MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Honestly I think readalot should just order some gear, then he can send it in for testing and run any and every test he could possibly want on the gear, rather than badgering the sources repeatedly.

I would have thought he would have already done this already, since he's so gung-ho about it, but I can't figure out why he hasn't, especially since axel would compensate him with credits for the testing

Maybe he has a conflict of interest doing it, either from fear or "other" reasons that prevent him from:

Ordering UGL AAS
Mailing it off for testing
Yeah sorry readalot I ain’t got nothin against u but this would be what one would think you’d do instead of just asking the srcs every time (as if they’d do it n as if it would be as useful as even just one person doing it independently with a random product to avoid src fuckery). U can’t have it both ways I’m pretty sure most of em others are saying
Yeah sorry readalot I ain’t got nothin against u but this would be what one would think you’d do instead of just asking the srcs every time (as if they’d do it n as if it would be as useful as even just one person doing it independently with a random product to avoid src fuckery). U can’t have it both ways I’m pretty sure most of em others are saying
Understood. There's a method to the madness and I'll argue both the sources and the customers will need to participate just like the current HPLC testing.

I hear the feedback. Thank you.

Don't trust and verify. That doesn't absolve the vendors from properly testing their products. It will continue to take a village just like it does today LOL.

Some people might not be very happy paying $50 more per kit.

You really think people will choose that instead buying the same gear from another source who chose not to increase their prices for this?
This. It’s gonna be a lot more expensive than just 5 bucks extra ahah bro I agree with the ‘mission’ but rn homie be just talking n not doing anything to actually make that vision come true (readalot fr why don’t u test some stuff independently so we actually know u srs bout it cos like u read most don’t give 2 fks n those who do ain’t shelling out money if it’s only them).

I’m all for cleaner purer products but we gotta avoid it comin off like u bein gay with someone else’s ass (in this case goin shoppin with their wallet)
It’s gonna be a lot more expensive than just 5 bucks extra ahah
There's the math. Feel free to critique.

I would gladly pay more for quality products. Theres already TONS of cheap crappy UGLs why wouldn't we want something different? We need someone to take the risk of being the high quality, highly tested 'cream of the crop' UGL who charges double. I'd be all in after my mostly bad experiences with UGLs over the years.
I'm sure there's a big market for expensive quality gear, idk why so few are trying. Fly by night sht seems to work I guess so why bother

As for my exp with this UGL I'm 35 days into using 5 dif products & it's been terrible. Pip & lumping has been extreme, even on daily Prop injections. My body has gone to sht in such a short time. I just got a basic blood test so I'll report that soon but I'm obviously crashed. Then I'll go for a more in depth hormone panel
I' was using Test Prop, NPP, Deca, hCg & Anavar.
I'm sure there's a big market for expensive quality gear, idk why so few are trying. Fly by night sht seems to work I guess so why bother

As for my exp with this UGL I'm 35 days into using 5 dif products & it's been terrible. Pip & lumping has been extreme, even on daily Prop injections. My body has gone to sht in such a short time. I just got a basic blood test so I'll report that soon but I'm obviously crashed. Then I'll go for a more in depth hormone panel
I' was using Test Prop, NPP, Deca, hCg & Anavar.
Why would you stack deca twice? Npp and deca is the same compound in different estered forms. Then running short esters with long esters then a cutting oral on a bulking cycle? The math isn't really mathing. Are you pinning sub-q?
To clarify, I have a dialed in cruise protocol that is 130 Test/110 Nandrolone. Im currently going abit over that, but about the same ratio. Keeping Test equal to or higher than Nandrolone is a great balance for me, libido stays good, water retention & BP is manageable etc. 55-60% test is key. I occasionally add a small amount of Deca & balance with more test, because Deca ester has a few benefits, like joint lubrication & it lingers in the system awhile after all else has cleared. Anavar is a PWO basically.

