound in it lmao
Yeah I guess it’s just a coincidence that he was accused of working with them and now the cross contamination is happening with him. The NPP was the only one that Axle had to take the blame for. That was a big thing on SST and Axle never took the fall for it because he just rebranded and denied ever being a part of that operation.

I mean really you’re talking about “who knows what it’ll be” gear while defending a source who cross contaminates his shit lol tbh I’d rather have underdosed/overdosed gear than a whole different compound in it lmao
Ah yea, and this magically hasn’t appeared in all the other blind Axle tests. Maybe face the fact that the MC crap you’re injecting is the cross contaminated / underdosed gear.
Ah yea, and this magically hasn’t appeared in all the other blind Axle tests. Maybe face the fact that the MC crap you’re injecting is the cross contaminated / underdosed gear.
Just because I’m criticizing Axle doesn’t mean I’m an MC fan. I’m just pointing out the fact that Axle’s brewer had the same problem in the past whether you want to believe it or not.

I would be willing to bet there is more cross contaminated stuff. It’s no surprise that compounds that “don’t contain guaiacol” are smelling of it. What’s the explanation for that? @Axle Labs
I am the original source that sent the sample in. You can read my post history all through my time here in meso.. tell me 1 thing that would even suggest that I would want to sabotage any source?? I even sent in a second sample from a separate vial (using my hard earned cash) just to make sure that I didn't somehow screw it up the first time.. So tell m
e please why would you even suggest that without even knowing the first thing about me.. brother! I'm definantly ot here to argue just defend my name about the legitimacy of the testing I did.. if people like axle cool use him.. I used some of his gear yesterday. But please don't try and drag me through the mud.
looking goood dirthand your hard work is paying off my Brother!
Just because I’m criticizing Axle doesn’t mean I’m an MC fan. I’m just pointing out the fact that Axle’s brewer had the same problem in the past whether you want to believe it or not.

I would be willing to bet there is more cross contaminated stuff. It’s no surprise that compounds that “don’t contain guaiacol” are smelling of it. What’s the explanation for that? @Axle Labs
"You betting" doesn't hold up. Test the products, back up your claim. I tested instead of talking out of my ass.
Godddddammmn!,, this thread has become a shitshow if you don't like Axle Labs don't use it it's simple, PLENTY of other good sources
"You betting" doesn't hold up. Test the products, back up your claim. I tested instead of talking out of my ass.
Lol I guess we’ll see in a couple weeks when members post their results from the “no guaiacol in that compound” testing. I’m sure you’ll still be here defending it though. Until then enjoy your NPP/Test blend… or Tren/EQ or whatever tf it is lmao
Ill have testing results soon but my honest review so far has been a good experience with good gear. looks like some people just recently blind tested a few products also which turned out good. Idk why some people have their panties in a bunch over stuff axle has addressed multiple times already.

Ill share the testing results once i get them.