Best ped for anti-aging ..

hgh is actually pro aging in many ways, as in you'll die sooner. lower your IGF longer you live. so like anything it has trade offs esp if starts messing with blood sugar or already have above 5.2A1c or so.. spiking glucose seems to be some of the worst shit for you.

metaformin is the anti aging molecule.. reduce cancer heart issues osteoporosis, keeps chondrocytes from dying ie joints healthy and live longer loose weight, can potentially help gut biota and keep ass cancers away.

some peptides can raise GH or IGF but not sure anything will help herniated disk.. BPC-157 MAY help pain but wouldn't take it long term as a very real cancer risk aswell as it acts like an antidepressant and why it "heals" kills pain so quickly... infact many antidepressants have been found to have similar properties as BPC-157 including side effect profile (flat mood, stimulants loose effectiveness etc) tendon bone healing etc.. most of this come from animal models as reducing stress cascade/movement seems to why it does the healing... I believe several antidepressants also have an effect on angiogenesis.. finally only recently huberman got wise and put BPC healing in quotes ("healing") and also warned of the cancer risks, glad maybe he spent a few more minutes thinking about it and came to my conclusion.
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I take the wonder drug metformin. 1kx2 daily.
My shits regardless of diet equals a gaseous bubbling, followed explosive bowels. I've since split it to 500mg a 2 daily. I'm just fine.
Free radicals, yeah those pesky boogers.
I liked G H, you just have to stay on it. You can argue with St
Peter all you want. We are all shaving years.

Better to burn out than fade away. Just have your shit in order.
just started trt and looking to expand into other peds.. In your opinion/experienced which one is the best anti aging product ? Weight loss, better skin etc ? Is hgh worrh it for that ? There are so many peptides.. little help would be appreciated !

Also I have a crappy back with herniated l4-l5 disks :( Any peptide that would help there ?

Thanks !
Your going to need to fuse those disks at some point.
The elixir of youth is guarded by mermaid Puss, you ain't never going to get it. Only under a trance can I remember its location....
Your going to need to fuse those disks at some point.
The elixir of youth is guarded by mermaid Puss, you ain't never going to get it. Only under a trance can I remember its location....
No, never ever get discs fused. Long recovery time, throws off the geometry of the spine, high chance of additional surgery as a result. 1950s tech.

Artificial disc REPLACEMENT is the only sensible solution, much simpler operation, higher success rate, almost never requires another operation.

However, only a minority of surgeons are qualified to do it, and if they aren't, they won't even offer it.

A mechanical disc that functions just like a natural disc, retaining full range of motion and normal spine geometry. It lasts a lifetime.
good call, ya some UFC guys have had that replacement and are doing just fine with getting it slammed and pulled (neck disk)..

also father in law got a neck fusion for nerve pain that turned out to be a brain tumour.. seems like several old guys are getting brain tumours after surgery 10-20 months...
Anti aging, meaning longevity? Stay on TRT only, consider adding a small dose of metformin.

Anti aging, meaning increasing quality of life while trying not to affect longevity, as least very much?

Add 1-2iu HGH per day, and cycle BPC-157 to fix nagging injuries.

Everything else you risk making your blood thicker, skin worse, heart bigger, plaque thicker and veins stiffer.

Now.. how much fun do you want to have while you’re alive?
Metformin is being kicked to the side in favor of other drugs by the longevity crowd.

I don't even think it made the latest list on drugs thought to extend lifespan.
Keep your blood pressure under control. Get a cheap $35 digital BP monitor. 120/70 or lower if you can handle it. It's the low hanging fruit of public health that goes overlooked. Microscopic vessels in our brains, eyes, and organs rupture under pressure causing a buildup of damage over time leading to many issues attributed to "aging".

As a bonus, if you are above 120/70, you can take Telmisartan 40-80mg, which is a PPAR agonist like GW50516, causing muscles to prefer fat to glucose for energy, increasing endurance of muscles like those of an endurance athelete, reduces visceral (organ) fat, and plaque in blood vessels. If your BP isn't sufficiently controlled by 40-80mg of Telm, you can get Amlopidine 5-10mg / Telm 40-80mg in a combo pill for even more BP lowering.

Telmisartin and the combo are generics easily available from UGL suppliers (msg me if you need help finding it) or just ask your doc to put you on it.

Give yourself a week to get used to the lower pressure, you'll be fatigued at first but the body does adjust to the lower pressure and energy goes back to normal after that.

