MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Did you prep the site with alcohol and everything? Pip showing up days later sounds far more like an infection than irritation by the oils.
Yep, I did.

I’ve got a really bad infection, it’s in my cycle logs. I’m not sure what the culprit is at this time. Not pointing fingers at any sources until I figure out what’s going on.

It’s possible it’s not gear related, because I have no such infection in my glutes 3.5 days later.
Yeah it sounds like user error and maybe you "wiggled" the pin to much? Idk but where did you inject to get such bad pip from test? Or did i miss that info somewhere?
I injected into my quads, but the infection is above my knee. I didn’t wiggle, and I also made sure I showered and alcohol prepped the vial AND the quads.

Could be a user error, but it’s not pip. It’s a really bad infection. My Deca 200 from QSC had odd floaters that disappeared (and that I filtered), so I’m dropping it from my cycle and sticking with Axle’s Test C 300. We will see if the infection continues to persist.
Adding in Oregano oil extract and black seed oil seriously help in conjunction with antibiotic protocols.

You'll see the infection clear at twice the rate easily utilizing those as an adjunct to antibiotics.

Wish you all the best man, infections SUCK. I ended up with a couple seriously gnarly ones going through all my own medical BS that I picked up from IVs in the hospital.
i appreciate the good information i read on here about new things to research and have in the arsenal "just in case" , nobody is ammuin from infection, but you can't be to sterile about anything in this world of self injections
doc prescribed Vancomycin and something else

Are you inpatient getting it or did they send you home with a Pic line?

Vanco is rough but it gets the job done. Get a really good probiotics when you come off and go hard on kefir and kombucha. Good luck man!

Vanco is IV; doesn't impact the gut 'biome nearly as much as oral antibiotics. But always take care of your gut health!

Bimuno is a prebiotic available on Amazon and works pretty well for gut health/bloating/digestion issues. Don't take as much as they say; 1/4 tsp/d is sufficient.
Are you inpatient getting it or did they send you home with a Pic line?

Vanco is rough but it gets the job done. Get a really good probiotics when you come off and go hard on kefir and kombucha. Good luck man!
Got a lot of stuff inpatient via IV. I’m home tonight, oral antibiotics were provided too.

Going on 4 days without any issue via glutes. I think this was just a freak accident because I’ve had this same knee thing before WITHOUT any injections - I cut myself on something dirty. Wonder if I also did that this time without realizing it.

I got a staph infection, it’s unlikely to be caused by gear, but we will see.