Best ped for anti-aging ..

Are you saying igf-1 from hgh injections is different than endogenous igf-1? That’s a stretch. If there’s a study showing increased mortality with high igf-1, I’d say it’s a safe assumption that hgh administration at the supraphysiologic levels we do isn’t the best for longevity.
There's no stretch whatsoever. Whatever "genetic package" causes a person to have naturally high IGF levels may contain the other elements that lead to higher all mortality levels.

Those carrying the male pattern baldness gene also have far higher survivability in case of smallpox infection. That doesn't mean having chemotherapy causing your hair to fall out makes you less susceptible to smallpox.
I would get a continous glucose moniter and use that for a month and notes what foods do what to blood glucose.
Plus one for Metformin. I’ve been taking it about 9 months at 850mg twice per day. It’s made me stay a lot leaner for sure. My Hba1c was always right in the middle, I’m getting it tested again as part of my trt bloods in two weeks time. No side effects at all that I’ve noticed.
Not sure NMN is still in favour. I used to take that and didn’t notice any difference in a year of doing it.
Rapamycin definitely seems to be the big thing. I was close to starting that but I need to do a lot of decent research on it on the risks.
2grams of epa from fish oil every day. And 45grams of olive oil a day.
Get your apoB checked 6 months and get a calcium score done occasionally
Tretinoin seems to be amazing for skin I will start that soon but I believe you need to start very low and take 6 months to reach 0.025%. at least without getting irritated skin.
I would get a continous glucose moniter and use that for a month and notes what foods do what to blood glucose.
Plus one for Metformin. I’ve been taking it about 9 months at 850mg twice per day. It’s made me stay a lot leaner for sure. My Hba1c was always right in the middle, I’m getting it tested again as part of my trt bloods in two weeks time. No side effects at all that I’ve noticed.
Not sure NMN is still in favour. I used to take that and didn’t notice any difference in a year of doing it.
Rapamycin definitely seems to be the big thing. I was close to starting that but I need to do a lot of decent research on it on the risks.
2grams of epa from fish oil every day. And 45grams of olive oil a day.
Get your apoB checked 6 months and get a calcium score done occasionally
Tretinoin seems to be amazing for skin I will start that soon but I believe you need to start very low and take 6 months to reach 0.025%. at least without getting irritated skin.
Rapamycin seems counterproductive to building muscle. Then again most of the bodybuilding lifestyle is counterproductive to longevity.

Look into Tazarotene over Tretinoin
There's no stretch whatsoever. Whatever "genetic package" causes a person to have naturally high IGF levels may contain the other elements that lead to higher all mortality levels.

Those carrying the male pattern baldness gene also have far higher survivability in case of smallpox infection. That doesn't mean having chemotherapy causing your hair to fall out makes you less susceptible to smallpox.
For me I use common sense, if people live longer with sub average IGF-1, and I had to bet my house and right testicle on whether one lives longer taking hgh at supra-physiologic levels, vs people with normal igf-1 levels, I would bet the latter.
For me I use common sense, if people live longer with sub average IGF-1, and I had to bet my house and right testicle on whether one lives longer taking hgh at supra-physiologic levels, vs people with normal igf-1 levels, I would bet the latter.
"Common sense" is a euphemism for "my feelz" in the context of medical science. For decades heart disease was associated with a diet high in cholesterol intake. It was only "common sense" because we know cholesterol caused cardiovascular plaques and government public health policy reacted to this by demonizing cholesterol. Food makers immediately started doing anything necessary to strip cholesterol from food. Most often replacing it with other fats, especially hydrogenated oils.

Whole eggs and butter were seen as poison for over 20 years. Only when studies finally went beyond the superficial was it discovered dietary cholesterol has nothing whatsoever to do with blood cholesterol, despite the "common sense" connection, and the fats it was replaced with made blood cholesterol levels and heart disease far worse than it had been.

You can't point to WHY high IGF levels lead to higher "all cause mortality". Being left handed also leads to higher "all cause mortality" rates. Until the mechanism by which high NATURAL (and we are talking about natural) IGF levels contributes to higher death rates is discovered, this is nothing more than a casual connection that "sounds good".
"Common sense" is a euphemism for "my feelz" in the context of medical science. For decades heart disease was associated with a diet high in cholesterol intake. It was only "common sense" because we know cholesterol caused cardiovascular plaques and government public health policy reacted to this by demonizing cholesterol. Food makers immediately started doing anything necessary to strip cholesterol from food. Most often replacing it with other fats, especially hydrogenated oils.

