Best way to recover quickly and fully from 1st cycle Var/Tprop?


New Member
Hey folks! Glad to have found this forum. Looks like there is some knowledgeable people around here! I am currently on my first ever AAS cycle. It's a pretty basic Var and Test Prop cycle with some Proviron thrown in there. I'm 33, 6 feet, 200 lbs, BF around 15 %. Usually have pretty high natural test levels.

80 mg ED Var, 100 mg EOD Test Prop, though I started with Var only for weeks 1-4, and then added Test Prop for weeks 5-10 (just when I was starting to feel mildly suppressed from the Var). I am currently in week 6. I also did some Proviron at 50 mg ED for a few weeks but have stopped it now, maybe to add in again for the last few weeks.

So my question is this: once I finish the cycle, how can I recover natural test production as quickly as possible? I have a very demanding job and simply can't afford to be a low testosterone wimp for a couple of months - that would definitely hurt my career. So how do I ensure quick and full recovery?

Is a simple PCT with clomid enough? Should I do an AI now while on cycle (what effect will that have on post cycle recovery, in terms of lower E2 being available when I go on PCT)? Should I add in some HCG or is it really not necessary for this relatively low doses and for a first cycle? Should I continue taking Proviron throughout the PCT? Any other tips for how to recover faster after the cycle? Helpful advice will be much appreciated!
A time machine to go back in time to fix a few of your errors is your best bet, but lets see what we can do.

First and foremost you should always get pharmaceutical grade serms (clomid and nolvadex) before starting a cycle. Too many variables can cause a cycle to end abruptly. You also need to have an ai on hand at all times on cycle, gyno isnt a joke.

2. HCG should be taken the length of the cycle but can be taken at the end, you will need to find that protocol on your own.

3. You seem to be all over the place. Taking var then test then dropping the proviron and not having an ai. Btw 80mgs of var is alot, Id suggest stopping that now.

In conclusion you need to get serms asap reliablerx, alldaychemist will have what you need. Youre running a low dose of test so you might luck out and not get gyno but get an ai anyways. Next time do better planning and come here to lay out a cycle. When you get your serms come back and we will tell you that protocol. Post pct you will need to get bloods drawn to see where your test levels are.

PCT is not that bad for me. I do suffer from low t sides but its not a nightmare like alot of people claim. Just be mindful that its from being suppressed and you will come back, hopefully lol. I feel alot better around week 6, results may vary.
Hey Ozzy, thanks for the response! I actually have Clomid and Aromasin on hand. Besides, I'm well connected, I can get virtually anything within 24 hours. I am just not taking the AI right now because views seem to be varied on this - lots of people say that you don't need an AI when you're only doing 100 mg Test Prop EOD (because you need some estrogen too and because the test dose is just slightly higher than TRT and so on). So this is why I haven't started taking the Aromasin - I would though if any symptoms of gyno show up. Are you saying that taking some Aromasin now during the cycle will help me with recovery once I come out of the cycle?

My main concern was really about how to make the post cycle recovery go as smooth and as quick as possible. So you are saying I should do some HCG at the end of the cycle? Or during PCT?

Good to hear that PCT is not that bad for you. I read some people saying they get extremely emotional and don't want to leave the house. I can't afford that happening to me lol I'd seriously damage my career.