BG pharmaceutical drugs

Wanted to say i got (2) of BG igf vials. Finished just one so far. They are absolutely insane. Vascular AF, ripped, eating like a mofo especially first few hrs after inject I just can’t stop myself from eating or even get full. Love it very impressed. Starting 2nd bottle tomorrow. Been running 50mcg on off days and 80-100mcg on workout days post workout.
Wanted to say i got (2) of BG igf vials. Finished just one so far. They are absolutely insane. Vascular AF, ripped, eating like a mofo especially first few hrs after inject I just can’t stop myself from eating or even get full. Love it very impressed. Starting 2nd bottle tomorrow. Been running 50mcg on off days and 80-100mcg on workout days post workout.
That's awesome to hear! I just received my 4 vials today, i plan on running 100mcg/day split into 2 50mcg doses, one in the morning and another pre-workout. Since you seem to be getting excellent results with them, i'd just like to ask you about your ROA, are you going IM, IV, or Subq?
@BG pharmaceuticals hey bro, what's average shipping time for orders to land in the Midwest USA? Ordered a few weeks ago and they're moving through NYC but jw if it's normal for them to stay in NYC for about a week before moving? Thanks boss. Just worried about seizure but I guess I'll see either way and can't change it if they are lol.
@BG pharmaceuticals hey bro, what's average shipping time for orders to land in the Midwest USA? Ordered a few weeks ago and they're moving through NYC but jw if it's normal for them to stay in NYC for about a week before moving? Thanks boss. Just worried about seizure but I guess I'll see either way and can't change it if they are lol.
Td today to Midwest. 15 days from day ordered. And mine didn’t sit for more than 3 days for sure, coulda been only 2 days, confusing to read shipping history sometimes. 10/10 transaction.
Hi. Yesterday I payed for stuff and after few hours got reminder that I need to pay for same items where already payed. Does any one had same situacion?
Sorry for late reply Ment2B. I go it IM with 29g .5in slin pin . Really anywhere , delts tris pecs . Years ago use to hear about it being out in certain muscle you wanna “bring up” but i think that’s jus jobberish it goes through the whole body so I jus pin it like I do my gh. But personally do the igf jus ince a day cause I believe it’s life is like 24+hrs . I pin my gh twice daily. Once 1-1.5hrs preworkout and again around bed time
@BG pharmaceuticals hey bro, what's average shipping time for orders to land in the Midwest USA? Ordered a few weeks ago and they're moving through NYC but jw if it's normal for them to stay in NYC for about a week before moving? Thanks boss. Just worried about seizure but I guess I'll see either way and can't change it if they are lol.
midwest as well, mine has been sitting in NYC for a week now. My TA on all my orders have been all over the place from 3 weeks being the fastest and 6 weeks the longest. Have never not received an order.
Sorry for late reply Ment2B. I go it IM with 29g .5in slin pin . Really anywhere , delts tris pecs . Years ago use to hear about it being out in certain muscle you wanna “bring up” but i think that’s jus jobberish it goes through the whole body so I jus pin it like I do my gh. But personally do the igf jus ince a day cause I believe it’s life is like 24+hrs . I pin my gh twice daily. Once 1-1.5hrs preworkout and again around bed time
No worries about the reply time Flex22, I'm thankful you bothered to reply at all! Pinned it into my delt PWO today & the pump was just ridiculous!!! Seems to work much better than subq, which i did yesterday.
I will stick with the split dosage though, since I'm using this to recomp/cut, which means that my meals are relatively tiny & i want to get the absolute most out of each of them. I also decided to add a third 50mcg dose post workout inbetween my post workout shake & my final meal of the day, but i will stick to my previous plan for the off days. This should give me precisely 4 weeks of IGF-1 lr3, after which i plan to add in HGH, in order to keep my progreds & replenish my satelite cells before another IGF-1 lr3 blast. So far it's been absolutely mind blowing, been on it for just over 24 hours and im already looking leaner & fuller, this is by far my new favourite compound!


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