BG pharmaceutical drugs

For those that have tried Ozempic: is it worth the high cost? Seeing as things like clen, albuterol, and ephedrine are so cheap is it really worth spending $200 on Ozempic? I'm about to go into a cut so I'm pretty interested in this, anyone run these compounds and prefer Ozempic?
Ozempic is the winner for me, honestly. No shakes or jitters like with clen or eca, just a bit of nausea to start out. And once a week injections sub-q? Sign me up any day of the week. Like others have said on this forum, it literally makes the thought of food sound revolting. If you’re cutting, there’s nothing better IMO.
I have an ozempic pen in the fridge to use soon. I also do intermittent fasting and have a short eating window. All this talk about it reducing actual cravings sounds amazing, I'm guessing you have to experience it first hand as I can't see it working on my cravings!

Once I end up using, I'll be sure to update here, especially for those who also fast.
Ozempic is the winner for me, honestly. No shakes or jitters like with clen or eca, just a bit of nausea to start out. And once a week injections sub-q? Sign me up any day of the week. Like others have said on this forum, it literally makes the thought of food sound revolting. If you’re cutting, there’s nothing better IMO.
Im sold just gotta make sure it wont have a negative effect on me already taking 2iu hgh daily and doing alot of fasting
I have an ozempic pen in the fridge to use soon. I also do intermittent fasting and have a short eating window. All this talk about it reducing actual cravings sounds amazing, I'm guessing you have to experience it first hand as I can't see it working on my cravings!

Once I end up using, I'll be sure to update here, especially for those who also fast.
When are you trying to start it?
I got the news that Rybelsus (semaglutide) 3 mg * 30 just was imported into Bulgaria. The 7 mg and 14 mg doses are still not available though. The price would be around $200.