Every decade they keep finding reasons to lower the "ideal" BP, as health outcomes and lifespan just keep getting better the lower it is. It seems to be "just high enough that you don't pass out" is ideal.
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Metformin is being kicked to the side in favor of other drugs by the longevity crowd.

I don't even think it made the latest list on drugs thought to extend lifespan.
Metformin is having a moment in the media lately as a longevity enhancer. My problem with it is it lowers testosterone (Google "metformin testosterone NIH"). Tried it but felt low T symptoms within the first month before I even knew that was an effect of Metformin.

It's hypothesized it may be one of the primary reasons so many male diabetics have low T.
Metformin is cheaper than ibuprofen, so it’s an easy one to rationalize. Besides the telomere evidence, I think it’s good in general just to combat the dawn effect of morning blood sugar. (Take it in the AM)
hgh is actually pro aging in many ways, as in you'll die sooner. lower your IGF longer you live. so like anything it has trade offs esp if starts messing with blood sugar or already have above 5.2A1c or so.. spiking glucose seems to be some of the worst shit for you.

metaformin is the anti aging molecule.. reduce cancer heart issues osteoporosis, keeps chondrocytes from dying ie joints healthy and live longer loose weight, can potentially help gut biota and keep ass cancers away.

some peptides can raise GH or IGF but not sure anything will help herniated disk.. BPC-157 MAY help pain but wouldn't take it long term as a very real cancer risk aswell as it acts like an antidepressant and why it "heals" kills pain so quickly... infact many antidepressants have been found to have similar properties as BPC-157 including side effect profile (flat mood, stimulants loose effectiveness etc) tendon bone healing etc.. most of this come from animal models as reducing stress cascade/movement seems to why it does the healing... I believe several antidepressants also have an effect on angiogenesis.. finally only recently huberman got wise and put BPC healing in quotes ("healing") and also warned of the cancer risks, glad maybe he spent a few more minutes thinking about it and came to my conclusion.
This entire post is complete BS.
This entire post is complete BS.
Can you explain? I believe he is correct with the hgh, higher igf levels are associated with increased mortality, similar to low levels (similar to testosterone levels). People lived longest with below average igf-1 levels. Many studies show this.
Can you explain? I believe he is correct with the hgh, higher igf levels are associated with increased mortality, similar to low levels (similar to testosterone levels). People lived longest with below average igf-1 levels. Many studies show this.
Saying "You'll die sooner." by raising your IGF with extrogenous HGH isn't supported by the data. Perhaps those with naturally higher levels are more prone to all cause mortality due to some other factor that is associated with those higher levels.

Correlation isn't causation.
Can you explain? I believe he is correct with the hgh, higher igf levels are associated with increased mortality, similar to low levels (similar to testosterone levels). People lived longest with below average igf-1 levels. Many studies show this.
moderation is key in everything
I would be curious what you mean by anti-aging? If you mean looking like Stallone at almost 80 years old, Mike ohearn looking the same as he did in the 80s, then trt and HGH does that. It also appears to have negatives (not currently supported by science however) that could be seen as not "anti aging" characteristics.

If you simply mean extending the years at the end of your life span but still getting feeble and wrinkle into a prune... Well I do believe there is literature supporting lengthened lifespans in cattle when they are castrated....
Metformin is having a moment in the media lately as a longevity enhancer. My problem with it is it lowers testosterone (Google "metformin testosterone NIH"). Tried it but felt low T symptoms within the first month before I even knew that was an effect of Metformin.

It's hypothesized it may be one of the primary reasons so many male diabetics have low T.
I don't follow the media too much, but from what I can tell Metformins moment has passed in favor of other drugs.

Then again, the media could be behind the longevity crowd.
Saying "You'll die sooner." by raising your IGF with extrogenous HGH isn't supported by the data. Perhaps those with naturally higher levels are more prone to all cause mortality due to some other factor that is associated with those higher levels.

Correlation isn't causation.
Are you saying igf-1 from hgh injections is different than endogenous igf-1? That’s a stretch. If there’s a study showing increased mortality with high igf-1, I’d say it’s a safe assumption that hgh administration at the supraphysiologic levels we do isn’t the best for longevity.
I don't follow the media too much, but from what I can tell Metformins moment has passed in favor of other drugs.

Then again, the media could be behind the longevity crowd.

Within the last week headlines have appeared in many newsfeeds about the "cheap drug that may extend life". So yeah, they're behind and all copying each other regarding Metformin for some reason.