MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Ok, let’s say that you’re telling the truth, 100%, not even little white lies for OPSEC purposes. Look at the dumpster fire that is your thread and tell me you’ve managed to not make things considerably worse for your operation by coming over here.

To steal a line from Captain Ronald Spiers: The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead.

The sooner you realize that it’s over for you here under this brand name the sooner you’ll be on your way to a rebranding. Nobody with the slightest bit of common sense is going to take a risk buying from a source who’s in the middle of a lover’s quarrel with another lab, in public, with the specific accusations being leveled. Sure, you’ll get some of the low hanging fruit while you’re here, but that’s not enough to justify the time or the continued degradation to what remains of your reputation. There was once a lab that showed up here—I’ll keep his name out of it—and he had a solid following as a private source. Was well respected and made quality products. It was discovered that he had sold through Discord, which is very much not a secure venue. When it became clear that nobody was risking their freedom just to buy from him he had the decency and respect to leave quietly. He rebranded and stayed private, and as best I can tell is still happily not in prison. Perhaps there’s a lesson to be learned from those who have come before you?
It seems people like the tested gear and quick T/A then based on the orders coming in.

If getting these orders is being dead, call me a zombie. I accept the title.

Honestly, I think people just care about good gear and reliable T/A + customer service. If the people hung up on drama like boosting the thread, it works for me. I know it ain't much, and other sources here probably get an order every 5 minutes, but people pay for good gear, which we have, and we're happy with how things are going here so far.

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I ordered from Axle a little over a month ago when I saw them on SST. Got my order in 3 days. I was about to order again when I went on SST but honestly had no clue what was going on, except for the claims of multiple accounts being made. ‍♀️ glad i found you here bc I'm here to order again lol
Thank you! Enjoy the gear and be sure to leave a review.
It seems people like the tested gear and quick T/A then based on the orders coming in.

If getting these orders is being dead, call me a zombie. I accept the title.

Honestly, I think people just care about good gear and reliable T/A + customer service. If the people hung up on drama like boosting the thread, it works for me. I know it ain't much, and other sources here probably get an order every 5 minutes, but people pay for good gear, which we have, and we're happy with how things are going here so far.

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a source bragging about their order volume. You bring a very unique flavor to this board
There is still 0 evidence of us trying to sabotage another source. Zero.. no shared IP address, nothing.

It was tacked on as an accusation by the other source to blow over a floater issue they had. Look at the “evidence” shared. All you have to do is look.
First want to say I ordered from you before. Just some test when you first launched on SST. No issues. I was looking for something particular a few weeks ago and I saw the SST Ban and read some of what went on.

I would like to correct you that there was overwhelming evidence (including IP addresses that were coming from the same location that your address pinged from) that you were trying to undermine another source, most likely someone that worked for/with you that set up their own shop. I don’t know exactly but the mod over at the other board had overwhelming evidence that you were involved in some shady shit whether it was you or not. There are plenty of other legit vendors to use out there I would just close up Axel and start under another name. Cause if not you’re just going to have to deal with this shit for quite some time. Either you ignore it or continually defend yourself. If you did nothing wrong then just keep quiet and let shit die down and hope it all goes bye bye. If not better get some Zofran and dig in. Cause it can get brutal here for ya.

Wish you the best bud.

If anyone wants to see for themselves what the mods uncovered regarding Axel go visit the SST board under US Domestic vendors and you’ll find the reasons as to why he was banned.
I mean one or more people getting together to create accounts just to promote their ugl/website
gotcha. Thanks for the reply.

I used him once prior to this shit going down, but this whole thing just seems like a shitty thing to do so I wont be ordering again.
gotcha. Thanks for the reply.

I used him once prior to this shit going down, but this whole thing just seems like a shitty thing to do so I wont be ordering again.
I feel like it's all the same person or people. Dragon, panda, brewly, dash, colonial, cardinal, axel, idk call me crazy conspiracy theorist but it seems like they're all connected to Trump
I feel like it's all the same person or people. Dragon, panda, brewly, dash, colonial, cardinal, axel, idk call me crazy conspiracy theorist but it seems like they're all connected to Trump
"Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck ya self" - Mark Wahlberg voice

:) Hope you know that is totally a joke but just felt it fit the scenario perfectly.

Much love brother
Very nice brother. I was going to shoot you an order. Is usps delayed for the holidays yet? I'm just trying to estimate when I should order vs when I'll be home to get it
We haven't hit any delays. Orders ship same/next day and should arrive within 3 days.

I feel like it's all the same person or people. Dragon, panda, brewly, dash, colonial, cardinal, axel, idk call me crazy conspiracy theorist but it seems like they're all connected to Trump
I am every source and member on this forum. You've been talking to me the whole time. It's just me and you baby.
Ordered from Axle on Wednesday, package received Saturday. Not bad considering Thursday was Thanksgiving. Everything looked good. You’re okay in my book Axle!