MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Ordered the 5th, arrived today. (East coast)

That’s Amazon prime shipping guy. That’s absolutely crazy lol

I’ve used his shit before but knew he’s quick with it, needed just 2 vials as I wait on raw testing
Thanks for the review! Enjoy the gear.
Okay so if I understand. 1ml of bac . Then my 2.5mg dose would be 25 units
Yes! 10mg vial will make 4 , 2.5mg doses if you pit 100 units of bac water in it. 25 units = 2.5mg


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Yes! 10mg vial will make 4 , 2.5mg doses if you pit 100 units of bac water.
10/4. I reconstitute my hcg that I use with my test and have that down , just seen a a video and she was telling everyone wrong. Had me double thinking myself.
Thanks guys for feedback
Alarm bells? That is overly dramatic.

The evidence is the testing and data are simply not there. Therefore, I am working to develop a proposal for how much additional cost would be passed on to end user.

What do you propose? I send @Axle Labs the funds to cover initial testing costs as a workable additional testing protocol is developed?

Without the data how do any of you know whether all of this is an issue or non-issue? Yes I understand each individual is free to keep his head in the sand.

Refreshing to see the subscriber here more forward thinking than some of the clients. Again I will state my observation that the psychology is fascinating.
Readalot, your hubris astonishing. You need to actually read more and learn more and stop making up your own science. I will not reply to you again.
Interesting….his test from Oct shows 208mg. Even if this is a newer batch curious why they would have changed anything during the process. Hopefully they make you right…thanks for the results!
I was scared of posting these results tbh... always afraid I am gonna get fucked over by a lab etc