MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

The anavar is legit. I'm getting skin-tearing Bicep pumps just washing my hair, and the lower back pumps are pretty wicked as well to the point where I'm thinking of adding taurine.

Getting low back pumps and muscle cramps while injecting glutes, ffs.
Got my second order from @Axle Labs . Great communication. Quick ship. So far everything is top notch. I really dont care about fancy packaging ( someone else mentioned this), and i can appreciate batch# , exp date etc printed on the label. I'm on self-administered TRT, so will pin in few days, than blood test. Will post results. If all checks out ( i suspect it will) Axle Labs will be my new fav supplier.

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Thank you for the T/A review! Looking forward to the bloodwork.
San Francisco Football GIF by Yevbel
Today was first dose of axle labs testosterone cypionate and it was so smooth and silky lol very nice product its the test cyp 200mg/1ml
Pinned 600mg test cyp with a slinpin in my shoulder caps. Very smooth no pip. If you can push with a slin without stoppage you’re doing something right.

I’ll be trying the cialis/viagra tonight when the wife gets home.
pack landed, ordered Friday night again and just got delivered, super quick. everything i ordered. Also would it be possible to get orals in larger quantities?
pack landed, ordered Friday night again and just got delivered, super quick. everything i ordered. Also would it be possible to get orals in larger quantities?
Thank you for the review! Shoot us an email and we can send you custom # of pills/pack.
Pinned 600mg test cyp with a slinpin in my shoulder caps. Very smooth no pip. If you can push with a slin without stoppage you’re doing something right.

I’ll be trying the cialis/viagra tonight when the wife gets home.
Thank you for the review! Enjoy tonight
I'm not a customer but want to say that you testing all your products and being transparent about the good and bad is nice to see. Good way to do business. Cheers.
I noticed several comments regarding the Rage blend arriving crashed. I couldn’t get mine to reconstitute even after several hot water baths of increasing temperatures and times.

Searching through the forum, I decided to try @mands method of microwaving for 10 seconds. It took two 10 second runs, shaking in between to clear up. His method did in seconds what a few hours in water could not. Looks great now.