MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I recently bought Tren A from him. What exactly should I be smelling to know if it has guiacol in it? I didn’t plan on using it till end of cycle, so I took a little bit out of the vial and it has a slight minty smell to it. It doesn’t “stink up the room” like I’ve read on here tho.

Never ran Tren A before, so I don’t exactly know what this shit is supposed to smell like lol.
Minty, piney, vitamin ish. What you’re smelling is most likely guaiacol. Some of his products have a more faint smell of it. But none the less it’s coming from the oil. So different amounts in different compounds. He probably wasn’t getting his Raws to dissolve properly so used the guac.
Minty, piney, vitamin ish. What you’re smelling is most likely guaiacol. Some of his products have a more faint smell of it. But none the less it’s coming from the oil. So different amounts in different compounds. He probably wasn’t getting his Raws to dissolve properly so used the guac.
I can relay what the batch number is when I get home later today. It was different than the one people were discussing earlier.

I can’t really find anything online to reference in terms of the health effects of guaicol. Would you or others suggest canning the vial I bought? It seems some of you here say it’s risky, but this is actually the first time I’ve ever heard of this.
I can relay what the batch number is when I get home later today. It was different than the one people were discussing earlier.

I can’t really find anything online to reference in terms of the health effects of guaicol. Would you or others suggest canning the vial I bought? It seems some of you here say it’s risky, but this is actually the first time I’ve ever heard of this.
Solvents cause systemic inflammation in your body, I’ve seen my hsCRP hit 33 on a reference range of 1-3. Some people have no negative bio markers and feel just fine so they don’t mind.

can it?
i won’t tell you yes or no- but you can easily find a source that doesn’t utilize it.
I can relay what the batch number is when I get home later today. It was different than the one people were discussing earlier.

I can’t really find anything online to reference in terms of the health effects of guaicol. Would you or others suggest canning the vial I bought? It seems some of you here say it’s risky, but this is actually the first time I’ve ever heard of this.
I also just searched this forum for guaiacol and I have questions. Is this thread upset because:

A. They found guaiacol in products that don’t require it, which shows cross contamination?
B. axle claimed he never uses guaiacol?
C. They found guaiacol in products that don’t require it or a safer option was available, so axle is unethical or incompetent?
D. Something else.
I also just searched this forum for guaiacol and I have questions. Is this thread upset because:

A. They found guaiacol in products that don’t require it, which shows cross contamination?
B. axle claimed he never uses guaiacol?
C. They found guaiacol in products that don’t require it or a safer option was available, so axle is unethical or incompetent?
D. Something else.
E. All the above

The only product he claimed to have guaiacol was TNE and injectable orals.

A bold claim as well because it’s not something you can sneak under the rug. He says any compound brewed with guac is done in a different line from the other AAS. It’s a very distinguished smell. Shit smells like shit.

And it’s being smelt in the oil on many of his products.

so maybee his claim of it being brewed in different line is a lie?

Or his claim of it being just used in injectable orals is a lie?
At this point your best bet is to just come clean, we're all human and make stupid decisions and mistakes sometimes, not t n e end of the world. As far as I know the more important aspects of the operation has been handled right. I've bought multiple compounds here and all has been legit.
He did the same shit on sst

Can only do it so many times.

His NPP 200 has been mis dosed on blind testing twice

Such a fucking shame. I was hoping for another domestic source here
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He did the same shit on sst

Can only do it so many times.

His NPP 200 has been mis dosed on blind testing twice

Such a fucking shame. I was hoping for another domestic source here
Ya I got a little to giddy about the domestic part having bad experiences with some overseas and seems I overlooked things.
At this point your best bet is to just come clean, we're all human and make stupid decisions and mistakes sometimes, not t n e end of the world. As far as I know the more important aspects of the operation has been handled right. I've bought multiple compounds here and all has been legit.
Did you send them all off for testing to ensure there isn’t other compounds in them and that they’re accurate dosed?
808 is open for business on PM now. I don’t get it…dude was making a solid following and good products. Hell I was running his Test, Primo and injectable preworkouts the shit was legit. All to make alt accounts when the products were speaking for themselves. 808 seems like mostly basic compounds without all the blends and injectable orals (for now anyways)
808 is open for business on PM now. I don’t get it…dude was making a solid following and good products. Hell I was running his Test, Primo and injectable preworkouts the shit was legit. All to make alt accounts when the products were speaking for themselves. 808 seems like mostly basic compounds without all the blends and injectable orals (for now anyways)
808 was made to dodge his ban on SST so I'm assuming he'll just relabel everything now to it
808 is open for business on PM now.
What is PM?