The fact I have no side effects whatsoever, such as BP & especially nipple agitation from Nandro, is more evidence there's none in my system. I have every ancillary necessary in case. P5P, Ralox.. Telmisartan. The nipple issue is the 1 sure thing that shows me I'm on Nandro & Ive had none. Im dried out af I have no water. My T/Nandro balance is tried & true for years. I'm crashed is the issue.
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To clarify, I have a dialed in cruise protocol that is 130 Test/110 Nandrolone. Im currently going abit over that, but about the same ratio. Keeping Test equal to or higher than Nandrolone is a great balance for me, libido stays good, water retention & BP is manageable etc. 55-60% test is key. I occasionally add a small amount of Deca & balance with more test, because Deca ester has a few benefits, like joint lubrication & it lingers in the system awhile after all else has cleared. Anavar is a PWO basically.

The fact I have no side effects whatsoever, such as BP & especially nipple agitation from Nandro, is more evidence there's none in my system. I have every ancillary necessary in case. P5P, Ralox.. Telmisartan. The nipple issue is the 1 sure thing that shows me I'm on Nandro & Ive had none. Im dried out af I have no water. My T/Nandro balance is tried & true for years. I'm crashed is the issue.
So you're jabbing about 18mg test Ed and 15mg NPP ed, give or take, subq im assuming? Comes out to be .33ml assuming it's 100mg/ml Prop and 100mg/ml npp. You wouldn't have the knots and pip you're complaining of if you're doing it IM with such low ML injections. As for the rest, keep us updated on the bloodwork
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The test-no-ester (TNE) is legit. Literally had to force myself out of the gym today after 2.5 hours. Probably could have kept going for another hour or two, but I'll save the energy for tomorrow instead
Gnna be trying some TNE, what was your dose if you don't mind?
Gnna be trying some TNE, what was your dose if you don't mind?
50mg ed. Have had to up the frequency of my aromasin dose though, and might start taking Nolvadex ED while using it. It really skyrockets your estrogen. The nips definitely get sensitive fast
Why would you stack deca twice? Npp and deca is the same compound in different estered forms. Then running short esters with long esters then a cutting oral on a bulking cycle? The math isn't really mathing. Are you pinning sub-q?
Not to side track from your questions but I happen to use Deca and NPP together. Reason for me is I run low dose nandrolone during my cruise for my joints and on blast I will add the amount of NPP needed to bring me up to the desired amount of nandrolone I want.
For example if running 100 mg Deca on cruise it makes zero sense to start and stop it because it won’t be out of or back in my system in the correct time so I just always run 100 mg Deca. On blast if I want a total of 350mg nandrolone then I add 250 mg NPP and it is immediately in my system and very quickly out of my system when I stop my blast.
This method keeps my desired dose very consistent. 100 mg on cruise and 350-500mg on blast. No build up or time for it to leave my system. It’s perfect all the time
I have a lot of NPP raws now so I do plan on switching to just NPP all the time since I inject daily but still using up my Deca stash
Not to side track from your questions but I happen to use Deca and NPP together. Reason for me is I run low dose nandrolone during my cruise for my joints and on blast I will add the amount of NPP needed to bring me up to the desired amount of nandrolone I want.
For example if running 100 mg Deca on cruise it makes zero sense to start and stop it because it won’t be out of or back in my system in the correct time so I just always run 100 mg Deca. On blast if I want a total of 350mg nandrolone then I add 250 mg NPP and it is immediately in my system and very quickly out of my system when I stop my blast.
This method keeps my desired dose very consistent. 100 mg on cruise and 350-500mg on blast. No build up or time for it to leave my system. It’s perfect all the time
I have a lot of NPP raws now so I do plan on switching to just NPP all the time since I inject daily but still using up my Deca stash
Yeah that's fair, and the way you described it logically makes sense. It sounds like a good plan when transitioning from a cruise to a blast with quick ramp-up time


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