Balkan Pharmaceuticals/Sp Laboratory EU Domestic.

What’s the deal with carrier oils, back in 2017 i used to do labmax on enandrol and it was neon green under UV light, that meant it was MCT(crystal clear) now a days it is more of a light yellowish color of the oil, peach maybe? Any how i never ever has any PIP from balkan gear , not once.
@Bp-Sp: Can you recheck if test undecanoate is indeed also miglyol? considered using balkan test u because of castor oil which they listed as carrier oil on website. Apparently increases half-life quite a bit.

Next try haha... you seem to be ignoring these requests.
Come on dude, just go check it.

Yes, I confirm that Undecadrol from the Balkan Pharmaceuticals Company contains castor oil.
Any1 besides @cadafi who ordered from this source?
@Bp-Sp Can you post pictures of SP oral tren, batch+exp date if possible? Very interested in this.
Next order, orals, should arrive later this week, i’ll post pics, halo, oxa, winny.
Better to stock up while we can, there is a reason why “official resellers” are unable to sell EU domestic, on top of that this man has way better prices.
Hoping this lasts
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Next order, orals, should arrive later this week, i’ll post pics, halo, oxa, winny.
Better to stock up while we can, there is a reason why “official resellers” are unable to sell EU domestic, on top of that this man has way better prices.
Hoping this lasts
Great that you will be posting pics, idd he has good prices, but I wonder why nobody else really seems to have ordered from him yet?
At the moment SP Oral Tren is not available,I will post the photo here on MESO when it is available.
You posted it in pricelist which is why I asked, do you know when it will be available?
Great that you will be posting pics, idd he has good prices, but I wonder why nobody else really seems to have ordered from him yet?

You posted it in pricelist which is why I asked, do you know when it will be available?
I have posted the price list in general,
I just ordered 3 vials of their Test U to cruise until the prep for the Arnolds next year and will be doing blood work in one or two months to see where 1ml injected once a week puts me at. I hope this holds up to the BP quality from a few years ago.
I just ordered 3 vials of their Test U to cruise until the prep for the Arnolds next year and will be doing blood work in one or two months to see where 1ml injected once a week puts me at. I hope this holds up to the BP quality from a few years ago.
thanks mate, am interested in this too.
Package landed today, 7 days, very improved since my previous order, gifts included, thanks a lot @Bp-Sp
Hoping this lasts, keep it up.
Will post pics once i get home, at the gym right now, took 1 of each as preworkout, winny, oxa and halo LMFAO