MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Ah fuck I just pinned 1cc to the delt and it teleported me to his basement. I'm chained up naked on all 4s with a computer in front of me He is forcing me to make new accounts. Someone help.
I've basically just been ignoring all of this since my last post, but this is a good one, brother.

Happy Holidays to everyone.
My main man effswithtren has an alarm clock set to check this thread every 30 minutes. Living in his head rent-free. Love you long time little guy. ;)
Actually you get a notification that tells you when there’s a post to this thread. So maybe that’s the alarm clock.

You seem to disparage, albeit unsuccessfully, some of the accusations that are swirling around you like an injured animal that’s trying not to get eaten by vultures. If I were you, I’d either pack up shop and start a new company (your ego is way too big for that I’m thinking) or just deal with the bullshit you’re getting and just ignore it. You have good gear from what I am hearing and that’s a good start. But it’s only a start. Anyone that would order from you right now would be rolling the dice. Cause you exit scam a bunch of customers and do exactly what I think you should do which is start a new company and trash Axel. Learn from your mistakes that you made (cause you definitely without a doubt made them in my opinion) and never do it again and move on. The more you continue to try and defend yourself the more you look guilty as fuck. Take it for what it’s worth bro.
My main man effswithtren has an alarm clock set to check this thread every 30 minutes. Living in his head rent-free. Love you long time little guy. ;)
So great to see yet another source bashing members. If you look at the threads for most of the long-term domestic sources here, the good ones don’t rip on members.

You live in nobody’s head. You’re here for one reason. To make money. And all of this bullshit that you brought on yourself is interfering with your goal. Continue to clown it up.
Actually you get a notification that tells you when there’s a post to this thread. So maybe that’s the alarm clock.

You seem to disparage, albeit unsuccessfully, some of the accusations that are swirling around you like an injured animal that’s trying not to get eaten by vultures. If I were you, I’d either pack up shop and start a new company (your ego is way too big for that I’m thinking) or just deal with the bullshit you’re getting and just ignore it. You have good gear from what I am hearing and that’s a good start. But it’s only a start. Anyone that would order from you right now would be rolling the dice. Cause you exit scam a bunch of customers and do exactly what I think you should do which is start a new company and trash Axel. Learn from your mistakes that you made (cause you definitely without a doubt made them in my opinion) and never do it again and move on. The more you continue to try and defend yourself the more you look guilty as fuck. Take it for what it’s worth bro.
No thanks, I won't "exit scam a bunch of customers and start a new company" like you're recommending. Not a single customer has any complaints so idk how much "dice rolling" is going on. Appreciate the insight though.
I've basically just been ignoring all of this since my last post, but this is a good one, brother.

Happy Holidays to everyone.
That made me laugh too, almost as much as the hypocrisy and moral/ethical superiority permeating this thread!

Yours truly,
Falsely accused “shill” account #12

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and make their own decisions. I’m a satisfied customer of several ugl’s on meso. Axle being one. Thats it, nothing more, nothing less. It’s definitely very good gear and that’s what drives my decision. Do I worry about OPSEC? I do with all sources, But I have the ability and means to for most part ensure anonymity and eliminate exposure if compromised. I’m not getting into the back and forth or shit throwing.
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No thanks, I won't "exit scam a bunch of customers and start a new company" like you're recommending. Not a single customer has any complaints so idk how much "dice rolling" is going on. Appreciate the insight though.
Bro really? Is that what I “recommended” that you exit scam? Phew man. Your arrogance just exudes with every post you make. You won’t last long here. And you will exit scam bro. You’re a drug dealer that tired to annihilate a competitor with a keyboard and got caught. CAUGHT BRO. No evidence was provided to you so you wouldn’t be able to see where you fucked up and then do it again but, better next time. Cause you will do it again. That’s my opinion. I’m done responding to you. Obviously you like playing with smoke and mirrors.
This is the weirdest thread I have seen. People blindly follow the SSt mod's words, the same people who accept free gear and let the same couple of sources exit scam, rebrand, and come back on their forum year after year. I still frequent the board because that is part of the game lol. I ordered from Axle, and it was fine. Does that mean if I order again it will be? No. You guys are begging for ethical drug dealers. That's like banging heroin and hoping it doesn't make you high. Weird behavior, hope y'all are having fun playing pretend investigator and using debate tactics learned back in high school philosophy. Before someone tries to accuse me, No I am not associated with Axle I have literally only sent them $40 for TNE.
This is the weirdest thread I have seen. People blindly follow the SSt mod's words, the same people who accept free gear and let the same couple of sources exit scam, rebrand, and come back on their forum year after year. I still frequent the board because that is part of the game lol. I ordered from Axle, and it was fine. Does that mean if I order again it will be? No. You guys are begging for ethical drug dealers. That's like banging heroin and hoping it doesn't make you high. Weird behavior, hope y'all are having fun playing pretend investigator and using debate tactics learned back in high school philosophy. Before someone tries to accuse me, No I am not associated with Axle I have literally only sent them $40 for TNE.
So we should believe the drug dealer over the SST mod? Noted.
This is the weirdest thread I have seen. People blindly follow the SSt mod's words, the same people who accept free gear and let the same couple of sources exit scam, rebrand, and come back on their forum year after year. I still frequent the board because that is part of the game lol. I ordered from Axle, and it was fine. Does that mean if I order again it will be? No. You guys are begging for ethical drug dealers. That's like banging heroin and hoping it doesn't make you high. Weird behavior, hope y'all are having fun playing pretend investigator and using debate tactics learned back in high school philosophy. Before someone tries to accuse me, No I am not associated with Axle I have literally only sent them $40 for TNE.
Entertain me.