I had honesty hoped we would be seeing axel take some responsibility here and just admit fault. I think a lot of people could have gotten over the mistakes. Had he just apologized and agreed to a bit more transparency in the future.

It was incredibly stupid to start up the alt bullshit again, but when you see the way he used those alts, it makes sense. Look back at the way axel responded to readsalot. Kind and with patience. Then look at the way the alts trashed him and told him to pay for his own fucking testing. It gave him a voice he couldn’t use as a source. In addition to bolstering sales and adding interest to certain products (primo, preworkout).

The only serious issues I’d have trouble getting past are the misleading batch numbers and the cross contamination. But I think those things could have been fixed on his end and buisness could continue. I couldn’t see myself ever using him again but I’m fairly certain many here would.
What is PM?

I had honesty hoped we would be seeing axel take some responsibility here and just admit fault. I think a lot of people could have gotten over the mistakes. Had he just apologized and agreed to a bit more transparency in the future.

It was incredibly stupid to start up the alt bullshit again, but when you see the way he used those alts, it makes sense. Look back at the way axel responded to readsalot. Kind and with patience. Then look at the way the alts trashed him and told him to pay for his own fucking testing. It gave him a voice he couldn’t use as a source. In addition to bolstering sales and adding interest to certain products (primo, preworkout).

The only serious issues I’d have trouble getting past are the misleading batch numbers and the cross contamination. But I think those things could have been fixed on his end and buisness could continue. I couldn’t see myself ever using him again but I’m fairly certain many here would.
I’m not super active on meso , I just read and lurk. But as others have said… this forum is getting soft. I tip my hat to you brave soldiers who place orders with a swiftness to new sources. I salute those who gave this man chance after chance. But i have a rule when it comes to sourcing now. I need to see atleast 100 pages on the thread. Majority good reviews from members without the “New Member” tag. I need to see Gold names posting “TD, Good stuff no pip”
At the end of the day, these UGLs are drug dealers and we only have 1 body. There are some dealers out there that would love to please their customers to keep them coming back. Then there are those who just wanna make money and might cut a corner here and there. Those tiny little shortcuts could cause you your health if you’re not careful.

Me personally, after the SST thing came to light along with the tainted NPP… I couldn’t bring myself to order. I liked seeing the fast TDs but when ppl see what they can get away with they’ll start pushing it later down the line.

And the crazy part is… according to those who ordered he was G2g so HE DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO DO ANY OF THE WEIRD STUFF. Dude literally said “fuck it, my brew is good… how can I fuck it up?” We didn’t see any pubes… no infections… dude just got greedy. He should’ve played it slow
I can relay what the batch number is when I get home later today. It was different than the one people were discussing earlier.

I can’t really find anything online to reference in terms of the health effects of guaicol. Would you or others suggest canning the vial I bought? It seems some of you here say it’s risky, but this is actually the first time I’ve ever heard of this.
Definitely a minty smell. Not super strong, but when I put my giant snoz up to the syringe, I can smell it.

Tren Ace batch C48
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Could the minty smell be anything else? I can smell it on the deca and test c. Stronger on the deca for sure. The test is significantly thinner than pharma test. How bad can this stuff be? So far I don't have any side effects and my blood work looks good. Could it be on the containers to sterilize them or something like that? Everything I've gotten from him has tested good and definitely had positive results. Great shipping and communication even sent me extras. Everything I look up says it only effects few people and its toxic in mice in large concentrations. I did get two vials last time I ordered that where a little sus because the test c and primo where completely clear no yellow hue (new batch number) but I haven't tested them. When contacted he said it was all good and that they get darker the longer they are left on the warmer. I don't know ill have to watch and see how this all plays out. I don't really give a shit about the names and drama the product is what's important to me personally. I hope its all explained and works out. It was really convenient having a one stop shop with so many products domestically.