MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Hey so QSC has been confirmed their tb-500 is TB-4 @Axle Labs Can you confirm with recent(within past week or so, idk when Janoshik started distinguishing between them?) That what you sell is in fact tb-500?

Oh wait just caught up on the alt news... is this guy banned? He leave? Or we awaiting response to the bs he been playing?

The test cyp i got was good... many people say product was good, shame he took shortcuts and made alts to boost business instead of consistently providing good products...
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Hey so QSC has been confirmed their tb-500 is TB-4 @Axle Labs Can you confirm with recent(within past week or so, idk when Janoshik started distinguishing between them?) That what you sell is in fact tb-500?

Oh wait just caught up on the alt news... is this guy banned? He leave? Or we awaiting response to the bs he been playing?

The test cyp i got was good... many people say product was good, shame he took shortcuts and made alts to boost business instead of consistently providing good products...
I have a feeling he’s going to wait a couple days and let things cool off a bit. But ya, pretty silly to have alt accounts since it seemed like a lot of people were already giving him good support.
I have a feeling he’s going to wait a couple days and let things cool off a bit. But ya, pretty silly to have alt accounts since it seemed like a lot of people were already giving him good support.
The good support was from alts, shills, and new guys probably from SST just dickriding and saying it’s gtg because it came in the mail in 3 days.
Im no shill, yes im new and only ugl iv ordered was with axle so far... lol

But my test cyp had no funny smell, ran it instead of my rx and bloods came back fine.

Cant say anything about his deca since i havent ran it yet.

But i assume theres more people who didnt just say oh 3 day shipping, hes g2g. Theres likely a good handful of people like me. I actually waited months before even posting here in his thread.

Not saying hes awesome, his practices i see are shitty and theres beem cross contam issues and him testing raws per batch not batches of vials makes it so his testing can be wildly inconsistent per every vial.

Just saying what i got appears good quality. And if he just worked on assuring every order and vial was good quality he wouldnt shoot his owm dick off...
Im no shill, yes im new and only ugl iv ordered was with axle so far... lol

But my test cyp had no funny smell, ran it instead of my rx and bloods came back fine.

Cant say anything about his deca since i havent ran it yet.

But i assume theres more people who didnt just say oh 3 day shipping, hes g2g. Theres likely a good handful of people like me. I actually waited months before even posting here in his thread.

Not saying hes awesome, his practices i see are shitty and theres beem cross contam issues and him testing raws per batch not batches of vials makes it so his testing can be wildly inconsistent per every vial.

Just saying what i got appears good quality. And if he just worked on assuring every order and vial was good quality he wouldnt shoot his owm dick off...
Okay you did bloods and the TT number came back similar to your rx. You sure you haven’t been running another compound with test? Im not saying his operation is 100% garbage, but just a few years ago his ass would’ve been ran off way sooner.
I sent in two samples of Axle's NPP to jano a few weeks ago... I guess I won't be getting store credit anymore but dying to see what the results will be
Okay you did bloods and the TT number came back similar to your rx. You sure you haven’t been running another compound with test? Im not saying his operation is 100% garbage, but just a few years ago his ass would’ve been ran off way sooner.
Oh i understand what your saying. Im thankful for the members here who call out bs and test things, and look at IPs for alt accounts and do what this board was meant for, harm reduction not vendor dick riding.

But no i was just running test cyp @150mg weekly and taking .25mg anastrozole on the day i pinned. No other AAS SARM or peptides. And yes my total and free test were very close to what it was using rx test.

I just hate he apparently hasn't learned that brewing consistent bulk batches all filled properly and having good quality standards is far better for himself and his buyers. And that using fake alts and re branding and not having good quality control practices is a sure fire way to lose people who support him.

Im waiting for his reply to all this.

Is there definitive proof he is 808? As well as the other brands he alleged used to be? And what happened to those "companies"? Like why did they fail/be re branded?
Oh i understand what your saying. Im thankful for the members here who call out bs and test things, and look at IPs for alt accounts and do what this board was meant for, harm reduction not vendor dick riding.

But no i was just running test cyp @150mg weekly and taking .25mg anastrozole on the day i pinned. No other AAS SARM or peptides. And yes my total and free test were very close to what it was using rx test.

I just hate he apparently hasn't learned that brewing consistent bulk batches all filled properly and having good quality standards is far better for himself and his buyers. And that using fake alts and re branding and not having good quality control practices is a sure fire way to lose people who support him.

Im waiting for his reply to all this.

