MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Shittin on members for leaving reviews makes you the problem.

If the source is bad, the bad reviews will come. Strangling reviews because theyre against your bias makes this not a true forum
Read my post again, in context with his. Read my words. Left to right, top to bottom, put the words together into sentences. It’s not hard.

After doing the above, point to where I shit on him for leaving a review.

If he got his product and found it satisfactory, and if he’s not a shill (which, in this case is indeed an “if”) then not only good for him, but yes it should factor into the source’s overall reputation. Just like the shitshow he’s brewed for himself as discussed ad nauseous should also factor in, which was the point of the post you struggled to comprehend.
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Placed an order for inj. Superdrol. So far communication & TA are excellent/super fast. I’ll check back in, in a few days to update on potency of product.
Placed an order for inj. Superdrol. So far communication & TA are excellent/super fast. I’ll check back in, in a few days to update on potency of product.
Hey, thanks for the review. Hope you enjoy the gear.
First and fucking foremost… get your panties out of a bunch. Yes I’m new to the board but I’m not new to lifting, gear, or feeling out shady characters. The factor that you went thru and disliked all my posts I’ve ever made shows your true character. Like how petty can one person be. And because I only did one cycle means what… that maybe I didn’t feel the need to do a ton of gear when I was younger because I didn’t need to. Yes the purpose of this forum is harm reduction correct? Who was scammed?? Who didn’t get their package?? I’ll wait…

Exactly! Just as you can voice your opinion, so can I! I received my package as have countless others. That’s all I’m saying. Should I not say I received my package just because the shit that happened on SST? Oh and just to clarify… he’s not the first source I’ve used on SST. I’m on there as well… feel free to stalk those posts too.
Notice how not a single point I made was addressed properly. Took me less than a minute to go back and dislike all your 10 of your posts, clearly it struck a nerve though.

So he wasn't your first source, yet you've done a cycle already from a different source over at SST, and you're hellbent on defending some random guy you bought drugs from online over at MESO? Out of all the other vetted sources here, you choose this guy? You haven't even injected his gear yet, or if you have it's only been a few days, yet here you are suckin' this dude off like there's no tomorrow.

Random new account made their first post on the exact same day Axle makes his first post running to the his defense out the gate. Checks out.

Notice how not a single point I made was addressed properly. Took me less than a minute to go back and dislike all your 10 of your posts, clearly it struck a nerve though.

So he wasn't your first source, yet you've done a cycle already from a different source over at SST, and you're hellbent on defending some random guy you bought drugs from online over at MESO? Out of all the other vetted sources here, you choose this guy? You haven't even injected his gear yet, or if you have it's only been a few days, yet here you are suckin' this dude off like there's no tomorrow.

Random new account made their first post on the exact same day Axle makes his first post running to the his defense out the gate. Checks out.

View attachment 271869
Cool story bro. Happy Thursday!
Testing results for our newly added products! We test everything, let us know what you want tested or test it yourself (you will get $200 store credit).

Test C (300mg ---> 295mg)

PrimoTest (100mg Primo-E/150mg Test-E ---> 111.73mg Primo-E/165.93mg Test-E)
About to place an order for some of that 300mg Test C, cool that you listened to the feedback from the forum.

extremely satisfied with my Test/Tren run with your gear.