MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Making fake accounts with fake reviews and fake “blind testing “. Is being a scamming pos. Isn’t that funny how the same thing is happening here with a bunch of newbies saying how great you are.
He said there’s no proof so…

We have not stolen money from a single person. If we have, please go ahead and speak out in this thread. We have fulfilled every single order and have not had a single complaint.
If I’m being honest, I don’t suspect that you are ripping anyone off or selling bad gear. You went through way too much trouble for the few hundred dollars that would yield.

It is rather evident though that you did some incredibly shady shit to bolster interest in your brand. The fact that you continue to lie about it and repeat it, is irritating and is enough for me that I haven’t even bothered looking at your website. You could be selling vials at half price for all I care. And I know that I am not alone.

You could clear the air by just admitting your mistakes and knock it the fuck off or be forever known as a lair and nobody is going to let it go. In the long run, I reckon the former would result in more sales. All depends on if you can swallow your pride.
If I’m being honest, I don’t suspect that you are ripping anyone off or selling bad gear. You went through way too much trouble for the few hundred dollars that would yield.

It is rather evident though that you did some incredibly shady shit to bolster interest in your brand. The fact that you continue to lie about it and repeat it, is irritating and is enough for me that I haven’t even bothered looking at your website. You could be selling vials at half price for all I care. And I know that I am not alone.

You could clear the air by just admitting your mistakes and knock it the fuck off or be forever known as a lair and nobody is going to let it go. In the long run, I reckon the former would result in more sales. All depends on if you can swallow your pride.
He actually already admitted it, said his old forum/marketing guy was doing it and they let him go. Idk how true this is.

@Axle Labs why don't you just admit it here on meso? I dont understand the big deal. Shit happens. You got good gear, good customer service, why not just say what happened here and move on
He actually already admitted it, said his old forum/marketing guy was doing it and they let him go. Idk how true this is.

@Axle Labs why don't you just admit it here on meso? I dont understand the big deal. Shit happens. You got good gear, good customer service, why not just say what happened here and move on
That's what we told SST mods. I'm not denying that. He did have alt accounts which he was using and apparently had been a forum guy for other sources as well. That is why he was hired, because of his past experience with other sources. The VPN thing I said is valid because I believe additional accounts were being linked on top because of that. That's what our ex-forum guy showed us also. Either ways, we said we'd let him go and we did but the deed is done.

We are continuing to provide good gear and not doing anything like that. That's no excuse, but we aren't using the same person for our online stuff anymore.

There isn't much else we can do besides what we're already doing (providing tested gear with fast T/A and good customer service)
Exactly man. New here, found Axle, gave him a try and received what I wanted in 3 days. Idc what people are saying, dudes very professional and gets your order to you fast.

I just ordered an AI as well and received it today. Took 6 days to arrive this time, but being a holiday was between order and delivery dates, that's still pretty insane. 10/10 once again @Axle.
Good deal, brother. I ordered again before Black Friday to stock up now that I know I like his test cyp. Got some BPC-157 as well. It took a few extra days this time, but it was still quick enough. I'm definitely happy with Axle.
Can all the people reading this thread for the first time continue reading through and see that he addressed and discussed all issues that were brought up with the whole debacle on SST. The dead horse has been beaten, buried, and decomposed by now. Let the guy post about his products and sales. I’m starting to think my ex-girlfriend is on here with all the shit from the past that keeps getting brought up smfh!
Can all the people reading this thread for the first time continue reading through and see that he addressed and discussed all issues that were brought up with the whole debacle on SST. The dead horse has been beaten, buried, and decomposed by now. Let the guy post about his products and sales. I’m starting to think my ex-girlfriend is on here with all the shit from the past that keeps getting brought up smfh!
"People" like you, who keep showing up out of nowhere with accounts made within the year, or worse, the past few months to defend the source are only making it worse. You can't tell me if a source was accused of the same stuff, then all of a sudden random new accounts start popping up to come to their defense, that you wouldn't be skeptical. It's almost a copy/paste of what happened at SST.
"People" like you, who keep showing up out of nowhere with accounts made within the year, or worse, the past few months to defend the source are only making it worse. You can't tell me if a source was accused of the same stuff, then all of a sudden random new accounts start popping up to come to their defense, that you wouldn't be skeptical. It's almost a copy/paste of what happened at SST.
I’m pretty sure there’s other sources on here. Why not just use another one and carry on? Not to mention the guy has no minimum… If everyone is so skeptical, invest 40 bucks and see for yourself?
I’m pretty sure there’s other sources on here. Why not just use another one and carry on? Not to mention the guy has no minimum… If everyone is so skeptical, invest 40 bucks and see for yourself?
Why? Because I don't fucking have to carry on. I can speak my mind freely here and call bullshit how I see it. This is a harm reduction board first and foremost and if I see some shady shit then I'm going to point it out. You don't have to be a fucking PhD to figure out the postings on this thread are almost an exact copy/paste of what happened at SST.