Whole eggs and butter were seen as poison for over 20 years. Only when studies finally went beyond the superficial was it discovered dietary cholesterol has nothing whatsoever to do with blood cholesterol, despite the "common sense" connection, and the fats it was replaced with made blood cholesterol levels and heart disease far worse than it had been.

You can't point to WHY high IGF levels lead to higher "all cause mortality". Being left handed also leads to higher "all cause mortality" rates. Until the mechanism by which high NATURAL (and we are talking about natural) IGF levels contributes to higher death rates is discovered, this is nothing more than a casual connection that "sounds good".
I understand your premise but still disagree. If increasing “x” raises my risk of mortality then I’m not going to do anything to increase “x” if my goal was to live longer. Again you can rationalize it anyway you want, I know what I’m going to do.
I would get a continous glucose moniter and use that for a month and notes what foods do what to blood glucose.
Plus one for Metformin. I’ve been taking it about 9 months at 850mg twice per day. It’s made me stay a lot leaner for sure. My Hba1c was always right in the middle, I’m getting it tested again as part of my trt bloods in two weeks time. No side effects at all that I’ve noticed.
Not sure NMN is still in favour. I used to take that and didn’t notice any difference in a year of doing it.
Rapamycin definitely seems to be the big thing. I was close to starting that but I need to do a lot of decent research on it on the risks.
2grams of epa from fish oil every day. And 45grams of olive oil a day.
Get your apoB checked 6 months and get a calcium score done occasionally
Tretinoin seems to be amazing for skin I will start that soon but I believe you need to start very low and take 6 months to reach 0.025%. at least without getting irritated skin.
There is a very informative thread on Tretinoin if you want to take a deep dive on Professional Muscle.
yes plenty of studies showing how IGF increases mortality aswell as that it does happen in humans and animals.. not much of a debate as all signs point to same thing.

I think ghoul is in a bit on denial lol..plenty of natural cases of uber high gh and gif causing mortality. agromalgy for 1 ie pituitary releases constant gh and get classic high gh gif symptoms. I mean plenty of science on this. big animals die sooner, small people live longer. people who abuse steroids and gh who have high gif also die sooner, never live the longest thats a certainty.
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yes having low t will cause you to live longer, within reason re castrated animals living longer... also woman live the longest despite having babies and Breast feeding.
yes plenty of studies showing how IGF increases mortality aswell as that it does happen in humans and animals.. not much of a debate as all signs point to same thing.

I think ghoul is in a bit on denial lol..plenty of natural cases of uber high gh and gif causing mortality. agromalgy for 1 ie pituitary releases constant gh and get classic high gh gif symptoms. I mean plenty of science on this. big animals die sooner, small people live longer. people who abuse steroids and gh who have high gif also die sooner, never live the longest thats a certainty.
Elephants live to 60-70. Continue on.
What do your all think about a couple diet ideas? First is one day a week do extremely low carbs. So what you would do on a keto diet although one day isn’t ketonesis. But the aim is to develop metabolic flexibility where the body can readily use fat as fuel.
Second one is what you think of trying a 90% plant based diet, so vegan but eating fish for times a week and nothing else from animals? Probably fish oil on top every day because 2 gram Epa is excellent for health.
I was thinking of trying the plant diet if I do a blast of test and an oral, maybe turinabol this summer. Seeing how my lipids hold up.
I don’t have a control tho because I’ve never taken anavar before.
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What do your all think about a couple diet ideas? First is one day a week do extremely low carbs. So what you would do on a keto diet although one day isn’t ketonesis. But the aim is to develop metabolic flexibility where the body can readily use fat as fuel.
Second one is what you think of trying a 90% plant based diet, so vegan but eating fish for times a week and nothing else from animals? Probably fish oil on top every day because 2 gram Epa is excellent for health.
I was thinking of trying the plant diet if I do a blast of test and an oral, maybe turinabol this summer. Seeing how my lipids hold up.
I don’t have a control tho because I’ve never taken anavar before.
Your body uses “stored” fat as energy not consumed fat.

I feel like sheeit when consuming more than 10% of my calories are consisting of fat. Roughly 30grams.

