BG pharmaceutical drugs

Any info of order #9278 ? 10 days have passed and the order has not yet been deposited in the post office. I have been ordering for 2 years and this has never happened.

I honestly don't like this, because I needed the products urgently :(
I paid for my order number 9385 last Friday (September 1st) and the status is always ''on hold''.
2 days ago i received a message with the new bank data but my money from the previous bank transfer has not been refunded to my account.
ok still no movement since aug 29 on order #8940, ordered on the 9th (!!) of august, i think i was patient but this is just not acceptable. after asking mr Bg pharma to ask the shipping company this is the reply i got:
"Well just wait for it, it can be slow sometimes."
well this is fucking nothing, speed is shit, customer support is shit thus reliabilty goes down the drain. this messed up my prep and i still dont see an end to it.
if anyone can recommend any other pharma source that is realiable pls do so cause im done with this shit and as I see plenty of others are having issues too. ive never done such shittalk on any other source as im patient like a fucking mule but treating your customers like this is ridicolous
ok still no movement since aug 29 on order #8940, ordered on the 9th (!!) of august, i think i was patient but this is just not acceptable. after asking mr Bg pharma to ask the shipping company this is the reply i got:
"Well just wait for it, it can be slow sometimes."
well this is fucking nothing, speed is shit, customer support is shit thus reliabilty goes down the drain. this messed up my prep and i still dont see an end to it.
if anyone can recommend any other pharma source that is realiable pls do so cause im done with this shit and as I see plenty of others are having issues too. ive never done such shittalk on any other source as im patient like a fucking mule but treating your customers like this is ridicolous
Tren and prep brain is showing lol
ok still no movement since aug 29 on order #8940, ordered on the 9th (!!) of august, i think i was patient but this is just not acceptable. after asking mr Bg pharma to ask the shipping company this is the reply i got:
"Well just wait for it, it can be slow sometimes."
well this is fucking nothing, speed is shit, customer support is shit thus reliabilty goes down the drain. this messed up my prep and i still dont see an end to it.
if anyone can recommend any other pharma source that is realiable pls do so cause im done with this shit and as I see plenty of others are having issues too. ive never done such shittalk on any other source as im patient like a fucking mule but treating your customers like this is ridicolous
You're right. Lately shipments take too long, when before in less than 10 days you had your order at home. There are other sellers with faster shipping. Many customers will not buy from BG again
Tren and prep brain is showing lol
might be a bit of that lol
but my points are valid
im still not writing him down but he needs a wakeup call if he wants to keep his customers
especially when they are returning and have the will to continue doing business with him
ok still no movement since aug 29 on order #8940, ordered on the 9th (!!) of august, i think i was patient but this is just not acceptable. after asking mr Bg pharma to ask the shipping company this is the reply i got:
"Well just wait for it, it can be slow sometimes."
well this is fucking nothing, speed is shit, customer support is shit thus reliabilty goes down the drain. this messed up my prep and i still dont see an end to it.
if anyone can recommend any other pharma source that is realiable pls do so cause im done with this shit and as I see plenty of others are having issues too. ive never done such shittalk on any other source as im patient like a fucking mule but treating your customers like this is ridicolous
I can't do anything about shipped package. It was shipped on 16th, don't know why it is so slow. Another package sent on the same date is the same status. Packages sent 5-6 days later are already delivered before 2-7 days.

I suggest customers order their gear way before they would actually need it because everything can happen to a package.

If someone really needs his package ASAP he can ask me about express shipping inside Europe, it arrives in 2 days.
might be a bit of that lol
but my points are valid
im still not writing him down but he needs a wakeup call if he wants to keep his customers
especially when they are returning and have the will to continue doing business with him
I get that you are upset but ordering your prep/cutting stuff late and blaming it on the source when in reality it is a problem with the shipping company is really messed up.
I get that you are upset but ordering your prep/cutting stuff late and blaming it on the source when in reality it is a problem with the shipping company is really messed up.
almost a month with EU shipping- is that late? and still dont see the end of it. stuff from china arrives in 3 weeks avrg, come on.
almost a month with EU shipping- is that late? and still dont see the end of it. stuff from china arrives in 3 weeks avrg, come on.
btw the problem im having here rn is shitty customer support. would you be satisfied with the answer i got?
who has the means to inquire at the shipping company about possible problems? me or the one who shipped it?
@ovrdooze I don't know your country but I do think BG is one the best sources in EU. Shipping however is not the fastest and due to the country of origin + cheap shipping I think it takes quite a while. If you need another source to save this prep let me know, I compiled a list of the fastest sources in EU domestic for myself.
@ovrdooze I don't know your country but I do think BG is one the best sources in EU. Shipping however is not the fastest and due to the country of origin + cheap shipping I think it takes quite a while. If you need another source to save this prep let me know, I compiled a list of the fastest sources in EU domestic for myself.
Can you PM me your sources? I would love to know. I love BG, but backups are good to have.
You're right. Lately shipments take too long, when before in less than 10 days you had your order at home. There are other sellers with faster shipping. Many customers will not buy from BG again
Agreed, I quit after my last two purchases. Guy should let buyers know when stuff said to be in stock is actually now oos and delaying their order. But he said he doesn't have time to do that, yet continues to take orders.
I get that you are upset but ordering your prep/cutting stuff late and blaming it on the source when in reality it is a problem with the shipping company is really messed up.

There were stupid delays on plenty of orders including mine. every subsequent email had different reasons of why it was late. I got my package with missing items at the end of it.

His attitude didnt help
ok so basicly almost everybody agrees that the stuff is good, reliable in a sense that in the end of the day (weeks, months..) everybody got what they paid for. Shipping is obviously out of the sellers hand, altough being offered the express shipping first hand and notifying how much time stabdard could actually take would have been nice. Maybe I still would have gone with standard but KNOWING what to expect makes night and day difference and wouldnt have been checking tracking page religiously on a daily basis waiting for a miracle. That fucks your mind up and leads to enraged comments like I did.
Also not giving a shit about your pollitely inquiring customer doesnt help. (Sent my first mail after 3 weeks of waiting, asking nicely and the reply I got is what I consider disrespectful)
taking all this into account and to build good faith and a better relationship, can we get a promise from Mr BG that you will treat us just slightly better with better info? (you could even include a minimal info about these in your automated order confirmation mail)
if you would I will apologize about my roid raged comment, which i'm not proud of but still feel justified and I'm sure it would win back the trust of many old mistreated customers.
I'm away from this guy. His stuff are great. But no more buy from him. Here are many options to get a good gear and fester with respect for costumers
true, the shipping is too slow, it's not so much the shipping itself but the time it takes him from the moment of payment to when he decides to send the products, a week always passes, it's a little too long