Why are you so dead set on defending some random dude on the internet who sells illegal AAS? You have 10 posts on this board: 3 in New Member Introduction and 7 in this thread. Of the 7 posts here, 5 of those posts are you defending the source and/or suggesting people are wrong for being skeptical. In your intro you state that you've only done 1 cycle and just started TRT...yet here you are defending some random new source on MESO. Timeline-wise, that would mean your first source ever for a cycle was Axle on SST, then magically finish said first cycle to follow him over here ON THE EXACT SAME DAY he starts his thread to make your first post.

Yeah, you 110% don't sound like a shill or alt account at all :)
I’m pretty sure there’s other sources on here. Why not just use another one and carry on? Not to mention the guy has no minimum… If everyone is so skeptical, invest 40 bucks and see for yourself?
Look I'm sure you're real impressed that you found your first source and completed an order, but that doesn't make you an expert on anything. You're just some dumbass newbie who thinks you need to fangirl out for Axle because you bought from him. These are illegal drug dealers, they don't need you sucking their toes.

So yes, we'll continue pointing out that he's a dishonest cocksucker.

Also, he hasn't fully addressed it. He's still outright denied things that there is 100% foolproof evidence for. Hope that helps.
Why? Because I don't fucking have to carry on. I can speak my mind freely here and call bullshit how I see it. This is a harm reduction board first and foremost and if I see some shady shit then I'm going to point it out. You don't have to be a fucking PhD to figure out the postings on this thread are almost an exact copy/paste of what happened at SST.

Why are you so dead set on defending some random dude on the internet who sells illegal AAS? You have 10 posts on this board: 3 in New Member Introduction and 7 in this thread. Of the 7 posts here, 5 of those posts are you defending the source and/or suggesting people are wrong for being skeptical. In your intro you state that you've only done 1 cycle and just started TRT...yet here you are defending some random new source on MESO. Timeline-wise, that would mean your first source ever for a cycle was Axle on SST, then magically finish said first cycle to follow him over here ON THE EXACT SAME DAY he starts his thread to make your first post.

Yeah, you 110% don't sound like a shill or alt account at all :)
First and fucking foremost… get your panties out of a bunch. Yes I’m new to the board but I’m not new to lifting, gear, or feeling out shady characters. The factor that you went thru and disliked all my posts I’ve ever made shows your true character. Like how petty can one person be. And because I only did one cycle means what… that maybe I didn’t feel the need to do a ton of gear when I was younger because I didn’t need to. Yes the purpose of this forum is harm reduction correct? Who was scammed?? Who didn’t get their package?? I’ll wait…

Exactly! Just as you can voice your opinion, so can I! I received my package as have countless others. That’s all I’m saying. Should I not say I received my package just because the shit that happened on SST? Oh and just to clarify… he’s not the first source I’ve used on SST. I’m on there as well… feel free to stalk those posts too.
Look I'm sure you're real impressed that you found your first source and completed an order, but that doesn't make you an expert on anything. You're just some dumbass newbie who thinks you need to fangirl out for Axle because you bought from him. These are illegal drug dealers, they don't need you sucking their toes.

So yes, we'll continue pointing out that he's a dishonest cocksucker.

