MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

He did another post to estimate how much it would the additional testing would cost. It was around $50/kit. This would be passed on to us, the consumers.

You could spin it to make it sound much less, "only $0.50 more per mL!"
I mean if I was being honest at the moment I have more gear than I could possibly use before it expires and starts to degrade. So with what I k ow and ha e been through so far I would pay more for less but better quality..... just still tring to figure out what the highest quality is!
He did another post to estimate how much it would the additional testing would cost. It was around $50/kit. This would be passed on to us, the consumers.

You could spin it to make it sound much less, "only $0.50 more per mL!"
here's a tip...just cast the additional cost as per 10,000 vials. That should really be a big number.
Yep. $50/kit... when other vendors will sell you the same gear for $50 less per kit.

Where do I find the gear that hasn't been hplc tested now? How do I get that on Meso and how much cheaper is it?

Why are you guys wasting so much money buying hplc tested gear? Insanity right? Buncha suckers /s

Seems you want to make sure the anabolic stuff is there but f the rest. Not important. Keep paying your lip service to "harm reduction".
Possible contamination from sender? Legit question. 30mg seems odd. Or was the whole vial sent in?
This was discussed because the first tested sample was from a used vial but it was not plausible as a result since the sender also sent in a second sample a week later from a new vial and the results were the same
The test-no-ester (TNE) is legit. Literally had to force myself out of the gym today after 2.5 hours. Probably could have kept going for another hour or two, but I'll save the energy for tomorrow instead
The test-no-ester (TNE) is legit. Literally had to force myself out of the gym today after 2.5 hours. Probably could have kept going for another hour or two, but I'll save the energy for tomorrow instead
Shits pretty strong or am I thinking of something else?
Shits pretty strong or am I thinking of something else?
It's just test, without an ester. You usually feel it around 1.5 hours after injection. Strength sky rockets, and you just feel amazing.

I'd argue it's one of the best pre workouts out there (obviously some might disagree). It's not really useful as a mass builder or replacement to other testosterone forms because it's in and out too quickly--but for pre workout purposes, yeah it's strong
It's just test, without an ester. You usually feel it around 1.5 hours after injection. Strength sky rockets, and you just feel amazing.

I'd argue it's one of the best pre workouts out there (obviously some might disagree). It's not really useful as a mass builder or replacement to other testosterone forms because it's in and out too quickly--but for pre workout purposes, yeah it's strong
Sounds like a whole party
It's just test, without an ester. You usually feel it around 1.5 hours after injection. Strength sky rockets, and you just feel amazing.

I'd argue it's one of the best pre workouts out there (obviously some might disagree). It's not really useful as a mass builder or replacement to other testosterone forms because it's in and out too quickly--but for pre workout purposes, yeah it's strong
You gotta try the bazooka blend
What's the guaiacol concentration in the TNE (testosterone solution in MCT) @Axle Labs ?

This is a solution, not a suspension, correct?

Anybody ever test their cRP after running that guaiacol for a while?