MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

To clarify, I have a dialed in cruise protocol that is 130 Test/110 Nandrolone. Im currently going abit over that, but about the same ratio. Keeping Test equal to or higher than Nandrolone is a great balance for me, libido stays good, water retention & BP is manageable etc. 55-60% test is key. I occasionally add a small amount of Deca & balance with more test, because Deca ester has a few benefits, like joint lubrication & it lingers in the system awhile after all else has cleared. Anavar is a PWO basically.

The fact I have no side effects whatsoever, such as BP & especially nipple agitation from Nandro, is more evidence there's none in my system. I have every ancillary necessary in case. P5P, Ralox.. Telmisartan. The nipple issue is the 1 sure thing that shows me I'm on Nandro & Ive had none. Im dried out af I have no water. My T/Nandro balance is tried & true for years. I'm crashed is the issue.
Go get bloodwork. If you're injecting Deca there's nandrolone in your system. I had a hard time reading/understanding whatever you tried to convey in your messages. I think I still don't fully understand, but I can tell you your feels reports are just you shooting darts in the dark.

Been cruising on axle test cyp/primo for the last 8 weeks 200/200mg.

Last pin was 1/2 cc of each on monday. Blood work done friday. Primo is crushing my e2 for sure… Definitely need to do 2:1.
Surprised how low my total test was considering i don’t feel like shit. Guessing it’s from the timing of last pin.

Everything has been butter smooth no PIP. Can’t beat the fast shipping either!
View attachment 279837

Been cruising on axle test cyp/primo for the last 8 weeks 200/200mg.

Last pin was 1/2 cc of each on monday. Blood work done friday. Primo is crushing my e2 for sure… Definitely need to do 2:1.
Surprised how low my total test was considering i don’t feel like shit. Guessing it’s from the timing of last pin.

Everything has been butter smooth no PIP. Can’t beat the fast shipping either!
The low test numbers are actually a bit suprising
View attachment 279837

Been cruising on axle test cyp/primo for the last 8 weeks 200/200mg.

Last pin was 1/2 cc of each on monday. Blood work done friday. Primo is crushing my e2 for sure… Definitely need to do 2:1.
Surprised how low my total test was considering i don’t feel like shit. Guessing it’s from the timing of last pin.

Everything has been butter smooth no PIP. Can’t beat the fast shipping either!
View attachment 279837

Been cruising on axle test cyp/primo for the last 8 weeks 200/200mg.

Last pin was 1/2 cc of each on monday. Blood work done friday. Primo is crushing my e2 for sure… Definitely need to do 2:1.
Surprised how low my total test was considering i don’t feel like shit. Guessing it’s from the timing of last pin.

Everything has been butter smooth no PIP. Can’t beat the fast shipping either!
Try 300 150 is a good point to start at
The low test numbers are actually a bit suprising
Yeah i couldn’t believe it… I should feel like total shit…. Next time i run bloods i’ll pin wednesday and go in friday… I’ve pulled 1749 on 250. Can’t remember how far back i pinned before the bloods though.
View attachment 279837

Been cruising on axle test cyp/primo for the last 8 weeks 200/200mg.

Last pin was 1/2 cc of each on monday. Blood work done friday. Primo is crushing my e2 for sure… Definitely need to do 2:1.
Surprised how low my total test was considering i don’t feel like shit. Guessing it’s from the timing of last pin.

Everything has been butter smooth no PIP. Can’t beat the fast shipping either!
Waiting a week for blood draw will do that. Try pinning at least twice a week. Shoot us an email for bloodwork credit!
The low test numbers are actually a bit suprising
With a 5-6(?) day wait between injection and blood draw on cruise level doses, these aren't surprising numbers. Blood draw should be done 24-48 hours post injection.

I'd recommend a different ester if wanting to pin less frequently, such as Undecanoate.

Test-E or C should be injected twice a week. And 3 times a week if you want even more blood level stability.
Waiting a week for blood draw will do that. Try pinning at least twice a week. Shoot us an email for bloodwork credit!
Always pin twice a week brotha! 3 times during a blast.. Just watched part of a hany rambod podcast about stopping creatine / drinking plenty of water and any extra supplementation 3-4 days before bloodwork… more of an experiment on my end, not worried about the lower test number.
appreciate it !

Depending on @Iron67 's answers, if he injected 200 mg Test Cyp then yes this would be an ~2.5%tile response. If he injected 100 mg Test Cyp then a very typical response. Convert trough to mean and plot your data to see where you land.
Yessir, 200mg/ml - 1/2 cc of primo 1/2 cc of cyp.. so 100mg each per pin.
monday / thursday.

Thanks. So a true trough plus an extra day. Your clearance does appear high which gives you the low percentile dose response on the graph I shared. Nothing extraordinary or surprising about your response. Good job getting the LCMS TT assay.
Always pin twice a week brotha! 3 times during a blast.. Just watched part of a hany rambod podcast about stopping creatine / drinking plenty of water and any extra supplementation 3-4 days before bloodwork… more of an experiment on my end, not worried about the lower test number.
appreciate it !
When was your pin prior to the blood draw? I saw you said you hadn’t pinned since Monday but the blood draw is on Friday. Trying to understand the twice a week pins if there’s 5 days between the two.
When was your pin prior to the blood draw? I saw you said you hadn’t pinned since Monday but the blood draw is on Friday. Trying to understand the twice a week pins if there’s 5 days between the two.
Monday night. Then pinned again friday after blood work. So about a 4 day period from pin to blood draw.
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Monday night. Then pinned again friday after blood work. So about a 4 day period from pin to blood draw.
I've been pinning Axle Labs test c 200 since February 2 @ M-W-F 100 mg each day for a total of 300 mgs per week , i will be pulling labs in April so i will post results then but i feel great no pip just feeling good