MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

It's not injectable orals only if myself and others are smelling it in regular oils. You don't even know if his orals are caps or liquid, perhaps read the front page retard.
I don’t use Axles shit so I no I wouldn’t care to look. I’ve been following all the complaints of the smell in the oil and now the orals caps smell. Trying to make sense of why caps would smell. Perhaps maybe you’re smelling the evaporative BA in your left over spaghetti brew @HereToTeachAndLearn do you think that’s what he’s smelling?
I don’t use Axles shit so I no I wouldn’t care to look. I’ve been following all the complaints of the smell in the oil and now the orals caps smell. Trying to make sense of why caps would smell. Perhaps maybe you’re smelling the evaporative BA in your left over spaghetti brew @HereToTeachAndLearn do you think that’s what he’s smelling?
Maybe he's paranoid?
Well this turned into a shit show. Just stocked up too.

Safe to say to toss all my test and tren away then? When I see shit like this I instantly think bunk.
Well this turned into a shit show. Just stocked up too.

Safe to say to toss all my test and tren away then? When I see shit like this I instantly think bunk.
I pinned his gear and I had a Good test level and lowered estrogen from 120 to 60. I don’t think it’s bunk. Just shady practices and not great dosage on his NPP 200. It was something like 160mg NPP on a blind test by 2 different members. The other few blind tests were usually pretty good. Excluding the Shills.
Well this turned into a shit show. Just stocked up too.

Safe to say to toss all my test and tren away then? When I see shit like this I instantly think bunk.

That will be a personal decision. I am not too worried, atleast not to the point that I am going to dump gear. I could be wrong, but I dont think Axle ever intended to stay here long term. Meso was the... rebound girl, to keep him busy/afloat until he got what he actually wanted. Just my opinion.

Now if you get a reaction to something, sure bin it and move on.
If you will read back in this thread yes he himself admitted to being 808 labs.. he crested that name to sneak back on to a forum he was previously banded from to sell his drugs again.. when they found out it was him they banned him yet again. Just some more deceptive shit to make money.. honestly dude is making a fucking killing. I see him selling produ ts like caber brand caberdost...for 25$ for 4 pills. I just bought some same brand from probly the same he got the for $2.40 per 4. And he was selling them so fast couldn't even keep them in stock. You are using the cheapest compound there is why not just but from somewhere with better morals and a better track record. Sure not all this guys gear is trash. But he has failed yet to come on hear and explain, take responsibility, or any of the sort over the to people like you who are still tring to be supportive.. that's disrespectful to you guys in the least. He is probably still getting orders and filling them tring to sell what he's got and go in a hole for a while. Even when I tested his npp and it came back underdosed and contaminated with test C.. the guy never came on here and took any kind of responsibility for it and never gave any explanation of how he though it could have happened. Just said how he couldn't understand why.. hell I couldn't understand why either how the test he send in for that batch came back perfect but the 2 samples from the 2 separate vial I send back came the same.. npp and test cyp.. or how when @Spaceman Spiff sent in a sample of a different batch of npp came back underdosed but the sample axle sent in from the same batch came back perfect.. also how fitting that his alt accounts were all sending in bloodwork and/or blind test! Anyways imma shut it!! Just woke up soaking ass wet from night sweats and thought id rant my 2 cents
I called him out on PM. Apparently dude said he fixed the contaminated NPP and solved the issue with the customer. I just do not have the time to go back and fourth with him. Even QSC is more transparent than him at this point. I don’t see why anyone would still want him around .
Spiff you should head over to where ever he brews and teach him how to brew haha. Teach him how to cap while you are at it too

Its not hard to follow a recipe.

Buy raws
Pay for testing,
Buy USP grade ingredients
Homebrew calculator is stupid easy to to do

This forum is littered with valuable information. Just gotta pick it up
Can you back this up? Just the NPP test? Here's the most recent blind tests. O I forgot.. You don't actually read the thread.

Read the first few pages of the thread. I can't sit here and spoon-feed you all day. There is no connection. Only your insinuations and unbacked claims (much like the one you made in the previous message).
lol bro just stop. All your alt accounts are banned with a tag that warns it’s your fake accounts.

Your time as axle is over, go rebrand again and try maybe just conducting honest business? That will get you farther than thinking we’re a bunch of idiots you can fool
The following four accounts have used the same two IP addresses on both ISP and cellular networks on dozens of occasions and they all post in this thread. The likelihood of this occurring by chance is very small:

@Axle Labs

While there may be other explanations for this, Occam's razor would suggest they are alternate user accounts.

Just to echo. Continue to echo this, it shouldn’t be buried
All the orals I’ve gotten from axle don’t have a funny smell. I don’t know if he just recently started changing how he’s doing things.

I think the most charitable explanation is that he doesn't properly clean or bother to change gloves between brewing and sticking his paws into the box with all the pills in it or handling the packaging.
I think the most charitable explanation is that he doesn't bother to change gloves between brewing and sticking his paws into the box with all the pills in it or handling the packaging.
Anything is possible right. I think his practices need to be slowed down, no matter the process. Sacrifice speed and TA for quality. Quality over quantity right. But I think other stuff needs to be addressed first before he goes down that road.