MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Say one thing outta the way about the source and some of these guys act you you fucked their little sister or something... dam!!

Say one thing outta the way about the source and some of these guys act you you fucked their little sister or something... dam!! I mean axle is a big boy he can defend himself guys.. why do some of you guys jump to his honor so fast?
Bored 14 hour shifts I enjoy arguing and getting in the feelings of others. It’s really easy to trigger people.
This time it was Test in the NPP. The last time it was EQ in the Tren. And it was confirmed by his “alleged” ex partner that other compounds were also cross contaminated. That’s nothing to just shrug off. It’s a pattern with this brewer. At the very least it shows that he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing but I guess it’s okay because you aren’t going to OD:)o_O
I wish I could OD
This time it was Test in the NPP. The last time it was EQ in the Tren. And it was confirmed by his “alleged” ex partner that other compounds were also cross contaminated. That’s nothing to just shrug off. It’s a pattern with this brewer. At the very least it shows that he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing but I guess it’s okay because you aren’t going to OD
Get the shit tested and if you got a problem with the results then maybe don't buy from that source again. I don't know why you would have Pharma standards for street priced stuff anyway and why you need to test and get bloodwork done. So far Axle has been on point for more than the majority of his customers since being on Meso.
Your right we should be quite, can you remind me how we become members and well known members?
Not sure why you're trying to beef with me? Not once did I tell anyone to be quite. I just said there's been an uptick in new members with low post counts arguing in source threads. It's an observation, and it's true.

As to your question--I mean helping people and giving solid advice could be a good start. Or you could jump right into the source threads and argue nonsensical semantics with other people? Up to you brother. Do you.

I like Axle. My experience with him has been positive. The gear has produced great results and is in-line with my experiences with the compounds produced by some of the best UGLs to exist (omega/strango/private), although I do try to see both sides of the argument and understand others concerns as well with regards to cross contamination
That's not very positive or mature brother! We should help one another to be our best selves not try and stir each other up and cause confusion and kaous!
I mean I get it I went a little pushy , I’ll be more clear headed going forward definitely didn’t mean to label you that way so my apologies. The whole your an axle account thing just annoys the fuck outta me. Even though i order through Stan also.
Not sure why you're trying to beef with me? Not once did I tell anyone to be quite. I just said there's been an uptick in new members with low post counts arguing in source threads. It's an observation, and it's true.

As to your question--I mean helping people and giving solid advice could be a good start. Or you could jump right into the source threads and argue nonsensical semantics with other people? Up to you brother. Do you.
Ya that’s my bad I get it it looks shady looking at the mass amount of new responders. I’ll take the latter and go for advice and ask questions my apologies 4 doubles fucks with the mind toward the end of work.
Here we go with this shit again please name a perfect source I can go and buy from without a single testing issue, complaint or shipping problem. Dude owned up to it and handled it well imo how do we know original source didn’t do something to cross contaminate the shit he sent in. Y’all just bored looking to stir up shit I can name multiple vendors I’ve tried that’s either had underdosed issues, lost packages or even been ignored for a refund on a seized item.
Plenty of sources have had issues in the past. Not many lasted long on meso with hordes of dick riders defending a source that got banned from other boards and showed up here. Sketchy lab tests, brewing partners putting his shit on blast, lying and rebranding multiple times (juice ape, 808, and whatever tf else was posted).
Plenty of sources have had issues in the past. Not many lasted long on meso with hordes of dick riders defending a source that got banned from other boards and showed up here. Sketchy lab tests, brewing partners putting his shit on blast, lying and rebranding multiple times (juice ape, 808, and whatever tf else was posted).
Get the shit tested and if you got a problem with the results then maybe don't buy from that source again. I don't know why you would have Pharma standards for street priced stuff anyway and why you need to test and get bloodwork done. So far Axle has been on point for more than the majority of his customers since being on Meso.
I can't think of a single source that people are still buying from on here that has a worse recent track record than Axel between the cross contamination and now guaiacol showing up in random vials. Guaiacol isn't a smell that you smell mistakenly, it's pungent and gets on fucking everything. Dude is running a bottom tier operation and got a pass for a few months because he's communicative and ships fast. Bottom line. Stop sucking his fucking dick.
Because this place has become softer than Drake wrapped in a fleece blanket. Guys will have a pack land, look at the vials and see that they have the correct words written on them, and immediately give a glowing review. Expectations are low enough that even a Chinese vendor who literally said they used a promo to sell poorly filtered gear to get rid of it is met with a collective ‘meh’ from the members here.
You basically described me when I first came here lmao

I'm glad I learned my lesson, though.
Seems I’m on the verge of learning that lesson. I do test the majority of my stuff.
Gotta sift through the bullshit man, part of the process. Unfortunately my learning experience landed me in the ER (not Axle, a different source). I've never ordered from Axle, I just stay active on the forums and follow new(ish) sources to watch the shitshow unfold. Trust me, I wish we could live in a world where every source was 100% honest, made their gear to the best possible standards, tested every single raw + every single finished batch, and didn't try and fuck people on prices...but it is what it is.
Seems I’m on the verge of learning that lesson. I do test the majority of my stuff.
I got put in my place pretty quick too lol. Axel wouldn’t have stood a chance had GL and/or ccusa still been around. Either it’s his alts or SST shills jumping in here giving non stop gtg’s based on TA. I try to give new sources a chance, but between the lab tests and all the muscle candy/SST drama/info I decided to stay clear and couldn’t believe all the bs in here.
Pro tip: Don’t stack Axle’s rage Preworkout blend with clen pre workout. I crushed PRs but my heart was probably on the verge of exploding
Does anyone without a “New Member” tag wanna comment here..? No..? Interesting.

Let’s not forget the exorbitant amount of alt accounts he was found to be using to shill his own products.

Go lurk the first 5 pages of this thread.
Maybe you casually skipped the remaining pages. From what I see, every other blind test done here by Meso members except NPP had good results. Your tinhat is shining.