Is there definitive proof he is 808? As well as the other brands he alleged used to be? And what happened to those "companies"? Like why did they fail/be re branded?
If you will read back in this thread yes he himself admitted to being 808 labs.. he crested that name to sneak back on to a forum he was previously banded from to sell his drugs again.. when they found out it was him they banned him yet again. Just some more deceptive shit to make money.. honestly dude is making a fucking killing. I see him selling produ ts like caber brand caberdost...for 25$ for 4 pills. I just bought some same brand from probly the same he got the for $2.40 per 4. And he was selling them so fast couldn't even keep them in stock. You are using the cheapest compound their is why not just but from somewhere with better morals and a better track record. Sure not all this guys gear is trash. But he has failed yet to come on hear and explain, take responsibility, or any of the sort over the to people like you who are still tring to be supportive.. that's disrespectful to you guys in the least. He is probably still getting orders and filling them tring to sell what he's got and go in a hole for a while. Even when I tested his npp and it came back underdosed and contaminated with test C.. the guy never came on here and took any kind of responsibility for it and never gave any explanation of how he though it could have happened. Just said how he couldn't understand why.. hell I couldn't understand why either how the test he send in for that batch came back perfect but the 2 samples from the 2 separate vial I send back came the same.. npp and test cyp.. or how when @Spaceman Spiff sent in a sample of a different batch of npp came back underdosed but the sample axle sent in from the same batch came back perfect.. also how fitting that his alt accounts were all sending in bloodwork and/or blind test! Anyways imma shut it!! Just woke up soaking ass wet from night sweats and thought id rant my 2 cents
Not saying hes awesome, his practices i see are shitty and theres beem cross contam issues and him testing raws per batch not batches of vials makes it so his testing can be wildly inconsistent per every vial.
The raws are tested so you know the purity of the hormone and can be sure the ID is correct of what it is. Once the purity of the hormone is known the weight of the added hormone is calculated to whatever concentration is intended to be made. Testing the raws takes out the guess work and makes the finished product concentration more accurately dosed.
Each the product and the raws should be tested. You must assume he makes a few bottles at a time? Try more like 3-4L at a time if not more. Not sure what your stating here? He did test batches often but whose to say every batch was tested or not, highly doubt every batch was tested with the amount of sales he had.
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Would guiacol ever be used in preparation of orals or just oil? The cialis I got from him has a very strong minty smell. I noticed it right away, but have not used any other Cialis before so assumed it was normal, and maybe it is I don't know.
Would guiacol ever be used in preparation of orals or just oil? The cialis I got from him has a very strong minty smell. I noticed it right away, but have not used any other Cialis before so assumed it was normal, and maybe it is I don't know.
injectable orals only
Is Axle's cialis liquid suspension or caps?
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Would guiacol ever be used in preparation of orals or just oil? The cialis I got from him has a very strong minty smell. I noticed it right away, but have not used any other Cialis before so assumed it was normal, and maybe it is I don't know.
None of the cialis I’ve ever done whether pharma or ug had any smell that I can remember. I have had some that tasted sweet, but that was due to the filler used to press the tablets.
If you will read back in this thread yes he himself admitted to being 808 labs.. he crested that name to sneak back on to a forum he was previously banded from to sell his drugs again.. when they found out it was him they banned him yet again. Just some more deceptive shit to make money.. honestly dude is making a fucking killing. I see him selling produ ts like caber brand caberdost...for 25$ for 4 pills. I just bought some same brand from probly the same he got the for $2.40 per 4. And he was selling them so fast couldn't even keep them in stock. You are using the cheapest compound their is why not just but from somewhere with better morals and a better track record. Sure not all this guys gear is trash. But he has failed yet to come on hear and explain, take responsibility, or any of the sort over the to people like you who are still tring to be supportive.. that's disrespectful to you guys in the least. He is probably still getting orders and filling them tring to sell what he's got and go in a hole for a while. Even when I tested his npp and it came back underdosed and contaminated with test C.. the guy never came on here and took any kind of responsibility for it and never gave any explanation of how he though it could have happened. Just said how he couldn't understand why.. hell I couldn't understand why either how the test he send in for that batch came back perfect but the 2 samples from the 2 separate vial I send back came the same.. npp and test cyp.. or how when @Spaceman Spiff sent in a sample of a different batch of npp came back underdosed but the sample axle sent in from the same batch came back perfect.. also how fitting that his alt accounts were all sending in bloodwork and/or blind test! Anyways imma shut it!! Just woke up soaking ass wet from night sweats and thought id rant my 2 cents
I agree. And im no longer buying from him. Im looking for new reputable sources. And thinking about just sourcing raw. But i have some research to do to homebrew of so.