MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

What bothers me is that you assume my spelling/grammar mistakes are intentional? At least the other member let me know without throwing up accusations. You think it’s a giant conspiracy, you’re a nut!! Its called auto-correct! I had no clue wtf shill (yes I had to manually change it this time too) was until you all started using it and that’s a fucking fact! Shill is not even recognized word in Apple dictation. But you “assume” that’s intentional…Douche… and God forbid someone offers up an opinion different than yours. As I said I’m not going to defend anyone on something I don’t know anything about so fuck off and get a life.
Yet here you are defending them. Again.

And showing up just to go on about how you’re not a shill. Again.

You’re “both” even specifically bringing up the counter argument of this all being a conspiracy. Like it’s all baseless and completely made up, and not what this source was explicitly banned for on other forums. But that’s probably coincidental too huh. Lol.
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From an earlier comment, I think they meant new signups can't comment for a period of time.

Or they can't give source feedback for their first comment on the first day they join MESO
or something like that
Right, I'm saying we're fine with that since it's being assumed any newish account could be us.
If you get caught cheating on your wife, do you deny or admit? You deny! It doesn't matter if she literally watched your penis enter another woman. You deny. Deny. Deny. Never happened, it was a dream.
"Wait one second, goddamn it!
"Yes, I fucked her, yes.
"ls that what you want me to say?
I fucked her? I fucked her.
"We fucked, all right?
You happy now? We fucked!
"Now, let's talk about the word 'fuck'
for a minute.
"Because that's a very important
word here. Fuck, yes, we did.
"Fuck. I fucked her.
:"I make love to you.
"And if you gonna let a fuck
come between our love,
"there's something really wrong
happening here, baby."
This is the exact reason why I’m on the fence with this source.
I’m trying to imagine a scenario where it makes any sense to use an untrusted source who was kicked off of another forum instead of one of the other domestic operations that have been here for a while and don’t come with more baggage than Thurston Howell’s wife.
I’m trying to imagine a scenario where it makes any sense to use an untrusted source who was kicked off of another forum instead of one of the other domestic operations that have been here for a while and don’t come with more baggage than Thurston Howell’s wife.
Temptation is a motherfucker. But I get what you’re saying. Idiots like me love to ruin our lives with the new girl. Every source has a bit of baggage though no? But for some sources it’s negligible and can be overlooked. And as far as I’m concerned. There is no such thing as a “trusted” source.
@Axle Labs

What steps have you taken to mitigate the OPSEC breaches in your operation that you’re being called out on?
How am I supposed to mitigate something that doesn't exist? Someone here who has absolutely no clue into our operation is claiming another source knows our whereabouts.

This person has an orange name so is therefore the "source of truth". I've stopped responding to said person because they are a brick wall.

It's an interesting thing on this forum. Be a member long enough and everything you say is automatically true. After a while, it just becomes funny to observe. Like a giant orange name circlejerk.
Exactly, I don’t like talking shit but this thread is suspicious af already, let alone given the behavior they’re accused of on the other forum.

And yeah, I’m frustrated because I don’t know that there are any qualms about their actual gear. It’s all business ethics. If they could not be dragged down by self induced drama (that “didn’t happen”) they’d have a nice thing going.
You hit the nail on the head. Just playing devil's advocate for a minute, as I have done before, the guy's gear is good. I'm enjoying the shit out of it. I sourced it elsewhere before the drama happened over there, but I never expected to see him open up shop here of all places immediately after all that nonsense. Dude didn't even give it a few days before jumping to a forum where cheats, scammers, thieves, and all-around dishonest subscribers, AS WELL AS MEMBERS are called out for their bull shit with the quickness.

It was extremely audacious as a source and insulting to the intelligence of the community to jump to meso without giving himself time for his name to clear up some, possibly even changing his name to rebrand, and attempting in some way to prove to this community that he is trying to do better than what he was accused of doing regardless of whether he did what is being said or not.

Perception is EVERYTHING and there is a lot going on here that one should be aware of and should be discerned appropriately.
Ordered from dude twice when he first popped on sst. Took 3 days ta both times and haven’t had blood work done but switching from gl test e to his didn’t noticed anything “feels” wise. Take that as you will.
This guy comes here and opens up shop and all “new members “ and new accounts come in here saying how great it is and then stay in the thread and keep defending the source. Is so weird and sus and doesn’t happen in any other source thread. He thinks we are all dumbasses or something.
How am I supposed to mitigate something that doesn't exist? Someone here who has absolutely no clue into our operation is claiming another source knows our whereabouts.

This person has an orange name so is therefore the "source of truth". I've stopped responding to said person because they are a brick wall.

It's an interesting thing on this forum. Be a member long enough and everything you say is automatically true. After a while, it just becomes funny to observe. Like a giant orange name circlejerk.
Source of truth? Buddy every single person who’s been here more than a week knows your a relabeled lab. Keep denying it as much as you want. The mods at SST posted proof you had alt accounts, you’re just gunna deny those screenshots too? You even deleted the messages before he screenshotted them to try and cover your ass lol.
Personally I’m glad this source came here. It gave me the kick in the pants I needed to start homebrewing.

If this source can make decent gear even while suffering from severe autism, then surely I’ve got what it takes too.
I mean it’s kind of funny. Almost every new account on this thread that’s accused of being a “shill” has been on meso longer than axle has and before the sst drama. So your tryna tell me axle planned this out and already had accounts made on meso just waiting to shill. Lmao seems a bit far fetched.
I've also been here much longer than axle, ive just refrained from posting here because select members in here shit on axle everytime someone leaves a positive review. But screw it, I'll leave my honest review.

Order arrived in 3 days, packaged well, I've felt no diff so far going from my pharma Test C to their Test C. Ill follow up with bloodwork after a few more weeks.
I've also been here much longer than axle, ive just refrained from posting here because select members in here shit on axle everytime someone leaves a positive review. But screw it, I'll leave my honest review.

Order arrived in 3 days, packaged well, I've felt no diff so far going from my pharma Test C to their Test C. Ill follow up with bloodwork after a few more weeks.
You didn't make a single post from April to November, then immediately showed up to defend Axle in multiple threads.

I'm sure it's just a massive coincidence though!!!