BG pharmaceutical drugs

Received my insulin. Packaged well and shipped quick, this was my first experience with you guys but it went smoothly. Thanks
Anyone experience with the Clen?
The clen worked well in my experience. No jittering but I am a big stem user so might be different for you. Had a huge problem with cramps personally and had to have taurine on hand at all times. Thats why I much prefer salbutamol personally.
Anyone experience with the Clen?

The sopharma clen was recently tested by another sponcer and it was spot on dosed correctly I believe the exact numbers were 19.19mcg ..... I have a friend who used and had stocked up on BGs sopharma clen.... He competes and he enjoyed it, dropped weight when he did deploy it towards the end. His girlfriend also used it, she had to start at half a tab cause a whole one gave her the shakes and an increased resting heart rate that she just didn't like. She only ran clen and t3 and totally different girl now physically and mentally.....the clen I got from BG worked well also had the typical sides of I jumped to high to fast with it.... My plan is to try some of the I jectables amino-asylum has they got a super Helios product out now that looks really good for spring and summer time.... And they have a few other blends one or two with Albuterol in them over clen.... I figure that with some quailty generics gh with clean food should be the desired results. Just a matter of prepping my meals ahead of time and stay on the diet plan and not sneaking a cookie or treat in there here and there
The sopharma clen was recently tested by another sponcer and it was spot on dosed correctly I believe the exact numbers were 19.19mcg ..... I have a friend who used and had stocked up on BGs sopharma clen.... He competes and he enjoyed it, dropped weight when he did deploy it towards the end. His girlfriend also used it, she had to start at half a tab cause a whole one gave her the shakes and an increased resting heart rate that she just didn't like. She only ran clen and t3 and totally different girl now physically and mentally.....the clen I got from BG worked well also had the typical sides of I jumped to high to fast with it.... My plan is to try some of the I jectables amino-asylum has they got a super Helios product out now that looks really good for spring and summer time.... And they have a few other blends one or two with Albuterol in them over clen.... I figure that with some quailty generics gh with clean food should be the desired results. Just a matter of prepping my meals ahead of time and stay on the diet plan and not sneaking a cookie or treat in there here and there
Link to tests? Thought it tested twice around 12- 15 mcg.
Seconding thanks to @Turkish Pharmacy! We need to list all the pharma labtests of interest on (which will pay for itself imo), come up with a tagging system that everyone agrees to use to have these show up via search, or agree on pooling them all in a test result thread and not spam that with off-topic discussion. If all that members find via search for Sopharma Clenbuterol are your and my old & underdosed batches and that no longer reflects the newer batches, they may get (stuck with) the wrong impression.

@Millard Can you make the trigger for this warning exclude quoted content? Getting hit with it constantly.
@Millard Can you make the trigger for this warning exclude quoted content? Getting hit with it constantly.
You can tick a box and post anyway.

The whole point of the trigger is, as the message says, to discourage the quoting of images and URL tags for a few reasons.

For example, the URL tags are the most annoying from a moderator standpoint. Active URL tags to ecommerce-enabled websites are generally prohibited but ironically it is really the dozens of members who quote the original violation to tell the OP it is a violation which is most time-consuming to clean up.


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