MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I wanted to try this source but everytime I think about trying a new lab some BS happens. Purple Panda, Sasquatch , R&R , Cat, this. Somebody get Nandro back here
So you were banned from another forum for making fake accounts to give yourself pseudo positive reviews and we see new accounts showing up in this thread with positive reviews.

You couldn’t have picked a worse forum to try this on.

The kicker is your stuff strikes me as legit. Your eagerness for market share is going to be your demise.
“your eagerness for market share is going to be your demise” @jackmeoff1 you absolutely cooked with that one
The following four accounts have used the same two IP addresses on both ISP and cellular networks on dozens of occasions and they all post in this thread. The likelihood of this occurring by chance is very small:

@Axle Labs

While there may be other explanations for this, Occam's razor would suggest they are alternate user accounts.
The thing I don't get is what Axle thought was going to happen here. Did he really not realize he was using the same IP on all these accounts? He must have been pretty confident he never cross contaminated them but he did the same thing on SST and the IPs matched up.

I guess if the guy is dumb enough to mix Test into his NPP and to mix guaiacol into random vials then he's not playing with a full deck. Kind of has all the signs of a dude who is probably a drug addict since he can't keep anything straight.
The thing I don't get is what Axle thought was going to happen here. Did he really not realize he was using the same IP on all these accounts? He must have been pretty confident he never cross contaminated them but he did the same thing on SST and the IPs matched up.

I guess if the guy is dumb enough to mix Test into his NPP and to mix guaiacol into random vials then he's not playing with a full deck. Kind of has all the signs of a dude who is probably a drug addict since he can't keep anything straight.
He prob really thought he wasn't gnna get caught, now he all jammed up. I don't really get it tho he has pages and pages of all positive feedback why risk it, and he was headed in the direction of being on top with some of the greats that come through meso.
At this point your best bet is to just come clean, we're all human and make stupid decisions and mistakes sometimes, not t n e end of the world. As far as I know the more important aspects of the operation has been handled right. I've bought multiple compounds here and all has been legit.
The thing I don't get is what Axle thought was going to happen here. Did he really not realize he was using the same IP on all these accounts? He must have been pretty confident he never cross contaminated them but he did the same thing on SST and the IPs matched up.

I guess if the guy is dumb enough to mix Test into his NPP and to mix guaiacol into random vials then he's not playing with a full deck. Kind of has all the signs of a dude who is probably a drug addict since he can't keep anything straight.
I can only imagine how sloppy he is with customer data. Having a woocommerce site should be concerning as it is.
He'll probably bail out and reregister under a new name soon. On SST, he rejoined as '808Labs' after his first ban. Expect some new source to show up in a few weeks, so let's keep an eye out for him. :cool:
Now we just need to know if those smelly vials have the danger sauce in them
I recently bought Tren A from him. What exactly should I be smelling to know if it has guiacol in it? I didn’t plan on using it till end of cycle, so I took a little bit out of the vial and it has a slight minty smell to it. It doesn’t “stink up the room” like I’ve read on here tho.

Never ran Tren A before, so I don’t exactly know what this shit is supposed to smell like lol.
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