@Axle Labs, here’s phase 1 of a review. This will be specific to TA, ordering process and aesthetics. Quality comes later..
TA, in all honesty, I’d give you a 10 out of 10. Order placed Wednesday dropped on Friday. I’m very used to a fast turnaround however, two days is pretty impressive.
Ordering process, extremely simple, and more importantly, concise. I hate it when a source offers a website then requires a follow up email with order details, etc. What’s the fucking point. That wasn’t the case here which I liked.
I like the simplicity of the labels, glitter, and 3-D labels mean fuck all to me. I want quality product time and time again who gives a shit about the paper that surrounds the glass. Personally for me I like the simplicity.
I noticed each vial was filled equally meaning that you actually measure volume. If it was a flyby night bullshit fill, I would have noticed. Believe it or not there are UGL’s they have pulled that stupid shit.
My only gripe is the color of capsules. Clear capsules for multiple compounds with a cut of baking soda mean that each capsule regardless of compound is white. An ideal situation there would be multiple capsule colors or multiple different colors of filler.
I can’t be the only guy that will place a compound next to a vitamin in a weekly pill box. That’s just a small critique and or suggestion however, you take it.
As to quality, that will come later. I picked up both Cialis and Viagra on purpose. It’s the easiest compound to test. They give you boners can’t really fake that.
Talk soon.