From October 1st 2019 through Feb 1st 2020 at least 12000 people have died from the flu in the USA. 290,000 to 600,000 people die a year worldwide from the flu. Why are we freaking out over the coronavirus?
1. Because the chinese numbers are BS. They're at least 100x higher.
2. Because it's a man-made bioweapon, thus manking has never faced anything like that.
For the record, characterizing this virus as man-made is significantly detracting from the thread. Look at all of the attributes being applied to this virus because of the incorrect assumption that this is a deep state weaponized product that escaped in some chinese dude's skoobie doo lunch box.
Someone ate an infected bat soup = coverup of the coverup
The virus
accidentally leaked out of a chinese biowafare lab = still coverup
Someone intentionally spread the virus = actual truth. If you were to stop drinking the Kool Ade, you could see the truth.
There’s no way any human concocted the plague 800 years ago. Of course anything is possible I just don’t think purposely using a virus is the wisest way to ”thin out the herd” as it can come back to bite the those responsible for it. If there was such a goal there are probably better ways to do it.
Herd thinning may be a side benefit to the puppet masters, but the actual purpose is more related to this:
The Soviet Union fell apart and so can/will the Chinese Communist Party.
We are talking abt a race of ppl that buy dead fetuses from markets and think it's a delicacy. I doubt this virus is man made. It comes from dirty people who thrive in filth. But with that being said, maybe I'll stick with just my TRT until this shit clears up.
On another note, anyone seen the cost of cruises lately? For a little more than you would pay for a steak dinner you could buy a cruise ticket rt now, haha
The virus seems to remain on the Diamond Princess cruise surfaces despite disinfection attempts.
That's why the Americans were evacuated from the cruise: because it is a giant Petri dish.
This suggests that the virus can last a long time on surfaces ... or raws from China.
No, the plague wasn’t man made back then, but governments holding patents on them now leads me to believe they can and are manipulated in labs to become weaponized.
So a super secret weaponization program took the time to detail their scheme to the US patent and trademark office? lol
You a flat-earther, too?
As if Al-Qaeda were to file a patent for using planes to blowup buildings.
I know it’s hard, being a liberal and all, but try to use your brain to realize that there are agendas out there which have been in place for YEARS to depopulate the earth. K? K.
So it's official. Fox news is reporting a spike in coronavirus State side and it's directly attributable to the importation of anabolic raws. Wtf guys, way to kill off 'Merica.
I wonder if juicers are actually at a higher risk than junkies injecting chinese opioids.
At least the junkies heat/boil the water before injecting it.
So why all the fearmongering here
@master.on ?
Because it's a very real threat.
Guys, I would hold off on eating that Chinese pussy for a while. Just saying
@DragonOrdnance will you refrain from banging chinese ladybodys, at least for a while?

How about you post up some facts disproving it, dipshit? all I hear is your “logic” with zero facts as well.
And is that all you have is a flat earth accusation? Get your liberal head out of your ass, fuckstick.
for the record, no, I DON’T believe the earth is flat. Anything else dumb ass?
Yeah, everyone knows that the earth is hollow
Hollow Earth - Wikipedia
The two of you need to stop and just admit that you're both members of rival alien races.
After reading your back and forth, i contacted Erich von Däniken and showed him this argument. He assures me that one of you is a reptilian high priest and the other is the leader of the mole people.
i don't care which one of you is which, but i do wish the two of you would shake hands or claws or whatever you got for hands so that we can get back to the crackpot know it all bullshit that master.on has begun here.
Grey alien - Wikipedia
Reptilian humanoid - Wikipedia