Feel even more sheeetie when going vegetarian

Good luck.
yes plenty of studies showing how IGF increases mortality aswell as that it does happen in humans and animals.. not much of a debate as all signs point to same thing.

I think ghoul is in a bit on denial lol..plenty of natural cases of uber high gh and gif causing mortality. agromalgy for 1 ie pituitary releases constant gh and get classic high gh gif symptoms. I mean plenty of science on this. big animals die sooner, small people live longer. people who abuse steroids and gh who have high gif also die sooner, never live the longest thats a certainty.
You're resorting to straw man arguments. "Denial" accusations are a recent phenomenon is scientific debate. It's meant to invoke "Holocaust Denial". As there's no established, incontrovertible facts here to "deny" you're speaking more like a religious zealot than someone open to inquiry and doubt.

"Uber High" HGH levels are outliers. Small mammals live longer? Midgets certainly don't. Mice don't. While Whales and Elephants are some of the longest lived animals in the wild, and could arguable live far longer with basic healthcare (elephants in captivity mostly die when their last pair of molars get worn away).

Humans don't typically die because they've used up all their "growth potential", they die with much of it intact. The idea that 1-2iu of GH, bringing IGF to the upper natural range, later in life, does anything to shorten life is completely unsubstantiated.
lol good try, you just did ur straw man argument... but AGAIN, using differing animal comparisons does not work. what we can do is compare animals within the same species. when we do this we see that higher the IGF the shorter the life (within that species) we also see people with NO gh/igf die early..

again, your right there have been no studies on healthy people taking GH. but your straw man argument of using "old people" doesn't apply here as we are talking mid life taking GH for longevity when we know this to be bad..

why is GH bad for longevity?
-blood sugar, taking GH often leads to blood sugar issues. the higher your blood sugar gets the worse inflammation etc you get leading to disease.
-organ growth we know this happens and we know it kills people sooner
-bigger people with higher IGF for more of there life die sooner, no ifs ands or buts
-increase cancer growth. high GH and IGF is why kids cancer is soo bad.. why do first world nations with obesity and high IGF GH get more cancer than skinnier third world nations?
-why do castrated animals live longer with lower IGF and TEst levels?
- small people live longest, small people stay active the longest.

when everything points in one direction this in science is called a validated. this is what we have here..

if you test your IGF and its lower than reference range and your 50yo and your tendons are snapping or have osteoporosis and are wasting away, then yes you will live longer with supplementing GH.. but if your normal and young and your IGF is high for all your life your chances of dying earlier than your peers is likely.

lol its so funny you guys want to lie to yourselves about GH use and anything that questions that core belief cannot be true and take snippets of what some YouTube says and not completely understand whats going on.

at any rate, no substantiated evidence elevating GH or IGF makes non deficient people live longer.. we know that ;) and we have alot of evidence pointing to the contrary... denial of evidence is what I call denial yes, esp when no evidence to the contrary :)

on a side note as ur ramble about "science", you clearly have not conducted science, probably read your first paper in 2020 during pandemic.. and since then have gone off the deep end about science as you never developed an understanding of how it works and that it is an ever evolving thing.

anyway, even the most progressive DRs will tell you elevating your GH/igf is likely to kill you sooner. folks often conflate things like well DRs are RXing it for longevity after blood tests indicate LOW#s in 65yo, so therefore should be good for everyone all the time... if looked into it further and follower the top 15% of "in range" IGF people and compare that to lower 15% of in range and seethe lives longest :)

This also goes for testosterone, with injections you target say 950 as per normal range. but somehow folks forget that the "normal range" is only for a few hours a day not 24/7. and we can also note that even the people with upper range natural testosterone levels will die sooner than bottom normal range baring no other metabolic issues. that is to say a guy with natural 950 will be 950 for 3-4 hrs a day, the rest he will sit around 450-550 or so. so if you had a guy that was naturally 950 at supper time (like injections provide) this would be someone who would test 1600-1800 at his peak in the am... so IGF will be ALOT higher even though targeting "trt" levels. so despite you thinking you are in a healthy normal range you are actually very much super physiological in how much useable test you have in your body compared to upper limit natural person. most DRs know this but TRT pill mills obv dont follow this idea and is now in the zeitgeist, but they will start cracking down on this esp now as instead of old school 1 time every 2 weeks guys are injecting 3 times per week with double or 4x the dosage of old school 200-250 per 2 weeks so dont have the periods of lower testosterone that natural people have.