What would be the purpose of an SST mod to fabricate these allegations about Axel?
When did I say that lol. Believe nobody buying gear online is like playing blackjack lmao and I know you know that now come out of retirement and restock your Anapolan
I can’t. Me and Rido just got a condo in St. Lucia. Once we blow through the Bitcoin on hookers and cocaine we might come back.
He followed him here from SST. I know when my source gets ran off of one board, I’ll compulsively follow them leaving positive reviews
Ya know I have nothing better to do cause the Bills and Eagles game is on and I could give two fucks about either of them.

So I’m being entertained by this thread. I’ve been in sales most of my life. Real reviews are usually left when shit goes bad. I would say the majority of them are. And when a source is starting out yes, it’s beneficial to leave a review for an untested source. But to continuously leave a review after every successful purchase or even after the vendor is established is questionable. You mentioned the words “positive reviews” and “compulsively”. Not saying you’re a shill. But when an established vendor is constantly reviewing stellar reviews (especially one that was just banned from another board) is quite suspect. And I say this because as I mentioned most reviews are left when shit goes sideways. When was the last time you left a review about your favorite restaurant? Or a new car you purchased? Probably once, maybe never on the new car purchase. But if you had a hair in your soup, or you bought a lemon and the car wasn’t as fast as it was advertised as being or if it kept getting brought into the shop, I’m sure you would be leaving bad reviews about the restaurant and the car dealership as well as the manufacturer and the service department.

Secondly, I don’t understand why people leave reviews for vendors that are established and already have good feedback. If I had a good source that I liked I would keep it to myself. Why? Cause if everyone finds out about this great source with tested gear and great TA then they would clean out my preferred vendors supply and I would be left with going to the Axel’s of the world.

Ya know I have nothing better to do cause the Bills and Eagles game is on and I could give two fucks about either of them.

So I’m being entertained by this thread. I’ve been in sales most of my life. Real reviews are usually left when shit goes bad. I would say the majority of them are. And when a source is starting out yes, it’s beneficial to leave a review for an untested source. But to continuously leave a review after every successful purchase or even after the vendor is established is questionable. You mentioned the words “positive reviews” and “compulsively”. Not saying you’re a shill. But when an established vendor is constantly reviewing stellar reviews (especially one that was just banned from another board) is quite suspect. And I say this because as I mentioned most reviews are left when shit goes sideways. When was the last time you left a review about your favorite restaurant? Or a new car you purchased? Probably once, maybe never on the new car purchase. But if you had a hair in your soup, or you bought a lemon and the car wasn’t as fast as it was advertised as being or if it kept getting brought into the shop, I’m sure you would be leaving bad reviews about the restaurant and the car dealership as well as the manufacturer and the service department.

Secondly, I don’t understand why people leave reviews for vendors that are established and already have good feedback. If I had a good source that I liked I would keep it to myself. Why? Cause if everyone finds out about this great source with tested gear and great TA then they would clean out my preferred vendors supply and I would be left with going to the Axel’s of the world.

For drug dealers, I always haggled with my drug dealers. I shot dope for years. I would never have enough money to get well when I was using. So yeah, ninjas would push it through or tell me to kick rocks. All depending how busy the block was and how many times I would be returning that day. Once again you should really stick to what you know which is being a dick rider and trying to impress a bunch of no body’s on an internet board cause your life is so small and pathetic. And I hope you get two free bottles of test now.
Did I say they fabricated it?
No, but any person with a firm command of the Englsih language can decipher what you were getting at by stating “blindly follow an SST mod”. I can say the same about you for blindly following Axel. But I didn’t. You’re entitled to order from anyone you wish. I am trying to prevent anyone getting fucked. Same that was done for me when I got here. I’m not going to accuse anyone of anything that do not warrant it. I am not some internet tough guy behind a keyboard. I’m a man of integrity and truth. And I want the same for others. I don’t want to see anyone get fucked not because I’ve been fucked before but since it’s the right thing to do.
For drug dealers, I always haggled with my drug dealers. I shot dope for years. I would never have enough money to get well when I was using. So yeah, ninjas would push it through or tell me to kick rocks. All depending how busy the block was and how many times I would be returning that day. Once again you should really stick to what you know which is being a dick rider and trying to impress a bunch of no body’s on an internet board cause your life is so small and pathetic. And I hope you get two free bottles of test now.
And your point is….????
I believe there's a good amount of evidence in this thread along with the issues at SST to warrant speculation. That being said, I think a source's "goods" should speak for themself, without the oddity here and there of alt accounts (no way to confirm this is true without @Millard or someone else getting involved). A fair amount of sources here have had hiccups; some members choose to move on and never do business with them, some stick around to give them a second chance. I think anyone on the fence should wait until some older members nut up and do a purchase + blind testing. Until then...I'll continue to watch the shitshow that is this thread.