MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Godddddammmn!,, this thread has become a shitshow if you don't like Axle Labs don't use it it's simple, PLENTY of other good sources
Another reminder, this is a harm reduction forum. Members have a responsibility to hold sources accountable. If you don't like it, head over to evolutionary or some other BS source board. Thanks brother!
Reading through his old threads on SST really cleared a lot up for me. Seeing the way the alt accounts were used and the speech patterns of the alleged “marketing person” I was able to determine that no such person existed and that the same things are still taking place on meso. I’ve also managed to find at least one of his alt accounts here. I have a long shift ahead of me today and I’m certain I’ll find more. @Millard please look into @Killze022 its definitely @Axle Labs .

@Axle Labs please answer my question about batch numbers. Do they correspond to the raws used in the product or do they correspond to the brew the finished product was created in?

Another reminder, this is a harm reduction forum. Members have a responsibility to hold sources accountable. If you don't like it, head over to evolutionary or some other BS source board. Thanks brother!
It just seems nobody is getting anywhere so dump the source im not advocating and yes you are right harm reduction is our responsibility
Reading through his old threads on SST really cleared a lot up for me. Seeing the way the alt accounts were used and the speech patterns of the alleged “marketing person” I was able to determine that no such person existed and that the same things are still taking place on meso. I’ve also managed to find at least one of his alt accounts here. I have a long shift ahead of me today and I’m certain I’ll find more. @Millard please look into @Killze022 its definitely @Axle Labs .

@Axle Labs please answer my question about batch numbers. Do they correspond to the raws used in the product or do they correspond to the brew the finished product was created in?

I've answered this multiple times but it's no surprise since you're still clueless on other things you're mentioning. Everything has been answered actually.

But yes BATCH refers to the batch of raws used. It would be near impossible to have a separate batch tracking for each bottle brewed.

And yes please investigate and then @American Muscle should also face some consequence for being wrong? Maybe a little spanking? :D
I've answered this multiple times but it's no surprise since you're still clueless on other things you're mentioning. Everything has been answered actually.

But yes BATCH refers to the batch of raws used. It would be near impossible to have a separate batch tracking for each bottle brewed.

And yes please investigate and then @American Muscle should also face some consequence for being wrong? Maybe a little spanking? :D
+1. Ban @American Muscle if he’s wrong.
@Millard please also look into @JazzHump. If IP’s match I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

@Axel labs thanks for answering that time. Testing product does little if multiple brews are being conducted and are being masqueraded as the same good testing batch. This sheds light on how your testing always shines while the testing of others comes in under-dosed or contaminated.
@Millard please also look into @JazzHump. If IP’s match I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

@Axel labs thanks for answering that time. Testing product does little if multiple brews are being conducted and are being masqueraded as the same good testing batch. This sheds light on how your testing always shines while the testing of others comes in under-dosed or contaminated.
Can you back this up? Just the NPP test? Here's the most recent blind tests. O I forgot.. You don't actually read the thread.

Also if you wouldn’t mind @Axle Labs would you mind explaining your connection to juiceape/colonial/musclecandy. I know it’s been discussed, but I think we could use a refresher.
Read the first few pages of the thread. I can't sit here and spoon-feed you all day. There is no connection. Only your insinuations and unbacked claims (much like the one you made in the previous message).
Interesting that killze022 and JazzHump were both defensive of Colonial Labs several years ago...

LMAO at the fact he's still claiming no connection to MC and JuiceApe. Everyone knows you are connected. What's the point in denying it still?
Can you back this up? Just the NPP test? Here's the most recent blind tests. O I forgot.. You don't actually read the thread.

Read the first few pages of the thread. I can't sit here and spoon-feed you all day. There is no connection. Only your insinuations and unbacked claims (much like the one you made in the previous message).
He’ll just say the blind tests aren’t real also lmfao
Interesting that killze022 and JazzHump were both defensive of Colonial Labs several years ago...

LMAO at the fact he's still claiming no connection to MC and JuiceApe. Everyone knows you are connected. What's the point in denying it still?

Lol. Enough said. Too much estrogen and meth between these 2