Been cruising for 3 years but want to join army


Come off 6 months before OCS or Basic and get conditioning up. Pushups, dips, pull ups, sit ups, 2 mile run. Go back on after your schools.

(Disclaimer: @jimmyrenteriajr is accurate, though that is uncommon in most units. Hence feeling out your station and unit after schools)

Basic is a laughable sh&tshow nowadays. Wasn’t hard in my era. I had a heck of a lot of fun.

Yeah that's the plan should I contact the recruiter now or wait till I come off to even go to meps?

Cause the guy hit me up but I don't want him to know I pct
I would let him know you need to wrap up some personal goals first.

They will expedite anyone they can. Don’t count on a long wait once you start the process unless you need medical, academic or criminal waivers. 30-90 days max. Be off 6 months before MEPS

Also, if the above waivers don’t apply and your testing score is 80 or above don’t buy a word he says about your occupation not being there or the Army’s need for you not being there.

That game is all bluff and bluster. You can even go to a different recruiter if he decides to be a prick.

Heck, I DOE’d _at_ MEPs and they threatened me with leaving me stranded. I stuck to my guns about my occupation and having my green page written in to my contract. 2 weeks later different MEPS and suddenly a seat was open and my contract amended.
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I'm gonna try to pct and then check my levels I definitely wanna join the army gonna pick an easy mos I gotta do some more research though.

Any other bodybuilders here join the army? I heard it's better to be lean
Well that is a long time cruising, you may have a good experience so far. In the Army you Will find a better arsenal. You won't have to hyde, and won't kneel down to someone you dont even see his face.

You are gonna have much fun, thats garanteed!

Good luck!
I would let him know you need to wrap up some personal goals first.

They will expedite anyone they can. Don’t count on a long wait once you start the process unless you need medical, academic or criminal waivers. 30-90 days max. Be off 6 months before MEPS

Also, if the above waivers don’t apply and your testing score is 80 or above don’t buy a word he says about your occupation not being there or the Army’s need for you not being there.

That game is all bluff and bluster. You can even go to a different recruiter if he decides to be a prick.

Heck, I DOE’d _at_ MEPs and they threatened me with leaving me stranded. I stuck to my guns about my occupation and having my green page written in to my contract. 2 weeks later different MEPS and suddenly a seat was open and my contract amended.

Best advice so far I will pct soon and then once recovered I'll speak to a recruiter
I would let him know you need to wrap up some personal goals first.

They will expedite anyone they can. Don’t count on a long wait once you start the process unless you need medical, academic or criminal waivers. 30-90 days max. Be off 6 months before MEPS

Also, if the above waivers don’t apply and your testing score is 80 or above don’t buy a word he says about your occupation not being there or the Army’s need for you not being there.

That game is all bluff and bluster. You can even go to a different recruiter if he decides to be a prick.

Heck, I DOE’d _at_ MEPs and they threatened me with leaving me stranded. I stuck to my guns about my occupation and having my green page written in to my contract. 2 weeks later different MEPS and suddenly a seat was open and my contract amended.
Best advice yet like another guy said.
You can tell when someone knows what the f they are talking about.

Many years ago me and my wife seperated and I was kinda lost , I’m a tradesman and will always be able to get by financially, but I wanted something different, so checked out the army I was a little older but in good shape and natty and running 5k’s, one recruiter said I was just a little over weight and I challenged anyone in the office to do push ups or pull ups with me, not 1 wanted the smoke lol. I made it to the Meps process.

But when I found out All they had to offer was $12 a hr and 3 hots and a cot I laughed.i made over 3x that amount with full benefits private sector. Given I’m from a military family both grandpas in oki and iwo and my dad and all uncles in nam and cousins all fought in the Middle East. Hell my nephews are in the military.

Call me clear water revival, it ant me lol. I have no business shooting a Muslim in Sandles in his own home town. For $12 Hr
Call me non patriotic, but I do respect ur guys service. If I was 18 years old and homeless with no wife and kids I would do it quick.
Joining army will help me get more credibility in powerlifting most people who compete are cops or army anyway
The way you get credibility in powerlifting is to squat, bench, and deadlift some heavy ass weights. If you don’t know that, you probably have no business using steroids in the first place.
Best advice yet like another guy said.
You can tell when someone knows what the f they are talking about.

Many years ago me and my wife seperated and I was kinda lost , I’m a tradesman and will always be able to get by financially, but I wanted something different, so checked out the army I was a little older but in good shape and natty and running 5k’s, one recruiter said I was just a little over weight and I challenged anyone in the office to do push ups or pull ups with me, not 1 wanted the smoke lol. I made it to the Meps process.

But when I found out All they had to offer was $12 a hr and 3 hots and a cot I laughed.i made over 3x that amount with full benefits private sector. Given I’m from a military family both grandpas in oki and iwo and my dad and all uncles in nam and cousins all fought in the Middle East. Hell my nephews are in the military.

Call me clear water revival, it ant me lol. I have no business shooting a Muslim in Sandles in his own home town. For $12 Hr
Call me non patriotic, but I do respect ur guys service. If I was 18 years old and homeless with no wife and kids I would do it quick.

Yeah that's why I'm doing it I gotta move out and go back to college it's fund me to compete
The way you get credibility in powerlifting is to squat, bench, and deadlift some heavy ass weights. If you don’t know that, you probably have no business using steroids in the first place.

I won competitions man but I'm having money issues right now I'm using the army to help me pay for school get my own place etc
Sick of living at home with my fat family I'm the only one who competes and exercises but I gotta pick a short mos so I can get back home and start cycling again