Also, he hasn't fully addressed it. He's still outright denied things that there is 100% foolproof evidence for. Hope that helps.
You just said it… these are illegal drug dealers correct? And you want them to be what… honest and trustworthy? In a shady field of business, I’m saying I received my package. Nothing more nothing less. Just because I signed up a month ago doesn’t mean I’m a newbie. It just means I’m new here. Either way… I’ve got other shit to worry about. I was simply stating I received my packages and wasn’t scammed. Is that to big of a thing to say? Everyone’s attacking the guy, least I can do is say I got my shit.
You just said it… these are illegal drug dealers correct? And you want them to be what… honest and trustworthy? In a shady field of business, I’m saying I received my package. Nothing more nothing less. Just because I signed up a month ago doesn’t mean I’m a newbie. It just means I’m new here. Either way… I’ve got other shit to worry about. I was simply stating I received my packages and wasn’t scammed. Is that to big of a thing to say? Everyone’s attacking the guy, least I can do is say I got my shit.
Nah, you're telling people what they can and can't discuss. Give your opinion and move on instead of being Axle's butt boy.
Good deal, brother. I ordered again before Black Friday to stock up now that I know I like his test cyp. Got some BPC-157 as well. It took a few extra days this time, but it was still quick enough. I'm definitely happy with Axle.
Thank you for the review! Enjoy the gear.
You just said it… these are illegal drug dealers correct? And you want them to be what… honest and trustworthy? In a shady field of business, I’m saying I received my package. Nothing more nothing less. Just because I signed up a month ago doesn’t mean I’m a newbie. It just means I’m new here. Either way… I’ve got other shit to worry about. I was simply stating I received my packages and wasn’t scammed. Is that to big of a thing to say? Everyone’s attacking the guy, least I can do is say I got my shit.
You’re yet another new member in this thread. It’s a very unusual trend. You’re either genuinely new, and thus ignorant to the way things work, or yet another fucking shill account. In this thread, either are equally likely. In either case, posts like yours aren’t helpful to the board.

Yes. You’re dealing with drug dealers here, or in your case perhaps you are one. They are here for profit, not to do you any favors, not so be upstanding members of society, for profit. It’s up to the membership here to keep them held accountable if/when they do unscrupulous things. Posts and mentalities like yours get in the way of that.

If you’re genuinely just new and ignorant, please understand that the senior membership here ride shit sources like this one because they want to keep the new and ignorant like you safe. You are getting in the way of that, and you’re not helping partake in harm reduction, which is the point of this board.
You’re yet another new member in this thread. It’s a very unusual trend. You’re either genuinely new, and thus ignorant to the way things work, or yet another fucking shill account. In this thread, either are equally likely. In either case, posts like yours aren’t helpful to the board.

Yes. You’re dealing with drug dealers here, or in your case perhaps you are one. They are here for profit, not to do you any favors, not so be upstanding members of society, for profit. It’s up to the membership here to keep them held accountable if/when they do unscrupulous things. Posts and mentalities like yours get in the way of that.

If you’re genuinely just new and ignorant, please understand that the senior membership here ride shit sources like this one because they want to keep the new and ignorant like you safe. You are getting in the way of that, and you’re not helping partake in harm reduction, which is the point of this board.
Understood. I woke up kinda in a fucked up mood today so I apologize. I did receive my packages nonetheless but I understand.
You’re yet another new member in this thread. It’s a very unusual trend. You’re either genuinely new, and thus ignorant to the way things work, or yet another fucking shill account. In this thread, either are equally likely. In either case, posts like yours aren’t helpful to the board.

Yes. You’re dealing with drug dealers here, or in your case perhaps you are one. They are here for profit, not to do you any favors, not so be upstanding members of society, for profit. It’s up to the membership here to keep them held accountable if/when they do unscrupulous things. Posts and mentalities like yours get in the way of that.

If you’re genuinely just new and ignorant, please understand that the senior membership here ride shit sources like this one because they want to keep the new and ignorant like you safe. You are getting in the way of that, and you’re not helping partake in harm reduction, which is the point of this board.
Shittin on members for leaving reviews makes you the problem.

If the source is bad, the bad reviews will come. Strangling reviews because theyre against your bias makes this not a true forum